
The name of Spring is ever fresh and fair;
    Her sound is ever gentle, ever true;
The Spring is like the songbird of the air
    Who sweetly choruses the good, the new.

And we, my dear, have often seen the Spring
    Arrive with promise, blossom, fade and go
To who knows where. The bird turns on her wing
    As if to wave to Spring to end the show.

And we have lived to pass another year,
    To watch in course the Spring and sun decline,
Which makes the coming year to me, my dear,
    The more loved, the more precious Valentine.

The snows melt, the flowers open, the songs
Again begin for us a little-long.


To Rest in You

A fawn is frightened in her bed,
    A sparrow chills in winter’s night;
In life we suffer, in life we dread:
    Your love is full, your touch is light,
    We trust in you to do the right.

Each life will turn throughout its course
    From bad to worse, then good again,
Each hopes the good the stronger force:
    We each will suffer through the pain
    In faith our trust is not in vain.

In all the world of want and need
    I give myself to trust in you;
I cannot know, therefore I plead,
    “Please give me what is best and true”
    I trust, and I shall rest in you.


Michael Curtis has 40 years of experience in architecture, sculpture, and painting. He has taught and lectured at universities, colleges, and museums including The Institute of Classical Architecture, The National Gallery of Art, et cetera. His pictures and statues are housed in over 400 private and public collections including The Library of Congress, The Supreme Court, et alibi; his verse has been published in over 20 journals. Mr. Curtis consults on scholarly, cultural, and artistic projects, currently: Curator, Plinth & Portal; Co-Director, The Anacostia Project; Vice-President, Liberty Fund, D.C.; Lead Designer on the 58 square mile city of AEGEA.

Featured Image: “The Eve of St. Valentine’s Day” by George Smith.

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The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

One Response

  1. Don Kubicki

    I love the simplicity of language and the depth of faith expressed; they compliment each other. If the “you” you are referring to is the one called God, then all pronouns referencing Him ought to be capitalized. I think I will print this and hang it on my refrigerator door.


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