Translations of André Chénier’s Poetry, by Douglas Thornton The Society April 15, 2016 Beauty, Poetry, Translation 1 Comment Born at Constantinople in 1762 of a French father and Greek mother, André Chénier grew up in pre-revolutionary France and studied at Paris. Well-read, and enamored with ancient Greece, he is considered one of the last classicists in verse, and for his sentiment, a precursor to the romantics. He was executed by mistake in the Reign of Terror just two days before the fall of Robespierre. His poems, only two of which appeared during his lifetime, contain the famous Idylles, published 27 years after his death. The Flute Ever tender and touching the moment, When pressing himself the flute to my mouth, Laughing and pulling me close to his breast, He named me his rival and soon to be Master. My stiff and timid lips were shown To breathe an air pure and harmonious, And my young fingers, by his practiced hands, Being raised and lowered a hundred times, Though ever so trying, were taught to close The different holes of the sonorous wood. La Flûte By André Chénier Toujours ce souvenir m’attendrit et me touche, Quand lui-même, appliquant la flûte sur ma bouche, Riant et m’asseyant sur lui, près de son coeur, M’appelant son rival et déjà son vainqueur, Il façonnait ma lèvre inhabile et peu sûre A souffler une haleine harmonieuse et pure; Et ses savantes mains prenaient mes jeunes doigts, Les levaient, les baissaient, recommençaient vingt fois, Leur enseignant ainsi, quoique faibles encore, A fermer tour à tour les trous du buis sonore. The Beloved Tarentina Mourn Kingfisher, most sacred bird, The waters deep, Kingfisher mourn! She had lived, Myrto, the beloved Tarentina! Her ship set sail For the shores of Camarina, Where the wedding-march, with solemn Flutes being led, awaited passage To her lover’s bed. For which day, Within a cedar chest, a key Had locked away her wedding-dress, With all the gold that on her arms The festal hour would adorn; And also were distilled perfumes To scent her golden hair anew. But suddenly, upon the prow, The raging winds with awful sound Smothered her plea unto the stars, And stunned, and yelling to the crew Afar, she fell amongst the waves. Amongst the waves fell the beloved Tarentina and mermaid-like Upon the swells her body rolled! To a jutting rock, from swarming Fish secure, the foaming waters Drew the briny corpse; then high tides, By the western winds being blown, Found this sanctuary on shore And dropped her softly. The thunder Loudly rolled through forest, river, And mountain, and the lightning flashed, While the rain came down upon her. Never knew she her lover’s bed; Her wedding-dress is ever cold; Gold will never adorn her arms; Nor wedding-band her hair console. La Jeune Tarentine By André Chénier Pleurez, doux alcyons! ô vous, oiseaux sacrés, Oiseaux chers à Thétis, doux alcyons, pleurez! Elle a vécu, Myrto, la jeune Tarentine! Un vaisseau la portait aux bords de Camarine: Là, l’hymen, les chansons, les flûtes, lentement Devaient la reconduire au seuil de son amant. Une clef vigilante a, pour cette journée, Dans le cèdre enfermé sa robe d’hyménée, Et l’or dont au festin ses bras seraient parés, Et pour ses blonds cheveux les parfums préparés. Mais, seule sur la proue, invoquant les étoiles, Le vent impétueux qui soufflait dans les voiles L’enveloppe; étonnée et loin des matelots, Elle crie, elle tombe, elle est au sein des flots. Elle est au sein des flots, la jeune Tarentine! Son beau corps a roulé sous la vague marine. Thétis, les yeux en pleurs, dans le creux d’un rocher, Aux monstres dévorants eut soin de le cacher. Par ses ordres bientôt les belles Néréides L’élèvent au-dessus des demeures humides, Le portent au rivage, et dans ce monument L’ont au cap du Zéphyr déposé mollement; Puis de loin, à grands cris appelant leurs compagnes, Et les nymphes des bois, des sources, des montagnes, Toutes, frappant leur sein et traînant un long deuil, Répétèrent, hélas! autour de son cercueil: ‘Hélas! chez ton amant tu n’es point ramenée; Tu n’as point revêtu ta robe d’hyménée; L’or autour de tes bras n’a point serré de noeuds; Les doux parfums n’ont point coulé sur tes cheveux.’ Douglas Thornton is a poet and English teacher living in France. Please visit his blog at Featured Image: “Flute Player” by Judith Jans Leyster NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. One Response Simon July 30, 2024 These are exceptionally fine renderings. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.