
Deceived are we by the state of the skin,
when overly reliant on our eyes.
Of greater concern is what lies within,
under the surface we find the true prize.
A gentle squeeze applied to test the fruit,
we learned the skill at a tender young age.
In relationships we can follow suit,
to avoid inevitable outrage.
Better to leave the unripe on the shelf,
than be fooled by a pleasant appearance.
And never forget to remind oneself,
of the pitfalls of those marked for clearance.



The cardboard sign was folded and tattered,
with a message written in bold blank ink.
His appearance was dirty and battered,
and with each passing car his face would sink.
Probably a scam she thought in her head,
as she searched in her wallet for money.
But her heart was filled with mercy instead,
for her kindness was sweeter than honey.
So what if they consider me a fool?
I’ll be a sucker in his little game.
At least I won’t be considered cruel,
by the One that loves all people the same.


Nicholas Froumis is an optometrist in the Bay Area. He has previously published scientific writing in the American Journal of Ophthalmology and Optometry Times. His poetry is forthcoming in Touch: The Journal of Healing. He lives in San Jose, CA with his wife and daughter.

Featured Image: Still life by Stone Roberts.


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3 Responses

  1. Hayden Bergman

    Yes, “Unripe” is magnificent! It sounds wonderful when I read it aloud, and your command of form is obvious. Those two together with a singular, poignant thought conveyed make it a joy to read. Thank you.


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