Old age recycles the body
An infant once pink turns blue
Nature recalls with rapid speed
To complete life’s circle anew

Fuzzy hairs on baldy top
Steps and thoughts are staid
Alpha becomes Omega
When life’s mean trick is played

Baby teeth are whisked away
Clacking dentures enter in
Waking all night to drink and pee
The child is birthed again

Drooling, burping, napping
Gramps? Or babe in arms?
Gates and door latch always locked
Protect them from all harm

Words all jumbled and garbled
Meds and laxatives to endure
Suckle Mama’s breast milk
Guzzle strawberry Ensure

Feed me. Bathe me. Nurse me.
Nursery? Or Nursing Home?
Confined by bed or playpen
Never to be left alone

Rock-a-bye baby, cradle and all
Grandpa’s rocker might tumble and fall
What’s the difference? Hard to tell
Newborn Heaven? Or geezer Hell?

Daddy pays all the bills
Uncle Sam’s the Papa in the end
Pampers protection for today
Tomorrow? That….Depends!



Lucy Giardiano Cortese is a freelance writer and owner of Lucy’s Lines ‘N Lyrics in Jacksonville, Florida. Her articles are published in Jacksonville Business Journal, AARP, Guideposts, Folio Weekly, Canticle,  Grandparents Day, GRAND, Family Tree and St. Augustine Catholic magazines. Now retired, Lucy has been a teacher, district administrator, school principal and executive director in a career spanning four decades. A lifelong educator, community activist, mother and grandmother, Lucy lives her personal mission statement, “Each One, Teach One.”

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One Response

  1. gm

    I’m a 32 year old man. When I go out in my city of Flushing Queens to walk down the street, I need to have my rubber ball to bounce or I get confused.

    Age is nothing but a number….

    Seeking freedom…. man encumbers himself and ends up an infant in the army of society. Or the arms his loved ones. Is there any difference?

    Seeking liberation… man learns to forbear and enriches longevity and the moment.


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