Hiding My Glee


Hiding my glee, lest my spouse see
the merriment mulling in me.
I’ll deftly deflect our next fight
by delaying my lone delight
that the winner’s my nominee.

Elections won’t topple “Team We”:
To heal the hurt, I’ll hopefully
ponder his political plight
hiding my glee.

Empathy is the proper key
to peace when partners disagree.
Mixed marriages of “left” and “right”
require truces to reunite …
Rather than roil his rage, I’ll be
hiding my glee.



Sociologists will say, “My golly!
Many acquaintances have ended
via the Facebook folly
of being ‘defriended’”!


E. V. “Beth” Wyler grew up in Elmont, NY.  At 43, she obtained her associate’s degree from Bergen Community College.  She and her husband, Richard, share their empty Fair Lawn, NJ nest with 3 cats and a beta fish.  Her oldest daughter is a biomedical engineer and her other two children are SUNY undergraduate students.  E. V. Wyler’s poetry has been published in:  The Storyteller, Feelings of the Heart, WestWard Quarterly, The Pink Chameleon, Nuthouse Magazine, The Rotary Dial, and on the website Poetry Soup.  In addition, 3 accepted poems are pending publication in Vox Poetica.

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