First Prize ($500): James Sale, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
“In Telling This Story” “Obi-Wan Bin Laden RIP” “Imitating Shakespeare’s Sonnet 107”

Second Prize: Lorna Davis, California
“Buyer’s Remorse” “At the Gates of Heaven” “The Garden Guest”

Third Prize: C.B. Anderson, Massachusetts
“Water Music” “Heaven and Nature Sing” “Taqqiya” 

Honorable Mention
Courtney Dowe, Washington, D.C.
“Falun Dafa Hao” “Dear Restless One” “If You’re a Beggar Be a Chooser Too”
Ron L. Hodges, Orange County, California
“Will Power” “Echoes of Antioch” “Go Forth, Graduates!” “Life in China”
Daniel Magdalen, Bucharest, Romania
“The Fall of Atlantis” “Passing through the Woods of Ash” “New Year’s Hopes” 


Prose Prize“A Look at T.S. Eliot Looking at Edgar Allan Poe” by Wilbur Dee Case, Washington State


High School Prize ($100): Gleb Zavlanov, New York City, New York
“To John Keats” “The Terrorists”

Honorable Mention for High School Prize
“Lotus” by Catherine Huang, Deerpark, New York


Hudson Valley New York Poetry Prize ($100): “In the Arms of Saint Nicholas” by Karen Wells, Cragsmoor, New York

Honorable Mention for Hudson Valley New York Poetry Prize
“Mozart’s Whisper” by Robert Phelps, Beacon, New York (to be published later this month)
“Death in the Desert” by Michael Glassman, Newburgh, New York (to be published later this month)


(Note: There were not enough submissions in the translation category, so that prize was canceled)

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

2 Responses

  1. Alan W. Jankowski

    Congrats to all the winners…would be nice if these things posted over on the Facebook page the same time as here, so I could share this over on Facebook…but I guess I can wait…


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