Spring was near
now Spring’s here,
come to waken
all the flowers
and to welcome
April showers.

Spring was near
now Spring’s here.
The grass is green
as green can be
and the blossoms are blooming
in the apple tree.

Spring was near,
now Spring’s here.
A little bird has flown
from Winter’s icy wing
and brings warm greetings on the world,
the little bird is Spring.


Carolyn Clark (Ph.D. Classics), was born in Ithaca, NY and periodically lived in Italy, Switzerland and France. She studied poetry with Archie Ammons and earned a B.A. in Classical Civilization from Cornell; at Brown University, Rhode Island, she completed a Master’s degree in Classics; her doctorate is from Johns Hopkins, Tibullus Illustrated: Lares, Genius and Sacred Landscapes (C.C. Breen, Baltimore, UMI 1998). In addition to individual poems published in various journals, there are collections: a recent poetry chapbook, Mnemosyne: the Long Traverse (Finishing Line Press, 2013), a poetry book Amish Mimesis (2015) and ten new poems in a women’s anthology (Golden Hills Press, 2017). After more than fifteen years of instructing Latin and French either as an adjunct or as teacher in Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland, Dr. Clark now resides in the Finger Lakes region while maintaining her affiliation with The Writer’s Center of Bethesda, leading Mythology for writers workshops (online) and as editor/writing coach.

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