"Near Tintagel Cornwall" by William Trost Richards‘Visiting the Ruins of Tintagel Castle’ and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society April 16, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . Visiting the Ruins of Tintagel Castle I wander through a forest deep __in Cornish countryside And think I see some elves asleep __And giants run to hide. The branches gnarled like magic wands, __Green velvet moss on trees, The ivy cloaks around the ponds, __Soft rocks bejewel the streams. I wander further out to where __The hedges wall the roads; The open hills go rolling there __As on the tongue roll odes. Then smash the ocean hits the land __And pounds upon the coast; I see a battle vast expands __And shakes my earthly post. The Force of Man stands tall and proud __Filled up with stubborn rock, Draped in a grassy battle shroud, __O’er eons, taking stock. The Force of Nature peers right back, __So endless, flat, and deep. An earthquake or a tidal attack __May make Man’s fatal sleep. What’s speckled on the battlefield __Midst stairways, bridges, paths? The people small try not to yield __To war’s long grinding wrath. They’re pushing onward on their way __With virtue in their hearts, Creating beauty every day, __Each waking, playing parts. Gray castle like gray rock outcrops, __Confronting timeless sea, Here, perched upon green mountain top, __King Arthur came to be. . . On the Launch of Cathay au Lait Flush flowers: roses, lilies, orchids on The flowing fabric patterned delicate, Its wearer casts her knowing gaze upon The tea from which rich fragrances emit, Then lifts her crystal eyes with subtlety, Suggesting that you join these splendid folk: In dress as much in mind nobility, Like figures whom grand tales have often spoke. She calls you there to join their teatime spot: A leafy outlook over rolling hills— That view! Familiar yet the name is not, A mem’ry hidden by her dress’s frills. ____She turns and pours something into your tea, ____Says, “Cathay au lait,” and motions to the sea. . . Early Experiences Doing Falun Dafa Meditation I’d like to tell you that it feels serene, But it does not, as all your thoughts in knots Of sweet desires, mean fires, anything but clean, Now tie you down defenseless to that spot. And then a gamut of strange scenarios Like contrived scenes onstage you wish would end Play out before your eyes, which you can’t close… When actors spent, who look like you, descend, Your force of thought has weakened all the knots So that the fetters easily fall off And you float up through waves of glowing dots, Your problems small, your majesty aloft. These last ten seconds of the hour sit Transform a year of mental sludge to grit. . . A Limerick On reading Darwinian Fairytales by David Stove There once was a ninny named Darwin, A scientist but more like a charlatan; He said “Man was made Without Godly aid— Believe then your sins I will pardon!” . . Evan Mantyk teaches history and literature in the Hudson Valley region of New York. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 9 Responses Ruth April 16, 2017 Tintagel Castle was one of the most atmospheric places I visited when I was young, and its memory remains powerfully with me. I enjoyed your poem, recalling the enchantment of the countryside around, and the sparse, wild majesty of the castle ruins themselves. Reply James Sale April 17, 2017 Yes, a wonderful and atmospheric evocation of a magical place; it’s over 20 years since I was there, but this poem brings it back. Marvellous. One can re-imagine Arthur all over again. Next time you are in England, Evan, let me know! The new knights of the new Round Table ought to consort for some adventure! Reply Dona Fox April 16, 2017 The first poem is one of my all time favorites. Thank you, Sir. Reply David Watt April 16, 2017 Thank you Evan, I enjoyed each individual piece. I have never been to Tintagel Castle. Although, on second thought, now I have. Reply Evan April 16, 2017 Thank you, Ruth, Dona, and David, for your kind words. Atmospheric is the perfect word for Tintagel. Reply David Hollywood April 17, 2017 Tintagel is wonderfully evocative and full of heroic imagery allied to a charm for days long over and so your poem does it charming justice allied to a rustic reverence. With regard to your Limerick about Darwin I found it wonderfully constructed and witty and it still brings a smile to my face, albeit I personally respect his gigantic contributions to scientific discovery, and to such an extent that you will hopefully forgive my differing with you in my opinion of him. As for Cathay au Lait it emits simply wonderful mellowing imagery, and which has brought me back to it a couple of times. Reply Christine Tabaka April 18, 2017 Wonderful. Thank you! Reply Joseph Charles MacKenzie April 19, 2017 And here is what is interesting, and perhaps a lesson: The poem which is most densely packed with thought, shall we say the most profound of the selection, is actually the shortest, namely the limerick. It perfectly exposes the arrière-politique of the so-called “Enlightenment,” but also that of any system founded upon the false dogmas of evolutionism, to include Vatican II’s fundamental heresy of the “evolution of doctrine” condemned by Pope St. Pius X, among others. I don’t recall ever reading a finer limerick. Reply Sultana Raza April 25, 2017 Just to mention that one feels like ‘Visiting the Ruins of Tintagel Castle’ of your imagination, as well as the place in your ‘Cathay au lait’. Both are very atmospheric, as stated above by others already. Also nostalgic in a way. ‘Early Experiences Doing Falun Dafa Meditation’ seems to be quite honest and candid. While Limerick makes one smile, I agree with the sentiments echoed there. It’s indeed the ‘most densely packed with thought,’ as stated above by Joseph MacKenzie Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 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Ruth April 16, 2017 Tintagel Castle was one of the most atmospheric places I visited when I was young, and its memory remains powerfully with me. I enjoyed your poem, recalling the enchantment of the countryside around, and the sparse, wild majesty of the castle ruins themselves. Reply
James Sale April 17, 2017 Yes, a wonderful and atmospheric evocation of a magical place; it’s over 20 years since I was there, but this poem brings it back. Marvellous. One can re-imagine Arthur all over again. Next time you are in England, Evan, let me know! The new knights of the new Round Table ought to consort for some adventure! Reply
David Watt April 16, 2017 Thank you Evan, I enjoyed each individual piece. I have never been to Tintagel Castle. Although, on second thought, now I have. Reply
Evan April 16, 2017 Thank you, Ruth, Dona, and David, for your kind words. Atmospheric is the perfect word for Tintagel. Reply
David Hollywood April 17, 2017 Tintagel is wonderfully evocative and full of heroic imagery allied to a charm for days long over and so your poem does it charming justice allied to a rustic reverence. With regard to your Limerick about Darwin I found it wonderfully constructed and witty and it still brings a smile to my face, albeit I personally respect his gigantic contributions to scientific discovery, and to such an extent that you will hopefully forgive my differing with you in my opinion of him. As for Cathay au Lait it emits simply wonderful mellowing imagery, and which has brought me back to it a couple of times. Reply
Joseph Charles MacKenzie April 19, 2017 And here is what is interesting, and perhaps a lesson: The poem which is most densely packed with thought, shall we say the most profound of the selection, is actually the shortest, namely the limerick. It perfectly exposes the arrière-politique of the so-called “Enlightenment,” but also that of any system founded upon the false dogmas of evolutionism, to include Vatican II’s fundamental heresy of the “evolution of doctrine” condemned by Pope St. Pius X, among others. I don’t recall ever reading a finer limerick. Reply
Sultana Raza April 25, 2017 Just to mention that one feels like ‘Visiting the Ruins of Tintagel Castle’ of your imagination, as well as the place in your ‘Cathay au lait’. Both are very atmospheric, as stated above by others already. Also nostalgic in a way. ‘Early Experiences Doing Falun Dafa Meditation’ seems to be quite honest and candid. While Limerick makes one smile, I agree with the sentiments echoed there. It’s indeed the ‘most densely packed with thought,’ as stated above by Joseph MacKenzie Reply