We are pleased to announce the release of a new publication from The Society of Classical Poets titled How to Write Classical Poetry, which features a guide to common poetry forms, brief essays on the relevance of poetry today to the general (non-poet) public, and analysis of great classical poems of the past. This publication is perfect for teachers, new poets, and seasoned bards looking for inspiration. If you are interested in receiving a sample preview featuring excerpts of the book, email submissions@classicalpoets.org. Click here to purchase the book.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

7 Responses

  1. James Sale

    Congratulations on this big achievement – I shall be ordering it shortly – and look forward to reading it.

  2. David Hollywood

    Marvelous, and I hope many aspiring poets have the ambition to read it.

  3. Joseph Charles MacKenzie

    This is a grand and lovely affair. Having purchased the Society’s annual journal, I am able to assure everyone that SCP publications are always superb, wonderfully accessible, professional looking productions. There are many young poets with little experience for whom this would serve as an excellent and timeless reference—not to mention older poets new to the arcanes of traditional versification. I speak for many seasoned poets in recommending “How To Write Classical Poetry” to high school and college English faculty as a standard preparation for surveys of English poetry, as well creative writing courses, in their curricula.

  4. Neal

    Excellence extended. Uncommon.

    “We felt sorry for those who didn’t appreciate Sewanee”…quote from an early student at the school

  5. Onyenankeya Christopher

    how can I be officially a member of the society of classical poets.


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