I could but of thy outward parts compose
A symphony of sensuality,
Thy subtler habits then to serve as notes,
Thy carvéd edges dictating the key.
Then would I (perhaps) hold means tangible
To prove thy beauty, past all shadowed doubt.
Unlike base glass, that offers but one angle,
Pure melody well-rounded case would mount.
O, that I had the skill to orchestrate
A tune that could thy stunning shape give justice;
From me such heavenly songs would emanate
Could turn all insecurity to bliss.
___Alas! I am endowed but with my pen;
___Thy doubts I must with meager words contend.


Hailing from Princeton, NJ, Edward Hoke is a third year student studying theatre at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. He has studied acting both at the American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco and at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. This is his first publication of any kind for poetry. 

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5 Responses

  1. Bruce Edward Wren

    Now this is good! Shakespearean to the core, but with that touch of modernity that makes it relevant! Northwestern… good place to be!


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