Where have the roses gone from my garden?
Look how those left freeze in cold winter wind;
Nothing I can do nor ask for pardon
To save the lovely petals as they’re thinned.
Here in the kitchen I gaze in dismay,
Looking at the sky with kind entreaty;
Hoping snowflakes will not fall on this day
Not till I’ve picked these roses’ beauty.
But soon the snowflakes will come, I know;
And marigold of bright yellow and pink
Will shiver and go to sleep in the snow;
It matters not how I feel; what I think.
When Nature brings forth all its nuisances,
Our roses must yield up their fragrances.
Leonard Dabydeen is author of Watching You, A Collection of Tetractys Poems , Xlibris Publication(2012); Searching for You, A Collection of Tetractys and Fibonacci Poems, Xlibris Publication (2015)
My dear Leonard Dabydeen, what a beautiful sonnet! Great imagery, clear diction and lovely wordplay! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Sathya for your appreciative and positive comment.
Lovely Sonnet, Leonard Dabydeen, and beautifully constructed. Remeniscent of so many summer gardens and winter snows in a delicate balance of seasons.
Thank you for the read/comment, Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi. Very positive. Encouraging.
Melancholy and lovely. Thank you.