In another lifetime
I was William Blake
When I saw his work
That was my take

He wrote about love
And the human heart
I thought I was him
Right from the start

He wrote about London
Tiger burning bright
His influence looms
In whatever I write

He wrote about life
The human abstract
I hope I was him
I hope it is fact

I flatter myself
To think I was him
Deep down I know
The chances are slim

His mystical presence
Burns like a fire
To be like him
Is to what I aspire


After fifty thousand miles and five years as a hitchhiker, living on the road and streets in towns and cities across America, David Paul Behrens followed with a career as an over the road dispatcher in the trucking industry. He is now retired and living in La Verne, California. His website is

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3 Responses

  1. David Paul Behrens

    Thank you for your kind comments, Joe. To see more go to
    (At the bottom of each page, click on “older posts.”)

  2. Wendy Bourke

    Wonderful piece. For me, it conjures forth that poetic awakening – that stirring, when we come across a poet whose words resonate within us … THAT connection; THAT ‘mystical presence’. Loved this!


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