About the Lady Godiva and her famed naked ride through Coventry

Once in the town of Coventry,
Leofric Earl had held decree;
Too great the tax that he appealed,
Greater than his folk could yield.

They had endured their master’s needs,
None but one spake ‘gainst misdeeds;
His dearest wife, a gift from God,
Never could his edict laud.

Of angels mien she was akin,
Godiva her name had been.
Hard-pressed was she to make amends,
Pained by gloom that care oft lends.

She bade her husband to relieve
That which caused his folk to grieve;
His stubborn heart would not subside,
Lest disrobed ‘cross town she ride.

Such terms the Countess did dismay,
Though her word she’d not betray.
She had her heart set to the deed,
None her will could then impede.

The Lady had her orders set,
In her mind dwelled no regret.
Her breasts were hid, her back was bare,
None did dare affix a stare.

Unveiled to all, so weak and stripped,
Modestly the reins she gripped,
And blushed as red as sundown’s blaze,
Spoke no words nor sought delays.

There rode the maiden, shamef’lly bare,
Clad in naught but hide and hair;
No jewel bedecked her crown or ears,
Dressed she was not ‘mongst her peers.

Like vibrant fire of autumn leaves
Burned her grace and hair in weaves;
Her wish for solitude was heard,
None would glance or hence be stirred.

But one who lustful thoughts consumed,
Hastily invoked his doom.
The man who looked was then struck dumb;
Blind was he, that peeping Tom!

From humble mount she did descend;
Calm at last, her ride would end.
She had her husband’s ills repaid,
Vows to feats she thence had laid.

An honest man the Earl was,
As he swore, he’d mend the laws;
Of praise his wife was not without,
In her oaths there was no doubt.


David E. Müller (b. 1997) is a German writer and anthropology student. Being inspired by the legacy of Renaissance men and multi-talented masters of the past, he seeks to mould himself into a polymath in the modern age. An essayist that publishes frequently on his website “A Polymath’s Study“, he also continues to work on the completion of more books and related works. Aside from various genres of literary writing, his endeavours are also within visual arts, music, film, and scholarly pursuits. He currently lives in the United States, where he attends university.

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7 Responses

  1. James A. Tweedie

    David, If you are in fact from Germany and English is your second language then I doubly commend you for your spirited use of colloquial idiom, condensed grammar and creative spelling to maintain the meter and keep the story line flowing. A fine retelling of a memorable, mythic tale.

    • David E. Müller

      Thank you very much for all your remarks James. While English is indeed not my first language, you’re much too kind in regards to my diction, since I have resided in the United States for some sixteen years. No doubt lessening some of the merit, I presume. Nevertheless, I found your comments heart-warming and reassuring and thank you wholeheartedly for them again. All my best!

  2. E. V. "Beth" Wyler

    Delightful! You have a beautiful, poetic voice.

    E. V. “Beth” Wyler

  3. Paul A. Freeman

    Just seen and read this, David, and was doubly interested because I’ve just submitted a piece on the same subject. People can become so side-tracked by the idea of a naked woman on a horse that the historical and political backdrop get lost.

    You’ve brought everything together and to life in your poem. Great stuff.


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