The Society of Classical Poets is reviving poetry with rhyme and meter and the response has been widespread and tremendous. Since the Society was founded in 2012, we have grown from a daily blog with weekly posts to a major non-profit organization publishing the highest quality poetry on a daily basis, as well as insightful essays, reviews, and the most exquisite art. People have been waiting for the return of real poetry, poetry that has clear thinking, discipline in form, and virtue in spirit, and now it has arrived.

On this joyous and eventful April 1, we are pleased to announce the release of our Journal Vol. 6. A list of poets and artists whose work is featured is below. The journal can be purchased online here.

If you are on the list below, you are eligible to receive a free electronic copy of the Journal Vol. 6. Please email Kristina Pentchoukova at [email protected] for a PDF. You are free to share it with friends and family, but we ask that you do not post the file publicly on the internet.

Featured Poets

Anderson, C.B.
Bauer, Charles
Behrens, David Paul
Bitters, J.J.
Blanchard, Jane
Bourke, Wendy
Britt, Carly
Chapman, Con
Chivers, Aidan
Cook, Sally
Cuccio, Christine Ann
Curtis, Michael
Davis, Lorna
Dilks, Zachary
Doherty, Mark A.
Downs, Morgan
Elster, Martin
Epps, Peter G.
Flavin, Francis
Foreman, Amy
Fuller, Annabelle
Galef, Daniel
Garth, Kristin
Gilliland, Sam
Gold, S. David
Gosselin, David Bellemare
Grein, Dusty
Griminger Blanke, Heidi
Harris, J. Simon
Hart, Jack
Hayes, Ted
Hege, Jordan
Hetherington, Nicky
Hodges, Ron L.
Hollywood, David
Klenetsky, Wendy Lee
Koon, Craig Daniel
LeKane-Yentumi, Shari Jo
Libby, Father Richard
MacKenzie, Joseph Charles
Magdalen, Daniel
Mantyk, Evan
Margolis, David
McGinness, Bob
McGrath, Reid
Mortensen, Arthur
Narayana, Sathya
Nicola, James B.
Philipp, Joshua
Phillips, Connie
Ream, Alexander King
Red Hawk
Robin, Damian
Rodriguez, Theresa
Ruleman, William
Sale, James
Salemi, Joseph S.
Sarangi, Satyananda
Schmidt, Thomas
Sedia, Adam (b. 1984)
Shook, Don
Skultety, Teri
Smallwood, Carol
Staas, Beth
Tabaka, Ann Christine
Tartoni, Annie Acho
Tessitore, Joe
Thompson, G.M.H.
Thornton, Douglas
Tweedie, James A.
Watt, David
Whidden, Phillip
Wise, Bruce Dale (BDW)
Zhou, Sharon
Zhu, Wandi


Featured Artists

Bain, Anna Rose
Gussin, Clark
Levin, Steven J.
Pfeiffer, Jacob A.
Velázquez, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y
Waterhouse, John William
Whipple, Katie G.
Yuan, Li

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

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13 Responses

  1. Sally Cook

    Thanks for including me in what looks to be a rich display of poetry and art.

  2. Joseph Charles MacKenzie

    The Society of Classical Poets Journal is one of the highlights of the literary season.

  3. Sathyanarayana

    It’s a great honour finding a place among the finest of poets. Thank you very much Sirs.

  4. Leonard Dabydeen

    CONGRATS! TO ALL the poets of excellence who are listed on TS Journal, Vol. 6. Special Congrats to my friend, Sathyanarayana. Great!!

  5. David Hollywood

    Many thanks for my inclusion alongside so many noteworthy and wonderful poets and to all of whom I also send my congratulations.

  6. David Watt

    To be included in the Society’s Journal in company with poets of distinction is a great honor.

  7. Fr. Richard Libby

    I, too, am grateful to the Society, and honored to be included among so many talented poets.

  8. Satyananda Sarangi

    It is really an honour to be sharing space with all the heavyweights in this volume of the journal. Hearty congratulations to everyone.


  9. James Sale

    I now have my physical copy – it arrived Sunday, courtesy of Amazon! And it is a wonderful collection: the work of the poets of the SOCP goes from strength to strength. Evan and his team deserve our profound gratitude for what they are accomplishing with this work. I followed up a link from Evan to the ‘poetry in your pocket’ event and the kind of poetry which I found thereabouts made me realise that there is as much dreadful twaddle posing as poetry in the USA as there is in England. O for a Muse of fire!

  10. Lorna Davis

    I have my copy from Amazon now, too, and it’s beautiful. I’m honored to have been included. Thank you, Evan, and the staff of SCP. You’ve really created something special here.

  11. Alexander K Ream Jr

    I’ve been remiss. Tomorrow’s payday and I’m ordering. Hate that Evan – my delay, my loss.


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