This universe of ours will end
As we then return to the source.
No more wounds to tend or to mend,
As the source will chart a new course.

When all the sands of time run out
And existence must start anew,
Our souls will be out and about,
To skip through a new morning dew.


After fifty thousand miles and five years as a hitchhiker, living on the road and streets in towns and cities across America, David Paul Behrens followed with a career as an over the road dispatcher in the trucking industry. He is now retired and living in La Verne, California. His website is

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14 Responses

  1. Joe Tessitore

    Well done, David Paul!

    Forgive me if I’ve mentioned it before, but I have a strong bias for your work – I was an over the road trucker myself for a while and loved every minute of it, except for having to use the showers at truck stops!

  2. Kim Cherub


    What do your friends call you? I see Joe called you David Paul.

    I like your poem’s spirit and theme. For the last line, this occurred to me:

    To skip through a new morning’s dew.

    To skip through “a” dew sounds a bit odd. Another possible solution would be “the morning dew.”

    Oops, is my grammar teacher slip showing?

    • Dave

      I understand and appreciate your suggestion, but I think either way is acceptable, and I believe I will stick with mine, at least until I give it more thought.

      Thank you for your comments.

      My friends call me Dave.

  3. David Paul Behrens

    Okay, Kim, I gave it some more thought (as opposed to forethought.)

    The morning dew, or morning’s dew, would refer to a preexisting condition or situation which we already have knowledge about; whereas “a new morning dew” is a metaphor, representing something of which we have no comprehension, existing in the infinite future.

    I borrowed the term “Morning Dew” from a folk song of the same name, written in 1961 by Canadian singer-songwriter Bonnie Dobson. The song is about a conversation between two individuals, following a nuclear war.
    The following is the first verse of that song:

    Walk me out in the morning dew, my honey
    Walk me out in the morning dew today
    Can’t walk you out in the morning dew, my honey
    I can’t walk you out in the morning dew today

    • Kim Cherub

      Dave, I don’t have a problem with dew being a metaphor. I just think the article “a” doesn’t work with the noun “down.” We can say “I skipped through a puddle” but not “I skipped through a rain.” Dobson used “the” rather than “a” and to me that sounds better. But it’s your poem and my suggestion can be easily ignored if you don’t agree.


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