"Sir Walter Scott" by Sir William Allan‘Decay of the Literary Sense’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society October 1, 2018 Culture, Humor, Poetry 26 Comments —from A Gallery of Ethopaths* For those of us who cherish text, There’s anguish in what I’ll say next. The world of letters, by tradition, Was one of grace, style, erudition— A shrine to language at its best, A temple of the precious blest Who had achieved the very heights Of glory in their verbal flights. All that’s gone, like faded dreams; There’s no one left today who seems To give a damn for perfect craft. Professors now are dull and daft Impostors who refuse to judge Between fine work and worthless sludge. If you rate books by wit and style It’s sure to rouse your colleagues’ bile; They’ll fret and grow antagonistic, Say your approach is “belletristic,” And hence not suited to a college Which deals in abstract lit-crit’s knowledge. If you read books and love them madly Professors take that very badly. They say it’s quaint and amateurish And to persist in it is boorish. Professionals just use the text To mirror theory, which reflects All that you need to know when reading— Love for great works shows lack of breeding And it’s discouraged as a rule In those who go to graduate school. As a result, our English teachers Display these most debased of features: They have no sense of skill and wit, Consider all aesthetics shit, Take no delight in humane letters And can’t tell bad stuff from the better. Artistic worth takes second place To gender, class, religion, race, Or what the faculty define As the current Party Line. Writers are judged by whether they Had something “positive” to say Advancing a leftish, liberal cause— Those who did not get scant applause. Authors are ranked, not by real merit, But what the prof can find and ferret Out about how they were enlightened, Whether their consciousness was heightened, Whether they’re Tory or progressive, Stolidly bourgeois, or transgressive, Whether they worked for women’s rights Or raised their voice against social blights. Writers whose work can pass this muster Have reputations with new lustre. Others are judged to be deficient— Their “social sense” was insufficient, Or they endure receptions icy Because their politics were dicey. Pound, Eliot, and Butler Yeats (By all sane standards, solid greats) Are only taught with cautious warning Laced with prim, high-minded scorning Because these men all said or wrote Things that get a liberal’s goat. Some others are in quarantine Like Byron, Kipling, Scott, Céline— Most academics can’t endure Their viewpoints, which they deem “impure.” Professors drop these real achievers For worthless, third-rate, trendy screevers Who now, because of sex and color, Are hailed as “major,” though they’re duller Than grey paint peeled off wooden pilings, And all alike as iron filings. You can dismiss, without ado, Bell Hooks, Maya Angelou, Jamaica Kincaid, Audre Lorde, And all the others in the horde Of hyped-up, bogus reputations. They are just media creations Designed to tip the canon’s scales Against the hated dead white males. The literary sense has died And we’re left with the putrefied Golems from miasmic mists Who fill up college reading lists. *Poet’s Note: A Gallery of Ethopaths is an epic-length satire, now coming to completion, and being readied for full publication. Over thirty sections of it have already been published in various journals. The meaning of the word ethopathy can be understood from my article on this coinage at aman.members.sonic.net/salemi.html Joseph S. Salemi has published five books of poetry, and his poems, translations and scholarly articles have appeared in over one hundred publications world-wide. He is the editor of the literary magazine Trinacria. He teaches in the Department of Humanities at New York University and in the Department of Classical Languages at Hunter College. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 26 Responses E. V. October 1, 2018 Good morning, Joseph. For what my humble opinion is worth, I truly enjoyed reading, “Decay of Literary Sense”. (Even though I’m probably an “offender”, I agree with your point of view and am doing my best to become reformed.) Do you realize that you are, indeed, teaching by example? (The poem’s beat is helping poets like myself learn about meter.) Could you either confirm or correct me: Was this written in iambic tetrameter. If not, please name the meter. Thank you. Reply Joseph S. Salemi October 1, 2018 Yes, it is iambic tetrameter. But keep in mind that in all iambic verse forms, there is an occasional tendency for the first word to be trochaic, thus creating a choriambic foot in the beginning of the line. Reply E. V. October 1, 2018 Thank you. Is there any particular textbook that you highly recommend? Joseph S. Salemi October 1, 2018 There are so many worthy books on poetic art, many of them excellent. Paul Fussell’s book “Poetic Form and Poetic Meter” is wonderful, as is Babette Deutsch’s handbook. Robert Beum and Karl Shapiro wrote a fine textbook, which is still in print, I believe. Lewis Turco has a more recent book, but the title escapes me at this moment. Reply E. V. October 1, 2018 Thank you. I’ll look into it with Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Reply Joseph Tessitore October 1, 2018 Bravo, Dr. Salemi! Right on the money and as timely as can be! Reply CB October 1, 2018 In sadness and depression I ask “What murderous act is next?” Forsooth it has already arrived and the youth call it “text”. TMI, WTH, IDK, words reduced to nothing I look upon our literary future in fear and loathing. (pretty poor reply, but your poem makes an all too true statement) Reply Joseph Charles MacKenzie October 1, 2018 In a world where poetry has become the eunuch of the left, this poem is very much needed. Also needed: a satire on the vapid pseudo-formalism of greeting-card sentimentalists and neoromantics—the other side of illiterate liberalism’s wooden nickle. Reply James A. Tweedie October 1, 2018 Past schoolhouses . . . Take it slow . . . Let the little . . . Shavers grow . . . Burma Shave Heck, even Burma Shave used meter and rhyme . . . and to good effect, too! PS: We can and should do better! Well said, Joseph (both of you!) Reply Michael Dashiell October 1, 2018 Excellent thinking and helpful enlightenment. I published a Preface in Contemporary Romantic Poetry. It’s written in Byron’s trademark ottava rima thats a few pages long. In this preface I vitally attack the complacent and century old reign of modernism especially in poetry. Though I’m against old-fashioned approaches to poetry, I think formal verse can be as fresh and relevant as any named modern kind. The editors of contemporary poetry reviews all seem to think alike, like the same person duplicated a thousand times. They seem only interested in language based free verse poetry that’s either self-ingulgent or bizarre. It shows the remaining scraps of what modernism can achieve. Theme and content are trivialized here. The universe is vast and rich. It still has many unused topics. It’s time for these editors and poets to break out of their narrow closet and recognize all that awaits. Reply David Paul Behrens October 1, 2018 Thank you for this poem and for the valuable information regarding poetry textbooks. Reply Mark Stone October 1, 2018 Dr. Salemi, Hello. I have seven comments. 1. The content is phenomenal. 2. I suggest multiple stanzas, since I am overwhelmed by the size of the one stanza, plus it’s hard to identify a particular line in order to critique it. 3. Using the s*** word is not to my old-fashioned taste. 4. In the fifth line from the bottom, I would put a comma after “hated,” since you have a series of adjectives there. 5. Reading through the poem, I see numerous places where I think the flow of the poem would improve if you start the second line of the couplet (or both lines of the couplet) with what I believe is called a headless iamb (I don’t know all the terminology yet). For example (for others who may be reading this comment), you do that in these couplets: Or what the faculty define As the current Party Line. Are only taught with cautious warning Laced with prim, high-minded scorning There are certain one-syllable words that, when a line begins with them, I naturally want to stress that syllable, and then follow it with three iambs (in the iambic tetrameter). Examples include “and,” “as,” “if,” “but,” and certain verbs that you would normally give a punch to, such as “laced” in the example above. So I went through the poem and found eight couplets that, in my humble opinion, might benefit from such a change. Here they are, as they might be revised: The world of letters, by tradition Modeled grace, style, erudition They’ll fret and grow antagonistic, Say your style is “belletristic” Consequently, English teachers Show these most debased of features Advancing a progressive cause— Those who can’t get scant applause. Authors are ranked not by merit, But by what the prof can ferret Whether Tory or progressive, Stolid bourgeois or transgressive Of hyped-up, bogus reputations. They are media creations. The literary sense has died And we’re left with putrefied Just my two cents worth. 6. Notwithstanding my comments, it is a wonderful poem and I like it a lot. 7. Since E.V. asked about books on meter, I will mention that I learned a lot by reading “Writing Metrical Poetry” by William Baer. Reply E. V. October 1, 2018 Thanks. I’m keeping a list of books. Reply Joseph S. Salemi October 1, 2018 Thank you all for your kind comments. Reply James A. Tweedie October 1, 2018 Mr, MacKenzie has made a request for someone to take a poke at the “vapid pseudo-formalism of greeting-card sentimentalists and neoromantics.” I have accepted his challenge and dedicate this illustration of the sad state of contemporary poetry to Mr. Salemi. Here is my version of what is all too often found in greeting cards these days: I know you have been gone for only a few days but I want you to know how much I miss you and that I am counting the hours until we can be together again. And here, in a more traditional poetic form (iambic tetrameter), is what these “vapid” words really mean: When I look in the mirror my reflection is all that I see. My nose, my mouth, each ear and eye reflect self-centered empathy. I suffer from the absence of the one I miss, who’s gone away. But it is me, the one I love, the one I care for every day, whose wants and needs are not being met. Depressed, beset with ennui, it’s all unfair, I’m so upset. It isn’t you at all, you see, It’s obvious, I have no doubt, It’s all as clear as clear can be. The one I really care about . . . is me. Reply Joseph Charles MacKenzie October 1, 2018 Ha, ha, ha! This couldn’t be more on target, Mr. Tweedie! Reply Steve Shaffer October 2, 2018 Nice! For a similar “meta analysis” of Boy-band songs, I recommend: “Title of the Song” by Da Vinci’s Notebook: https://youtu.be/734wnHnnNR4 Reply C.B. Anderson October 1, 2018 What all of you who commented should understand is that Joe Salemi considered every one of your comments before you made them. Although his verse might not always be completely perfect, his vision is panoptic. As an editor, he has suggested revisions in my submissions on more than one occasion, and I always found him to be on point. Though this opinion might seem to be ad verecundiam, the proof is, without exception, in the pudding. Reply David Watt October 2, 2018 Joseph, you stylishly focus attention on the decay of the literate sense. In reading your poem I recall recent a particular instance of what I may term ‘modern speech.’ For example, young shop assistants in Australia now tell all exiting customers to ‘Have a good one.’ I assume ‘one’ refers to the word ‘day.’ Anyway, my point is that speech, language, and literacy skills are declining hand in hand. As you have described, lack of regard for literary skills, and traditional form reflect adversely across society in general. Reply Joseph Charles MacKenzie October 2, 2018 What are the principles by which language and literacy will be rectified? Reply David Watt October 2, 2018 My ‘literary sense’ slipped up in the comment above. The sentence should have commenced with: “In reading your poem I recall a particular instance…” Reply Joseph S. Salemi October 2, 2018 What you describe as happening in Australia is also occurring on a wide scale in America, and I assume in the rest of the Western world. I am amazed at the low level of verbal ability in my students, many of whom simply cannot utter a complete sentence. I don’t blame them — I blame the collapse of intelligent pedagogy in the lower grades. I have students from Nigeria and the Punjab who write better English than most American undergraduates. Reply Joseph Charles MacKenzie October 2, 2018 The word is the terminus of the thought. Language is in decline because thought is in decline. If thought does not aspire to its proper object, language won’t. Reply Joseph S. Salemi October 2, 2018 Amen to that. Even the modernist Ezra Pound came to recognize that truth. Steve Shaffer October 2, 2018 Adding my compliments, Joseph. I can’t add anything to the erudite comments above. For those who are a fan of this theme, and trying not to be /too/ self-serving, consider my poem “The Day the Poetry Died” published in these fine pages last March: http://classicalpoets.org/the-day-the-poetry-died-and-other-poetry-by-steven-shaffer/ Reply Sally Cook October 2, 2018 Dear Dr. Salemi – Like so many other things of this world, poetry is a growing thing. In full bloom, it flourishes and inspires with its beauty and grace. The same is true of language itself, and so much else. Think of painting, music – all of the arts. Government, society, Even lesser and more specific things – field grass, waves, fashion, cuisine – have rhythm; advance and recede according to current modes. A simple seed, actual or metaphoric, blows on the wind to settle in and produce fresh versions of ageless ideas. That is why I have hope. I’m waiting for the inevitable end of electronic communication – that time when it becomes so cumbersome and top heavy that it falls on and crushes itself, and we are again free of its constraints. . Your poetry, as always, is solidly grounded, with strong roots; you know more than anyone, it seems. Please share more of your ethopathic opinions. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
E. V. October 1, 2018 Good morning, Joseph. For what my humble opinion is worth, I truly enjoyed reading, “Decay of Literary Sense”. (Even though I’m probably an “offender”, I agree with your point of view and am doing my best to become reformed.) Do you realize that you are, indeed, teaching by example? (The poem’s beat is helping poets like myself learn about meter.) Could you either confirm or correct me: Was this written in iambic tetrameter. If not, please name the meter. Thank you. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi October 1, 2018 Yes, it is iambic tetrameter. But keep in mind that in all iambic verse forms, there is an occasional tendency for the first word to be trochaic, thus creating a choriambic foot in the beginning of the line. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi October 1, 2018 There are so many worthy books on poetic art, many of them excellent. Paul Fussell’s book “Poetic Form and Poetic Meter” is wonderful, as is Babette Deutsch’s handbook. Robert Beum and Karl Shapiro wrote a fine textbook, which is still in print, I believe. Lewis Turco has a more recent book, but the title escapes me at this moment. Reply
Joseph Tessitore October 1, 2018 Bravo, Dr. Salemi! Right on the money and as timely as can be! Reply
CB October 1, 2018 In sadness and depression I ask “What murderous act is next?” Forsooth it has already arrived and the youth call it “text”. TMI, WTH, IDK, words reduced to nothing I look upon our literary future in fear and loathing. (pretty poor reply, but your poem makes an all too true statement) Reply
Joseph Charles MacKenzie October 1, 2018 In a world where poetry has become the eunuch of the left, this poem is very much needed. Also needed: a satire on the vapid pseudo-formalism of greeting-card sentimentalists and neoromantics—the other side of illiterate liberalism’s wooden nickle. Reply
James A. Tweedie October 1, 2018 Past schoolhouses . . . Take it slow . . . Let the little . . . Shavers grow . . . Burma Shave Heck, even Burma Shave used meter and rhyme . . . and to good effect, too! PS: We can and should do better! Well said, Joseph (both of you!) Reply
Michael Dashiell October 1, 2018 Excellent thinking and helpful enlightenment. I published a Preface in Contemporary Romantic Poetry. It’s written in Byron’s trademark ottava rima thats a few pages long. In this preface I vitally attack the complacent and century old reign of modernism especially in poetry. Though I’m against old-fashioned approaches to poetry, I think formal verse can be as fresh and relevant as any named modern kind. The editors of contemporary poetry reviews all seem to think alike, like the same person duplicated a thousand times. They seem only interested in language based free verse poetry that’s either self-ingulgent or bizarre. It shows the remaining scraps of what modernism can achieve. Theme and content are trivialized here. The universe is vast and rich. It still has many unused topics. It’s time for these editors and poets to break out of their narrow closet and recognize all that awaits. Reply
David Paul Behrens October 1, 2018 Thank you for this poem and for the valuable information regarding poetry textbooks. Reply
Mark Stone October 1, 2018 Dr. Salemi, Hello. I have seven comments. 1. The content is phenomenal. 2. I suggest multiple stanzas, since I am overwhelmed by the size of the one stanza, plus it’s hard to identify a particular line in order to critique it. 3. Using the s*** word is not to my old-fashioned taste. 4. In the fifth line from the bottom, I would put a comma after “hated,” since you have a series of adjectives there. 5. Reading through the poem, I see numerous places where I think the flow of the poem would improve if you start the second line of the couplet (or both lines of the couplet) with what I believe is called a headless iamb (I don’t know all the terminology yet). For example (for others who may be reading this comment), you do that in these couplets: Or what the faculty define As the current Party Line. Are only taught with cautious warning Laced with prim, high-minded scorning There are certain one-syllable words that, when a line begins with them, I naturally want to stress that syllable, and then follow it with three iambs (in the iambic tetrameter). Examples include “and,” “as,” “if,” “but,” and certain verbs that you would normally give a punch to, such as “laced” in the example above. So I went through the poem and found eight couplets that, in my humble opinion, might benefit from such a change. Here they are, as they might be revised: The world of letters, by tradition Modeled grace, style, erudition They’ll fret and grow antagonistic, Say your style is “belletristic” Consequently, English teachers Show these most debased of features Advancing a progressive cause— Those who can’t get scant applause. Authors are ranked not by merit, But by what the prof can ferret Whether Tory or progressive, Stolid bourgeois or transgressive Of hyped-up, bogus reputations. They are media creations. The literary sense has died And we’re left with putrefied Just my two cents worth. 6. Notwithstanding my comments, it is a wonderful poem and I like it a lot. 7. Since E.V. asked about books on meter, I will mention that I learned a lot by reading “Writing Metrical Poetry” by William Baer. Reply
James A. Tweedie October 1, 2018 Mr, MacKenzie has made a request for someone to take a poke at the “vapid pseudo-formalism of greeting-card sentimentalists and neoromantics.” I have accepted his challenge and dedicate this illustration of the sad state of contemporary poetry to Mr. Salemi. Here is my version of what is all too often found in greeting cards these days: I know you have been gone for only a few days but I want you to know how much I miss you and that I am counting the hours until we can be together again. And here, in a more traditional poetic form (iambic tetrameter), is what these “vapid” words really mean: When I look in the mirror my reflection is all that I see. My nose, my mouth, each ear and eye reflect self-centered empathy. I suffer from the absence of the one I miss, who’s gone away. But it is me, the one I love, the one I care for every day, whose wants and needs are not being met. Depressed, beset with ennui, it’s all unfair, I’m so upset. It isn’t you at all, you see, It’s obvious, I have no doubt, It’s all as clear as clear can be. The one I really care about . . . is me. Reply
Joseph Charles MacKenzie October 1, 2018 Ha, ha, ha! This couldn’t be more on target, Mr. Tweedie! Reply
Steve Shaffer October 2, 2018 Nice! For a similar “meta analysis” of Boy-band songs, I recommend: “Title of the Song” by Da Vinci’s Notebook: https://youtu.be/734wnHnnNR4 Reply
C.B. Anderson October 1, 2018 What all of you who commented should understand is that Joe Salemi considered every one of your comments before you made them. Although his verse might not always be completely perfect, his vision is panoptic. As an editor, he has suggested revisions in my submissions on more than one occasion, and I always found him to be on point. Though this opinion might seem to be ad verecundiam, the proof is, without exception, in the pudding. Reply
David Watt October 2, 2018 Joseph, you stylishly focus attention on the decay of the literate sense. In reading your poem I recall recent a particular instance of what I may term ‘modern speech.’ For example, young shop assistants in Australia now tell all exiting customers to ‘Have a good one.’ I assume ‘one’ refers to the word ‘day.’ Anyway, my point is that speech, language, and literacy skills are declining hand in hand. As you have described, lack of regard for literary skills, and traditional form reflect adversely across society in general. Reply
Joseph Charles MacKenzie October 2, 2018 What are the principles by which language and literacy will be rectified? Reply
David Watt October 2, 2018 My ‘literary sense’ slipped up in the comment above. The sentence should have commenced with: “In reading your poem I recall a particular instance…” Reply
Joseph S. Salemi October 2, 2018 What you describe as happening in Australia is also occurring on a wide scale in America, and I assume in the rest of the Western world. I am amazed at the low level of verbal ability in my students, many of whom simply cannot utter a complete sentence. I don’t blame them — I blame the collapse of intelligent pedagogy in the lower grades. I have students from Nigeria and the Punjab who write better English than most American undergraduates. Reply
Joseph Charles MacKenzie October 2, 2018 The word is the terminus of the thought. Language is in decline because thought is in decline. If thought does not aspire to its proper object, language won’t. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi October 2, 2018 Amen to that. Even the modernist Ezra Pound came to recognize that truth.
Steve Shaffer October 2, 2018 Adding my compliments, Joseph. I can’t add anything to the erudite comments above. For those who are a fan of this theme, and trying not to be /too/ self-serving, consider my poem “The Day the Poetry Died” published in these fine pages last March: http://classicalpoets.org/the-day-the-poetry-died-and-other-poetry-by-steven-shaffer/ Reply
Sally Cook October 2, 2018 Dear Dr. Salemi – Like so many other things of this world, poetry is a growing thing. In full bloom, it flourishes and inspires with its beauty and grace. The same is true of language itself, and so much else. Think of painting, music – all of the arts. Government, society, Even lesser and more specific things – field grass, waves, fashion, cuisine – have rhythm; advance and recede according to current modes. A simple seed, actual or metaphoric, blows on the wind to settle in and produce fresh versions of ageless ideas. That is why I have hope. I’m waiting for the inevitable end of electronic communication – that time when it becomes so cumbersome and top heavy that it falls on and crushes itself, and we are again free of its constraints. . Your poetry, as always, is solidly grounded, with strong roots; you know more than anyone, it seems. Please share more of your ethopathic opinions. Reply