Oh Lat, dear Lat, where art thou at?
Methinks thou seem a bit too flat…
On Superman, and blokes like that,
Your rippling mass is no doormat!

With Arnold, Dwayne the Rock, and Hulk,
The goal has been to build more bulk:
No pain no gaindon’t sit and sulk,
To suffer is to see results!

Latissimus, Latissimus,
You surely have our backs, and thus
To stretch and strengthen is a must.
No weight is e’er superfluous!

Latissimi are where it’s at…
Alas, my lats are none but fat!


Connie Phillips is a former English teacher and editor living in Massachusetts.

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18 Responses

  1. James A. Tweedie

    “My lat, where art thou at?” Alas, my Lat up and left and returned home to Riga. Thanks for starting my day off with a smile.

  2. C.B. Anderson

    Should I then now expect a poem from someone extolling ventral, rather than dorsal, parts of the human (especially the female) body? I certainly hope so:
    Expanded pecs
    That bend our necks.

  3. Mark Stone

    Connie, Hello. The word “lats” in the title and in the last line is clearly plural. This suggests to me that “Lat” in line 1 is singular. If “Lat” is singular, then should “seem” be “seems”? Apart from this pesky nitpicking, I think the poem is clever and well-written. Thank you for sharing it.

    • connie phillips

      Mark, thanks for your response—and no feedback is ever “pesky”! But here in line 2, i think “seem” works because it goes with the word before it, “thou,” which is just an old form of “you.” So basically it’s saying “you seem” … Anyway, glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  4. David Watt

    Connie, you have taken a weighty subject and written a clever piece of light humor.

  5. Leonard Dabydeen

    Read the poem twice. Humorous and nice. Tried to read it loud. Didn’t feel proud.


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