Riddle No. 1

So astounding is this part—
A major muscle, like your heart.
And so astonishing its job,
Without it you would be a blob:
You couldn’t stand or lift or bend—
You’d be a pretzel in the end.
A couch potato you would be
For life, if you don’t set it free
With squats and stretches, lunges, presses—
Exercise that leaves you breathless.
Iliacus is next door,
And they both help support your core.

So, as I know you’re sure to guess,
I’ll give no hints under duress.
Just ask me what its name might be,
And I’ll reply, “It’s Greek to me!”


Post your answers to the riddle in the comments section below.


Connie Phillips is a former English teacher and editor living in Massachusetts.

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8 Responses

    • connie phillips

      Horus, you’re spot on! It’s the psoas (a.k.a. hip flexor).
      Thanks for responding 🙂

      • Horus H

        Thanks for the riddle, Connie! That last line was a nice touch.

    • connie phillips

      That’s a good answer, Alex, as we would indeed be nothing without a brain or heart. But I had in mind the psoas muscles or the hip flexors, which are key to the body’s movement. Thanks very much for your response–I appreciate it.

  1. C.B. Anderson

    Poor me. After reading this, I thought “spine.” And that just shows that I’ve got none.


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