May Old Glory Always Wave

by Roy E. Peterson

May Old Glory always wave
Above the tumult and the fray.
Honor heroes who were brave
Until the final Judgment Day.

Drape the caskets of the dead,
For fallen soldiers everywhere.
Symbol of the prayers we said,
And of the battles we all share.

May the haters of our land,
Who desecrate and have no shame,
Feel the sting of Patriot hand;
Let none in joy recall their name.

May a thousand flags replace
Each one the traitors burn or shred.
May the cowards feel disgrace;
Become the dust on which we tread.

Honor country and Old Glory
On this Independence Day,
Tell the never-ending story—
God protect the American Way!


Roy E. Peterson is a writer and former U.S. military army intelligence officer who currently resides in Texas. 



The Republic at 243

by T.M. Moore

“We hold these truths…” Hold on: Who is this “We”?
Do you presume somehow to speak for me?
Do I not have my own voice? My own say?
Am I not free to go my own free chosen way?
And “hold” – that’s awfully strong. I won’t be told
by dead white hypocrites what I should “hold”
to, or should not. And what I “hold” today
I may tomorrow simply cast away,
depending upon how I feel. I feel
much better saying “like” than “hold.” That’s real
for me, and gives me room to grow. And you
may “hold” whatever suits you, and may do
with what you “hold” whatever you may please,
as long as what you “hold” so dear agrees
that I may “like” what suits me. And, come on,
“truths”? Really? Hasn’t all such nonsense gone
the way of dinosaurs and faith? I much
prefer things that excite me, things that touch
me deeply, and don’t tax my brain. Why should
I have to think at all? I think what’s good
for me is that I feel good all the time,
or most of it, and certainly that I’m
allowed my own take on which “truths” to “hold.”
Get real, friend. “We the people” trashed the mold
of your Republic shortly after it
was fledged. And I insist that we should fit
the slipper to the foot, whatever feet
might like to wear it. So then, please repeat:
“I like these feelings…” isn’t that much better
than having to conform to some dead letter?


T.M. Moore’s poetry has appeared in numerous journals, and he has published five volumes of verse through his ministry’s imprint, Waxed Tablet Publications. He is Principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, he and his wife, Susie, reside in Essex Junction, VT.

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12 Responses

  1. James Ph. Kotsybar

    Slogan of the new millennium:
    “And I insist that we should fit
    the slipper to the foot, whatever feet
    might like to wear it.”

    Boy, you sure picked apart those first four words!

  2. Joseph S. Salemi

    The persona speaking in Moore’s “The Republic at 243” is precisely the reason why we as a nation have been going down the tubes. Self-absorbed, irresponsible, narcissistic, intellectually lazy, hedonistic, arrogant — a country with a large percentage of characterless creeps of that nature simply cannot endure.

    Great poem, Mr. Moore.

  3. Usa W. Celebride

    Mr. Peterson’s “May Old Glory Always Wave” reminds me of Holmes’ “Old Ironsides” in its patriotic focus and tone.

    I “like” these things in Mr. Moore’s “The Republic at 243”:
    1. the neat title;
    2. the immediacy of the first pun “Hold on!”;
    3. the rhyme pair we and me as part of the poem’s meaning;
    4. the analysis of the words;
    5. the cliches, like “dead white hypocrites”, “the way of dinosaurs”, “tax my brain”, etc.;
    6. especially “fit the slipper to the fit”;
    7. the colloquial tone;
    8. the prosy “feel” of the meter;
    9. the humourous voice; and most importantly
    10. the central theme;

    though perhaps not as much the enjambment or the final trochaic couplet.

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      The ending of “The Republic at 243” is not trochaic, but perfect iambic pentameter:

      u / u / u / u / u / u
      I like these feelings… isn’t that much better
      u / u / u / u / u / u
      than having to conform to some dead letter?

      There are a few irregular variations in the last line, but this is still standard iambic pentameter.

  4. Beau Lecsi Werd

    Mr. Celebride should have used “trochaic two-syllable” rhyme instead of “trochaic” rhyme to be clearer in his meaning,

    • T. M.

      Friends: It is merely a feminine ending. Thanks for the interest, though.


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