The autumn sun warming
keeps rose bushes forming
well into the days of December,
but frost without warning
one fine winter morning
leaves frozen blooms long to remember.

Dormant, it’s waiting
yet anticipating
what gray rainy showers will bring,
the bush saturating
while never complaining
sprouts roses that flower in spring.



Shari Jo LeKane lives in St. Louis, Missouri, writes poetry, prose and articles, and specializes in literary criticism, creative writing, Spanish Language and culture, business and community development, educational and leadership development, non-profit matters, disability, elderly care and advocacy. She has a B.A. in English, Spanish, an M.A. in Spanish from Saint Louis University in Madrid and St. Louis, and additional certifications. She teaches Spanish at an HBCU in St. Louis, Missouri, and Creative Writing and Poetry. Shari’s poetry has been published in literary magazines worldwide. She considers herself a modern formalist, addressing contemporary issues in poetic verse with a stylized language.

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