Job 26.8-14

The flash and crash were simultaneous.
The whole house shuddered, like it was about
to come apart, and all the lights went out.
The dogs erupted in a frenzied fuss
of frightened yelping, and I ducked my head.
The force of the concussion rocked me to
my soul and shook my body through and through.
I thought a moment that I might be dead.
The strike was just across the street, and set
the neighbor’s house on fire. The sudden power
of that fierce lightning bolt caused me to cower—
so close, so inescapable! And yet,
that terrifying crash, that flash and blaze—
they’re just the edge and whisper of His ways.



T.M. and Susie Moore make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont. He is Principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, and the author of 8 books of poetry. He and Susie have collaborated on more than 30 books, which may be found, together with their many other writings and resources, including the daily teaching letter Scriptorium, at

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4 Responses

  1. Margaret Coats

    A powerfully structured sonnet, with enjambments constantly breaking through the closed-quatrain variant of the Shakespearean rhyme scheme. The octave is lightning-struck; this gives a meaningful point to your strategy of description. Then there’s a real turn at line 9, and a most effective couplet that moves from a thundering line to a fine quiet ending. Very much appreciated the poem–and the endpoint that refers not just this experience, but every event, to the glory of God.


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