The Back-to-Work Protesters Limerick

by Mark F. Stone

Our minders with power and pensions can rob
our hopes, while the Fourth Estate calls us a “mob.”
They would be less scornful
and also more mournful,
if they were the ones who were out of a job.




by Susan Jarvis Bryant

I live amid a lockdown glitch,
I’m watching every curtain twitch;
__I feel the neighbors spying.
I’m working out who’s friend or foe,
I would break out, but should I go?
__What law am I defying?

I want to shop, I want to jog,
I want to barbecue a hog;
__I’m lonely and I’m pining.
I want to dance, play music loud
with more than three, but three’s a crowd,
__and neighbors might start whining.

So here I sit just sipping tea
(the pot’s for two, there’s only me)…
__Is that my neighbor coughing?
My ears prick up, I hear a sneeze,
I’ve goosey flesh, my senses freeze—
__they’ll put me in my coffin!

I lift the blind and what I find
has gone and blown all peace of mind;
__I’m sure they’ve not been tested!
They’re laughing in a packed backyard;
thank goodness I have been on guard—
__I’ll get those jerks arrested!



Zoom Etiquette

by Susan Jarvis Bryant

When attending a conference at home in your room
on the boon of that technical app they call Zoom,
to emerge in your undies and pitch from your bed
is a frightful faux pas that is simply ill-bred.
Never greet at a meeting in anything less
than a brushed and flossed smile and sartorial finesse.

Do not slouch on the couch, it’s unseemly and rude,
and don’t ever appear drinking beer in the nude.
Please relinquish all fancies to fidget or fart;
remain pert and alert and as sharp as a dart.
Any brash, cyber crassness is at your expense
if you make others wince with an online offense.

When you’re minding your manners and covering your ass,
you will slay the Zoom forum with polish and class!

First published in Light



What Day Is It?

April 12, 2020

by Raymond Gallucci

Monday differs not from Tuesday.
Wednesday, Thursday? Each bad news day.
Friday comes, but no one’s grateful.
Weekend once adored’s now hateful.

Calendar Coronavirus—
Nothing scheduled to inspire us.
Every day just like the other.
Keeping track? Why even bother?

Bad enough when days are blending
Into one another, sending
Message that the weeks will soon
Not distinguish May from June.



NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

31 Responses

  1. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Mr. Stone, I love the limerick form. Your admirably crafted poem proves that a limerick can serve to get a serious point across. I often use humor in my poems to do just the same. Your poem is spot on and thoroughly appreciated by me.

  2. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Mr. Gallucci, how every day rolls into another ad infinitum. You have captured this thought and I relate to every verse of your astutely observed poem. I can’t wait until time belongs to the people again.

  3. RG

    There once was a viral disease
    That started with folks overseas
    They went out in a group
    For a bowl of bat soup
    And came back with a cough and a sneeze

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      I’m with Sally, I love bat soup… in limerick form only! Great fun!

  4. Sally Cook

    To all –
    Here’s a thought — .Before they finish sticking straws up our noses in a mandatory manner, we can only hope .some Great Anonymous Group does not decree they must be plastic.
    Remember –they just want to see
    Who your friends and acquaintances are,
    For your own safety.

  5. Joseph S. Salemi

    Absolutely right, Trotsky’s Icepick.

    The left-liberal Deep State is using this crisis as a wedge for implementing ever greater and greater social control. Our viciously vindictive governor here in New York State, Andrew Cuomo, is pushing for mandatory universal testing and compulsory quarantine, along with the tracing of every possible contact you have.

    Not even the Gestapo and the KGB had this kind of massively intrusive supervision of the populace.

    • M. P. Lauretta

      Please, forget the politics and look at the hard facts for a moment. This is too important. It literally is a matter of life and death. On a global scale.

      World and country statistics are freely available from Johns Hopkins University here:

      The statistics from Johns Hopkins University clealry show that South Korea promptly got the virus spread under control. How they actually did it is explained in great detail by the doctor in charge of infectious diseases in South Korea in an interview posted here:

      The data from Johns Hopkins University also show that Germany was very quick to contain the spread and minimised deaths from covid-19. How did they do it? Angela Merkel has publicly stated they did it by copying South Korea.

      Here in the UK many feel the government was too slow to act and introduced the lockdown about 2 or 3 weeks too late. However, it is now in place and it is slowly working.

      To its credit, the UK government has also introduced financial support for self-employed people who are unable to work due to the lockdown or the illness itself.

      Furthermore, the UK government is funding a scheme through employers, whereby the government pays 80% of the salary of furloughed staff (up to £2,500 pcm) so that they have money to live on now and a job to return to when the pandemic is over.

      The UK government has liaised with local government authorities up and down the country to ensure that homeless people are put up in hotels so they can stay safe and avoid spreading the disease to other people.

      In other words, the UK government may be far from perfect, but it’s doing an awful lot to help the country through this crisis.

      Oh, and here in the UK we have our wonderful NHS, which we love and are incredibly proud of. (That’s the National Health Service, which provides healthcare to all UK citizens and is free – yes, you read that right, free – at the point of delivery.) Every Thursday evening at 8pm people stand by their windows and doorways to clap theis hands and cheer our beloved NHS for all their tireless, loving and heroic work during this crisis.

      It is patently obvious that most countires’ economies will be very badly hit by the pandemic, there’s absolutely no doubt about that. What matters right now is that governments around the world help their people and businesses to get through this crisis.

      Because remember, when eveybody is dead there will be no economy.

    • David Watt

      We have had a cumulative total of 106 confirmed cases here in the A.C.T. including, unfortunately, several deaths. The vast majority of confirmed cases arose from cruise ship passengers and close contacts of overseas travelers.

      I suppose you could say that we are in a strong position due to early lockdown. However, the ongoing restrictions appear to me to be excessive and disproportionate, given the social and economic cost.

    • Mike Bryant

      I’m old enough to remember the good old days… like last year and every year before that… when only the sick and the vulnerable were put in quarantine. This new idea of shutting down the entire economy and placing every “non-essential” under house arrest to save one in a thousand is a tad over the top, ya reckon?

  6. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Trotsky’s Icepick, Sally, & Dr. Salemi, you have summed up the point of every poem (apart from Zoom Etiquette, of course) and highlighted the dire, diabolical and dicey situation we find ourselves in. Thank goodness we still have a voice… for now.

  7. Mike Bryant

    Trotsky’s… we ARE in dangerous times. I agree with Dr, Salemi, Dame Sally and, of course, Susan… I read that 40,000 Californians have claimed their freedom and descended on the beaches, so maybe this is the beginning of We, The People, reclaiming our God-given sovereignty… I pray that it is so.

  8. Mike Bryant

    Mark Stone… well-written and impactful, I appreciate the absolute tyranny highlighted by your words and the brilliant choice of the limerick to point out the absurdity of it all…
    Raymond Gallucci… your poem has me saying, “amen”… when will we be free again?
    Susan… I’m fresh out of superlatives for You… You already know that though…

  9. M. P. Lauretta


    Have a look at the new Daily Cases for Sweden on the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Research Center website –

    (Click on ‘Sweden’ on the scroll-down menu on the left, and then on ‘Daily cases’ tab in the bottom right corner.)

    As of now it doesn’t look good.

    If you let an epidemic like this run wild no country’s healthcare system will be able to cope and many, many more people will die.

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      I’ve looked at your link. Even if we can trust the numbers of an establishment medical research center with a motive to promote hysteria, here’s what they say about Sweden as of right now:

      Cases of coronavirus – 18,640
      Deaths – 2,194

      That’s the normal range of infection in the ordinary course of a flu season.

      And we have no way of knowing (Johns Hopkins certainly won’t
      tell us) if those “deaths” are FROM coronavirus, or merely WITH coronavirus (as an accompaniment to an actual cause of death).

      Perhaps you have heard of the scandal in Italy over the deliberate fiddling with figures in this matter, and how it has exploded in the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Dear M.P. Lauretta,
      It’s wonderful to hear from a fellow poet from my homeland, and I’m very interested in the points you make. I too have deepest admiration for our NHS and all those who work there – my late aunt worked at St. George’s Hospital in London. I have a nurse friend (trained at St. Bartholomew’s) working through this tough and dangerous time and I worry about her constantly. I am proud of my homeland too. I lived there for 45 years and have a deep love and respect for my roots.

      I do believe the NHS is under great strain at the moment with ever increasing waiting lists for hip operations, knee operations, and all those procedures deemed non-life threatening. People have to wait an awful long time for these procedures and often go abroad because they’re in too much pain to wait. They are marvellous on life-threatening fronts, such as cancer, but even these treatments are under strain with the increasing population and lack of funds.

      As far as the measures in place in the UK being too late, at least they have mandatory quarantine in place at airports now. But, what about the estimated 400 boat migrants successfully reaching British shores in April. This was the greatest amount of illegal crossings ever recorded in one month. Fears of coronavirus outbreaks within the migrant camps at Calais and Dunkirk are believed to be driving the increase in migrant crossings, and the British taxpayer pays France to stop this happening to no avail. Since January, approximately 831 migrants have successfully crossed the Channel into Britain, four times as many as were recorded during the same time period last year, the majority when there were no quarantine regulations in place.

      It’s very difficult to forget the politics in a situation like this. The British government (just like the American government) are making money off the backs of their citizens. Our industries have been sold to China including the pharmaceutical industry. How dreadful that we’re reliant on the very country that exposed us to the virus for medical aid. It’s all about politics. Those in government getting richer, and the taxpayers getting poorer. You say, “when everybody is dead there will be no economy.” The governments on both sides of the pond cannot give out financial assistance forever. I say; when the economy is dead, many will die with it”. There has to be a balance.

      I wish you and my homeland well.

    • M. P. Lauretta

      Hi Susan

      Yes, yes, yes, we both LOVE the NHS! As you well know, here it’s like an unofficial, universal ‘religion’, shared by people of all faiths and none. And deservedly so, since it’s probably the greatest national achievement since WW2.

      The main problem with the NHS is… politics! Because of politics it has suffered over a decade of relentless cuts, in fact these cuts have impacted not only the NHS but a lot of other services too, including public libraries and even the police service. Many police stations have been closed; in my area some public libraries have been closed too and the ones that remain are now staffed mainly by volunteers.

      If it hadn’t been for these cuts, waiting times for NHS non-emergency procedures would have remained manageable and patients would not have sought expensive private treatment in private hospitals in the UK or abroad.

      Another good thing about the NHS is that it protects you from unscrupulous physicians who will steer you towards expensive and painful procedures of doubtful clinical benefit. I’ve heard horror stories from people who went private instead of waiting for their NHS appointment!

      Personally I wouldn’t worry about those poor people who risk their lives sailing in overcrowded dinghies across the Channel. Many of them don’t even make it across and we never get to hear about them. I do feel sorry for them because at least some of them have escaped places of unimaginable death and destruction and are just seeking a better, peaceful life. Can you honestly say if you were in their shoes you wouldn’t try to do the same? Some carry small, traumatised small children. I have to put a compassionate hand on my heart and admit I can’t.

      At the same time I have to recognise that any country’s capacity to welcome refugees is finite, and that illegal immigration is a big no-no. Not least because it keeps enriching vile people-traffickers. In any event, these poor, desperate souls who end their perilous journeys on our shores are quickly rounded up and processed for a speedy return to France or wherever they came from. Border Force officials are taking all the covid-19 precautions, so there is really nothing to worry about.

      What I am more concerned about is the millions of UK residents who may catch the disease and either die of it themselves or pass it on to someone more vulnerable who may then become another fatality, a statistic. Apparently the damage to the lungs can be quite serious and in some cases irreversible. In other words you could survive it and still feel the ill effects for the rest of your life. Think of that! The good news is that the majority of the UK population is sticking with the lockdown, at least for the time being, despite the fact that in the last few weeks the weather has been at its loveliest, so it has been a huge sacrifice for everyone.

      This pandemic has been described as the biggest upheaval since WW2. The best we can do is to forget the politics and work together to defeat this thing based on the science, to ensure the spread it stopped as quickly as possible. Because the sooner that happens, the sooner our lives can then return to normal, although that will obviously have to be a gradual process.

      I also hope someone comes up with a vaccine. Then, with vaccination we will truly build up herd immunity. Excellent work towards a vaccine is being done around the globe, including at Oxford University and Pittsburgh University. The Pittsburgh vaccine comes with a very neat method of delivery through 400 soluble micro-needles embedded in a plaster. (Now, this 400 is more interesting to me! ) Here is the researchers’ presentation, which I personally found riveting:

      We all know that oppressive regimes will stifle truth and shoot the messenger when the message (the truth) is not what they want to hear. But there’s nothing to be gained by dwelling on that. Personally, I take it as a given. What is remarkable though is the good work that scientists who live under such regimes have still managed to produce and share with colleagues around the world, to find a solution to this crisis which affects us all.

      If you watch the University of Pittsburgh presentation (link above) Professors Gambotto and Falo say that the world’s scientific community is coming together to find a solution, freely sharing their findings in a way that was never been seen before. For example, some Chinese researchers have freely shared the complete gene sequencing for covid-19, and Professors Gambotto and Falo have similarly shared their research paper on their vaccine.

      This is because scientists understand that, by definition, a pandemic affects the whole world, which means we are all in the same boat.

    • M. P. Lauretta

      It’s not a matter of ‘promoting hysteria’. The scale of this pandemic is enormous and all they are doing is, they are tracking it based on the data available from governments around the world. Someone’s go to do it, and by doing it they are providing a valuable service to the entire world.

      Of course, whether any particular country’s data is accurate or not is a totally different story, but you can hardly blame JHU for that.

      For example, at least in the UK, most people think China’s declared death toll is way too low to be credible, but that is all the data JHU have, so that’s what they have published. After all, it’s not as if they could publish something else, is it?

      So we apply our judgment here. If you look around that site you will find other countries whose figures don’t look credible. And as far as I am aware North Korea is not featured at all.

      The data from Italy seems pretty accurate though, and if you look at the daily cases graph for Italy you can see how hard they’ve been fighting to get the numbers down. There is definitely a downward trend there, but it’s been a long, tough struggle all the way.

      Additionally, in some countries data can be released after long delays, so you see sudden huge spikes here and there. That’s all to be taken into account when trying to glean a picture from the data.

      To repeat, JHU are just doing the painstaking job of collating and publishing in one place the data released by governments around the world. No more and no less.

      Now, I must confess I am really puzzled here. You are obviously a highly intelligent man, and as we know, with intelligence comes the innate ability to spot a flawed argument or theory – particularly blatantly flawed ones. Those jump right out at you, as in “Hello, I’m an Absurdity!”

      So, how come you are not taking issue with someone who believes that, for a cure, it could be a good idea to look into injecting people with disinfectant, or shoving a powerful light bulb up their bum? (OK, the second part I’m paraphrasing, but it’s so absurd I couldn’t resist!) Doesn’t that kind of ‘thinking’ insult your intelligence? Not even a little bit?

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      To M. P. Lauretta —

      You still don’t see the basic political issue here. No one denies that this Wuhan coronavirus is dangerous, and that people have died from it, just as people die every year from some variety of Asian flu. And yes, silly statements have been made by a wide range of people, though our Mainstream Media in the United States (like your BBC in the UK) have done all in their power to mock and demonize everything said by President Trump (or Boris Johnson) for political advantage.

      Bu NO ONE in Mainstream Media will say anything about the growing number of doctors and other health professionals who are raising serious questions about whether these massive lockdowns are really necessary. Just a few days ago, two epidemiologists in California (Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi) discussed the issue. I quote from a news report on what Dr. Erickson said:

      Dr, Erickson phrased it this way: “Millions of cases, a small number of deaths.” He specifically noted that the difference in the number of deaths between Sweden, with limited restrictions, and Norway, which is locked down, is not statistically significant. “Lockdown versus non-lockdown did not produce a statistically different number of deaths. That is the bottom line,” said Erickson.

      If some persons enjoy being in a state of semi-hysteria, that’s fine. But the Mainstream Media’s desperate attempt to silence all debate on this subject is in itself deeply suspicious.

    • M. P. Lauretta

      Again, you cannot blame JHU for publishing the figures they have been given.

      Regarding Norway and Sweden there are two things to bear in mind.

      First of all, they are fairly small countries, their population standing at ~5.5 million for Norway and ~10.4 million for Sweden. In other words, populations comparable with big cities, where density and therefore rate of transmission is obviously higher.

      Secondly, it’s not as though there were no social distancing at all in Sweden, because there is some.

      But if you compare the data for these two countries with Greece (population ~10.8 million) you can see a stark contrast, and that is because Greece didn’t mess about and went into lockdown as soon as the virus was known to have entered the country.

      Again, if you go to and look up Greece’s daily cases, you can see how successful that strategy has been – and how watchful governments have to be even when things appear to be going well, because the virus can easily spike up again.

      True, this virus is not as lethal as Sars, but it is far more contagious – that’s what makes it so dangerous. And a large minority young, healthy people have died of it, which makes it worryingly unpredictable.

      While there may be doctors who disagree with it, the majority of epidemiologists are strongly of the opinion that keeping the rate of infection (known as ‘R’) below 1 is key to bringing this thing under control, and you can only achieve that with a lockdown.

      Sadly, while a lockdown is very costly both in economic and human terms, the alternative is far, far worse.

      One thing they are doing here in the UK is they are comparing overall mortality rates occurring during the pandemic with previous years, and indeed there is a marked increase.

      If someone who is frail or suffers from other conditions is pushed over the edge by covid-19, that is critically important, don’t you agree? While these people would still be frail or suffer from other conditions, many would still be alive if not for covid-19.

      In other words, it’s not a black and white thing; it’s much more nuanced.

      Also, if the health system is overwhelmed by patients who urgently need treatment because they can’t breathe due to covid-19, hospitals will be less able to deal with other emergencies. So that’s another nreason to reduce contagion and keep the numbers down.

      Plus of course there have been reported cases of patients being brought in to hospital for other emergencies and catching the virus in the hospital.

      Meanwhile here in the UK the PM has returned to 10 Downing Street (his official London residence) from Chequers (his official country residence), he convalesced after being discharged from hospital, where he spent 3 nights in intensive care having contracted covid-19 himself.

      Despite the Daily Telegraph (which he used to write for) triumphantly announcing “Johnson to ease lockdown this week” on its front page (I mean, how would they know?) Johnson did no such thing.

      Standing outside 10 Downing Street he delivered what I thought was a very good speech, clearly informed by his experience in hospital.

      If you watch the video you can see that despite top-notch treatment at St Thomas’s Hospital in London and a lengthy convalescence at Chequers, the PM still sounds pretty rough and his breathing is not quite back to normal yet. And he is only 55.

      While there is a flattening of the curve here in the UK, daily cases are still too high and easing the lockdown now would risk “a second spike”, which would waste all the sacrifices the country has made so far and be “a disaster”.

  10. C.B. Anderson

    You definitely have a point. Fear itself is the enemy, and, oh! how well the adversaries of common sense have used it.

    • M. P. Lauretta

      Well, our dear PM went to a hospital and fearlessly shook hands with everyone he met…

      … only to go down with covid-19 himself.

      The NHS was then left to pick up the pieces, as is often the case, and by Johnson’s admission “it could have gone either way”.

      Was he fearless or foolhardy?

      One thing is sure: if they put you in intensive care it means it’s not a walk in the park (at least for you, as it can affect people differently).

      Only the other day I was speaking with someome who told me a friend of his had just died of covid-19 despite being reasonably fit.

  11. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    The old adage, “Many a true word is spoken in jest” has never been more apt. Take a look at this comic (I say tragic) take on the advice of the “experts”. I feel keeping a very open, curious and rational mind is essential during this tough time:

    We finally have some clarity…
    The (un) official Coronavirus guidelines:

    1. You MUST NOT leave the house for any reason, but if you have a reason, you can leave the house.

    2. Masks are useless at protecting you against the virus, but you may have to wear one because it can save lives, but they may not work, but they may be mandatory, but maybe not.

    3. Shops are closed, except those shops that are open.

    4. You must not go to work but you can get another job and go to work.

    5. You should not go to the doctors or to the hospital unless you have to go there, unless you are too poorly to go there.

    6. This virus can kill people, but don’t be scared of it. It can only kill those people who are vulnerable or those people who are not vulnerable people. It’s possible to contain and control it, sometimes, except that sometimes it actually leads to a global disaster.

    7. Gloves won’t help, but they can still help so wear them sometimes or not.

    8. STAY HOME, but it’s important to go out.

    9. There is no shortage of groceries in the supermarkets, but there are many things missing. Sometimes you won’t need loo rolls but you should buy some just in case you need some.

    10. The virus has no effect on children except those children it effects.

    11. Animals are not affected, but there is still a cat that tested positive in Belgium in February when no one had been tested, plus a few tigers here and there…

    12. Stay 2 metres away from tigers (see point 11).

    13. You will have many symptoms if you get the virus, but you can also get symptoms without getting the virus, get the virus without having any symptoms or be contagious without having symptoms, or be non contagious with symptoms…

    14. To help protect yourself you should eat well and exercise, but eat whatever you have on hand as it’s better not to go out shopping.

    15. It’s important to get fresh air but don’t go to parks but go for a walk. But don’t sit down, except if you are old, but not for too long or if you are pregnant or if you’re not old or pregnant but need to sit down. If you do sit down don’t eat your picnic.

    16. Don’t visit old people but you have to take care of the old people and bring them food and medication.

    17. If you are sick, you can go out when you are better but anyone else in your household can’t go out when you are better unless they need to go out.

    18. You can get restaurant food delivered to the house. These deliveries are safe. But groceries you bring back to your house have to be decontaminated outside for 3 hours including Pizza…

    19. You can’t see your older mother or grandmother, but they can take a taxi and meet an older taxi driver.

    20. You are safe if you maintain the safe social distance when out but you can’t go out with friends or strangers at the safe social distance.

    21. The virus remains active on different surfaces for two hours … or four hours… six hours… I mean days, not hours… But it needs a damp environment. Or a cold environment that is warm and dry… in the air, as long as the air is not plastic.

    22. Schools are closed so you need to home educate your children, unless you can send them to school because you’re not at home. If you are at home you can home educate your children using various portals and virtual class rooms, unless you have poor internet, or more than one child and only one computer, or you are working from home. Baking cakes can be considered maths, science or art. If you are home educating you can include household chores to be education. If you are home educating you can start drinking at 10am.

    23. If you are not home educating children you can also start drinking at 10am.

    24. The number of corona related deaths will be announced daily but we don’t know how many people are infected as they are only testing those who are almost dead to find out if that’s what they will die of… the people who die of corona who aren’t counted won’t be counted.

    25. You should stay in locked down until the virus stops infecting people but it will only stop infecting people if we all get infected so it’s important we get infected and some don’t get infected.

    26. You can join your neighbours for a street party and turn your music up for an outside disco and your neighbours won’t call the police. People in another street are allowed to call the police about your music.

    27. No business will go down due to Coronavirus except those businesses that will go down due to Coronavirus.

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      Exactly, Susan. Nothing but doubletalk from people who have a vested political interest in keeping the mass hysteria alive.

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        You’re spot on, Mr. Salemi, and it’s getting worse by the day. Hopefully more and more people are waking up to it.

  12. Sukarma Rani Thareja

    Dear Editor
    I am listing my recently written poem for your kind consideration to be considered for symposium”Poems on Life During CCP Virus (COVID-19) Lockdown”society of classical poets
    kindest Regards
    sukarma Rani Thareja

    Nature Message-CORONA-COVID-19

    There is no limit on materialistic rate of growth of human comfort level,
    Human mind is being distracted due to highest ego level,
    Most of them are in grip of personality which is Split,
    Even for simple thing as diet the humans are exploiting nature,

    Wild animals never liked their life to be commercialised for diet,
    The painful voice of animals is lost in this chaotic human noise,
    They are begging for safety of their lives,
    For economy commercial gains and profits,
    Selfish humans are bent on bullying Nature.

    Bearing all big losses, silently was sitting mother nature,
    Time has come to teach humans a big lesson, thought nature,
    Trap of corona –COVID- 19 weaved brilliant nature,
    That evolved death pits for humans selfish in nature,
    Soon wise humans realised that they are ,
    Dependent sub set of Mother nature,
    They started begging for humans lives from nature.

    Please don’t make and implement foolish ideas- brother humans,
    As nature has no time and never respect for such unworthy proposals,
    Nature is ready to help humans to her highest set limits,
    But humans have to forgo their greedy nature,
    And live in harmony with greenery and other creatures.

    After punishing, Mother Nature is still kind and forgiving,
    By awesome kind favours, she is still blessing thankless humans,
    Please humans, live in harmony and follow the truthful way of nature,
    Otherwise time to time nature as force will be shown in form- corona monster,
    Please cooperate, and feel proud in thanking countless blessings of mother nature,
    Save human civilisation for coming generations.

    Sukarma Rani Thareja
    Senior Associate professor(chemistry)
    Alumnus IIT-K-1986

  13. The Society

    A coronavirus limerick contest worth noting:

    To quote:

    Premise: Life isn’t much fun right now, anywhere in the world. The pandemic has touched everybody to some degree. Wrap up how you feel about life today–the good, the bad, the ugly, the inspiring, the awful, the funny, the not funny–and because this is a contest challenge, send it to us in the form of a limerick. The limerick doesn’t have to be funny, but it does have to evoke thoughts and feelings in us like everything else we ask of you.

    For those of you who want to take political themes, please remember our audience is literally world-wide, though it definitely leans Western. Still, jokes requiring a deep understanding of the Hong Kong anti-China protests or some of the subtler points of Brexit might not translate for all of our thousands of readers, so aim for a broad audience.

    May 23rd deadline.


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