Secret Sorrows

in memory of Mr. Sushant Singh Rajput, an Indian actor and youth icon who passed away on 14th of June, 2020

Some secret sorrows come and throng
____the streets of mirth;
They dance and hum a mournful song
____around the hearth.

They lead us by the hand and set
____alight a fire;
A fire of longing, deep regret
____in each desire.

Through witching hours, they sit and share
____your life with me;
How little acts of love and care
____have ceased to be!

My days remember not this pain
____of loss and grief;
But shades of midnight blue remain
____with scarce relief.

How soon do men with inborn flair
____vacate our heart
And yet survive in every prayer
____to play their part.

And thus I write to you this dirge
____amid no light
To seek a star when you emerge
____again at night.



A Poet’s Query

For once, did my forsaken song
____in all these years
E’er find its place and get along
____with happy tears?

Did my obtuse and ragged rhyme
____upon the lake
Of verses carved in olden time
____a ripple make?

How far has cadence trod with nerve
____and lit a flame?
How long has someone held its verve
____without a shame?



An electrical engineering alumnus of IGIT Sarang, Satyananda Sarangi is a young poet and editor who enjoys reading Longfellow, Shelley, Coleridge, Yeats, Blake and many others. His works have been widely published in India, Germany, United States, etc. and have featured in The Society of Classical Poets, Page & Spine, Glass: Facets of Poetry, WestWard Quarterly, The GreenSilk Journal and other national magazines and books. He also loves electrical machines and renewable energy sources. Currently, he resides in Odisha, India.

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The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

22 Responses

  1. C.B. Anderson


    More information about Rajput would be welcome — a link, perhaps? He was not my icon, so It’s hard for me to understand the sorrow, even though it fairly gushes from your poem.

    I appreciate, in the second poem, your use of the newly invented/discovered alexandroid form.

  2. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    I searched the sad news of Sushant Singh Rajput on the internet after reading your fine poem. For me, this poem shone without the knowledge of the person it was written for. It is full of beautiful imagery – I love the “shades of midnight blue” and the “mournful song around the hearth”. The closing couplet is a heart-touching masterstroke.

    I am intrigued by A Poet’s Query. Thank you, C.B. for mentioning this new form. I’d never heard of it, and you do it every justice. I must try it!

    • Satyananda Sarangi

      Hello Susan ma’am,

      Hope you’re doing fine. Thank you for your kind words for both of the poems.

      The second poem is an alexandroid – the form that’s one of my favourites of late. If you notice carefully, the first poem is an extended form of the alexandroid – something I call the “double alexandroid”. You may call the second piece “reactionary” because I wrote it from experience. ( Some years ago, I was admonished by few editors because of my writing style that had rhyme and meter. I was told – ” You won’t survive in the poetry world since your style is obsolete.”)

      Your poetry has always struck the cords in me. Keep inspiring. Stay safe.

      • C.B. Anderson


        The next time you write an alexandroid, remember: more enjambment! See the original article for Jared Carter’s (the inventor of the form) thoughts on this.

  3. Margaret Coats

    Two beautifully crafted poems. In the first, it is intriguing to discover line-by-line how and when the secret sorrows manifest themselves. At the end, it turns out that the person being mourned was and is a star–appropriate for successful actor. The second poem works in a similar way, leading the reader on to gradually discover what it is that the poet is asking. Skillful and exquisite work.

    • Satyananda Sarangi

      Greetings Margaret ma’am,

      Thank you so much for your kind words on the pieces.

      Stay safe and take care.


  4. George Winters

    Mr. Sarangi!

    The first poem – the tribute is powerful, evocative and poignant. I had no idea about the actor, but found some on the internet after reading this. The piece emphasises on the sorrow of loss.

    This form’s new to me. Wonderfully executed though. Keep them coming.


  5. Matthew Hanley

    Greetings Satyananda!

    Quite reflective of how painful is the death of someone who inspires you. I may consider this to be one of the saddest poems you’ve ever pulled off. As I found later on, the above actor happened to be very popular back in your country. Reminds me “whom the Gods love, die young”.

    Good wishes

    • Satyananda Sarangi

      Greetings Mr. Hanley!

      This particular actor had carved his way through years of struggle with God-gifted talent. But he’s gone too soon. Undoubtedly, he continues to inspire me through his legacy.

      Best wishes

  6. Mahathi

    A touching tribute to Rajput. Impeccable poetry. The second sextet in alexandrine is too good.

    • Satyananda Sarangi

      Greetings Sir!

      Much thanks for your encouraging words.


  7. Monty

    You’ve done it again, Sat. I can only echo the words of Ms Coats above: two beautifully-crafted and skilful pieces.

    • Satyananda Sarangi

      Hello Monty!

      Quite thankful to you for having read both the pieces.

      Stay safe in these testing times.

      Best wishes

  8. Sultana Raza

    Two very beautifully crafted and touching poems. Though I wasn’t very familiar with Sushant Singh Rajput’s work, his untimely death is very shocking, as for most people in India. Am glad to discover the alexandroid form as well.
    I’ll take this opportunity to wonder if this is your real name. I think it’s beautiful, and to those who don’t speak Hindi, Satya means truth, Ananda means bliss, and Sarangi is a string instrument. Therefore, I can interpret your name to be ‘the musical instrument of truth and bliss’. Hope you don’t mind.

  9. Satyananda Sarangi

    Greetings Sultana ma’am!

    Thanks a lot for your kind and sweet words.
    I loved the way you interpreted my name. It’s real for sure. ☺

    Stay safe. Best wishes.

      • Satyananda Sarangi

        Greetings ma’am!

        I went through this sonnet tribute to Irrfan Khan. The poem shows the multiple facets of the late actor. I’m glad you shared it with me.

        Best wishes and regards.

  10. Satyananda Sarangi

    Mr. Anderson,

    I get your point. Surely, I’ll go through Mr. Jared Carter’s thoughts on the alexandroid.

    Thanks for the advice.

    • Satyananda Sarangi

      Greetings Allegra !

      Hope you’re doing well. Much thanks for your kind words.
      Stay safe.

      Best wishes


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