The seasons came and passed again
Since last I heard your voice;
Many are the ways I’d change
If death but gave a choice.

I’d pick you flowers in the spring
To show you that I care
And when you needed comforting
You’d always find me there.

The summer breeze against my cheek,
Like memories of your touch;
The love we take for granted
Is the one we miss so much.

Sunlight on the autumn leaves,
Reflections of your hair;
There’s a special place in heaven
For the young and fair.

Winter winds that chill the heart
And etch your stone with frost,
Whispers of eternal love
Beyond the years we lost.



C. David Hay is a retired dentist living in Indiana and Florida. He received his BS  and Doctor of Dental surgery Degrees from Indiana University. He is the author of five books of poetry which are dedicated to his wife, Joy. He has been widely published nationally and abroad and his poetry has been read on the British Broadcasting Channel. He was the first American published in the Nezavisimaya Gazeta in Russia. He has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize in Poetry and is the recipient of the Ordo Honoris  Award from Kappa Delta Rho.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

10 Responses

  1. Leo Zoutewelle

    How restfully proper and assuring, David! It is a real pleasure to read this poem. Thank you.

    • Peter Hartley

      David – Having quite recently been bereaved myself I can readily identify with everything you so eloquently say in this little poem.I have only quite recently taken to poetry but I have felt, since Dina’s death, that everything I write should properly be about her, and her alone.And isn’t it so true that we find so many admirable qualities in people post mortem that we were scarcely aware of and took almost wholly for granted, because we were able to, when they were alive.

  2. Lorraine Achee

    Thank you so much for your beautiful poem. It drives home the point that we do not realize what we have lost until it is too late.

  3. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    The musicality and cheerful ease of this poem’s rhythm seems to add to the poignancy of the message. It trips off the tongue like a song, yet sits heavy in the heart with the underlying grief. Your poem is beautiful and its message is invaluable. Thank you for this shining treasure trove of wise and wonderful words.

  4. David Watt

    This is a beautiful poem which says all that it needs to in the space of five elegant stanzas.

  5. Satyananda Sarangi

    Greetings Mr. Hay!

    An immaculate work about love and loss. This is for the first time that I’ve read you and I’m glad I did. The words leave a lasting impression on my heart.

    Thank you. Best wishes

  6. Rod Walford

    It is indeed a beautiful poem David and speaks to the human spirit. It is one of those poems that we all come to relate to at some point in our lives. One might think that bereavement is not the easiest subject to write on yet strangely when one sits down and makes a start the words just flow effortlessly. Such has been my experience and I suspect perhaps it has been yours too. My sincere empathy and kind regards to you.

  7. Sultana Raza

    A very moving poem, made all the more so by its simplicity and timeless quality. Specially in a world where people seem to be rushing about for senseless reasons, it seems that the ‘I’ character has found his centre, his still point, and hopefully some calm within. Recently, in response to a father (Andrew) asking for letters from the public, since he’s lost three children, I published two poems on loved ones passing away, meant to bring solace to both children and adults. They can be accessed via my FB page, or I could give you a link. Should you feel like it, you could send your poem (though it’s about an adult) to Andrew, as it imbues one with a sense of peace:

  8. Harvey

    A friend and I have written music to a C. David Hay poem (that seems to be removed from this site??!!). We would like to get into touch with C. David Hay. Does anyone know how to do so?

    • Mike Bryant

      Harvey if you send me an email at [email protected] with a note to Mr. Hay I will forward the info to the email address we have for him.
      Thanks, Mike Bryant, Moderator


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