"The Great Wave off Kanagawa" by Katsushika HokusaiHaiku Competition 2020 The Society July 2, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry, Poetry Contests 401 Comments The winning haiku can be found here Write a haiku on any topic and post it in the comments section below. The haiku must adhere to the traditional parameters of a haiku to qualify (and may be deleted if it does not). It must… 1. Be three lines. The first line must have five syllables, the second seven syllables, and the third five syllables. Seventeen syllables total (5-7-5). 2. Contain a nature or seasonal reference: the crumbling leaves, the cold air, the smell of manure, the taste of fresh black berries, the cicadas’ buzzing. 3. Be in the present tense (swims rather than swam). 4. Be subtle and observational. 5. Contain some sort of twist in the third line: a shift in perspective or mood, a surprise, a new interpretation of the first or second line. Read more about writing a haiku here. When: Now until Saturday August 8, 2020 midnight EST. Winners Announced August 15, 2020. Who: Anyone in the world, any age or background, may participate. From within the Society, anyone, including Advisory Board Members, not involved in judging the contest may participate. (If you are outside the United States, you will have to have a PayPal account or a bank that accepts U.S. checks to receive the prize money if you win.) What: Each entrant may submit up to three haiku. Any topic. Must conform to traditional haiku rules above. Where: Post your haiku in the comments section below. Prize: $100. Judge: Mike Bryant Entry Fee: None NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 401 Responses Yousuf Bin Mohammad July 2, 2020 Lull Before the Storm Moisture in wind, petrichor fills nostrils Tsunami’s seismic splash Taylor Gaudette July 29, 2020 late spring arrives new, no rain – petals, chokecherries, sweetgrass spate, your vague form parts Taylor Gaudette July 31, 2020 (fixing an error) late spring arrives new, no rain – petals, chokecherries, sweetgrass spate, your vague form departs Carmanie Bhatti August 8, 2020 The empty silence crouches within me, I remain awake on my bed Lititia Nwajei July 30, 2020 wintertime is here darkness prevails over me- a smile of sunshine Soumya July 30, 2020 cold, mist surrounds me hands lay on the yellow pages memories flooding Laura Y. Rider July 30, 2020 Tributary: Bare feet still on stones Fear a silent serpent’s stare— Just an empty skin. Eunice Kang August 5, 2020 the end seems so near feels bitter like unripe fruit one door closes, then opens Emory Jones August 6, 2020 This is all right. You could do better. Gabriel Awuah Mainoo August 1, 2020 sharp bend of the albatross behind the slow spinning of the fog the uncertainty of my dreams a morning sirroco whirls by while the cicada escapes to nowhere catching breath on the maple leaf first family reunion at summer a long forgotten name is quickly remembered by the size of bowl Ernesto P. Santiago August 4, 2020 thoughts I redirect in lockdown meditation the sun is quiet Emory JOnes August 4, 2020 It seems like the poet is in prison, but the sun calms him. Brooke Proffitt August 3, 2020 we waited all year, free to the outdoors with friends, then the virus came Stuyvasant August 5, 2020 sixteen isn’t seventeen Harish Raghav August 7, 2020 Dewy petrichor Waiting for the rain to pour To watch farmers smile! Harish Raghav August 7, 2020 The time has come For the moon to shine more The poors to rise up! Harish Raghav August 7, 2020 Birds are chirping, In a vast empty space… I call my heart Linda Marie Hilton August 7, 2020 wind wafts petrichor i dance in the rain to mark the end of the drought. Gracie Spencer August 7, 2020 you walk beside me fall leaves crunch, forming footprints But only one pair Gracie Spencer August 7, 2020 it’s safe in the rain wind knits me a warm blanket grow me like the grass Sophia Lee August 7, 2020 clouds of fire, the dawns fate to bring the sun, hazy candle light the moon rains her beams showers rain of melody stream down deep slumber clear water trickling like silver threads weaving her shimmering dress Sophia Lee August 8, 2020 Correction for first one (I had a typo) the clouds of fire, the dawns fate to bring the sun, hazy candle light Jerilyn Nash July 2, 2020 Restlessness beats on My soul like waves on the rocks. I long to be gone. Peter Hartley July 2, 2020 “Hi queue!” is one way To address a line I’d say, Not in USA. James A. Tweedie July 2, 2020 Beneath the surface The river runs swift and deep Salmon are spawning Claire Hong August 7, 2020 Eternal beauties You bequeath the tidal waves I see in the day Claire Hong August 8, 2020 Dancing in the rain Letting go of all the pain Liberated crane Claire Hong August 8, 2020 The grey-lit clouds form Like smoke blooming in the sky Thunder cracks the skies Sathyanarayana July 2, 2020 it’s safe at daytime the Sun God dims all desires …night; the Moon ignites the path I tread thence is all poesy sprinkled now like gold dust on sand monsoon doctor helps the pregnant earth deliver a million sprouts rohini July 6, 2020 I really like the monsoon doctor! Minal Sarosh July 23, 2020 balcony garden I let the money plant find its way to the sun tossing and turning when did I become as old as the blinking stars ? the apple pickers bent backs carrying baskets of the sweet fragrance Leonard Dabydeen July 2, 2020 1. Coming home from work Without wearing a face mask: Unhealthy practice. 2. Birds tweeting freedom prancing on branches of trees pollution thinning. 3. Meaning is the same mother by no other way she’s pregnant with child. Zainab Sajjad August 5, 2020 Karachi’s air Such a summery affair Can’t belong here M. P. Lauretta July 2, 2020 Winter Haiku It’s cold, and it’s here. It makes life complicated. I so hate the snow. SHINY TITUS July 2, 2020 As the sun sets in the dispersed raven return to home with his kin. Peter Hartley July 2, 2020 At a total loss With haiku: too short to get My full meaning acr James A. Tweedie July 2, 2020 LOL Peter! Zainab Sajjad August 5, 2020 The bright full moon, Rides through the dark night, Staring back at us. Peter Hartley July 2, 2020 Bad workmen blame tools, Good workmen blame other fools: (They CAN’T blame owt else). James A. Tweedie July 2, 2020 Long winter journey Cloaked in a blanket of snow Asleep by the fire Spring at her easel Wielding a palette of green Paints leaves on the trees Carole Mertz July 2, 2020 white droplets sprinkle oak leaves in the rainy night— sending weeping sounds a flash of bright red, cardinal in the garden: Audubon appears old rusty key turns, entrance to ancient building— opens ancient thoughts Jill July 17, 2020 1. Glittering sunlight Pierces through the canopy Disturbs the coolness. 2. Water Swarming molecules Dance throughout the streaming flow Resolute to fate. 3. Snake Tenses as I near Hidden amongst cool darkness Slithers silently. James Ph. Kotsybar July 2, 2020 SMALL COMPENSATION Summer’s stuck inside, Covid contact cowering. Neighbors wave more though. ELECTION SEASON Promises abound. Hopes and dreams bloom on the Hill. Breath of hot air blows. SUMMER BUMMER 2020 Disguised by face masks, sheltered this swimsuit season, let ourselves grow fat. Mrudula Rani July 3, 2020 Now Stories of us now Proffer universal theme, Self preservation. Lingers one question Is Covid19, longest chapter? Or call of curtain? Anon We’re at a place now With an uncertain future; arrested present. Those slipups of past Led us to now; hereabouts Enfeebled passions. Yen prospect of hope Crafts life once again stable The newest normal. Marilyn Ashbaugh July 12, 2020 dawn walk near a bog the taste of fresh black berries blues the lion’s lament long languid morning the cicadas’ buzzing song stirs the lemonade Marilyn Ashbaugh July 12, 2020 Correction: dawn walk near a bog the taste of fresh black berries blues the loon’s lament Addition: yellow crop duster quickly dives wing over wing the smell of manure Patricia A. Marsh July 3, 2020 First Communion host stuck to the roof of my mouth dissolves. I . . . swallow! Footsteps approaching; calling birds fall silent: sh-h! The willows whisper. Patricia A. Marsh July 5, 2020 I realized, too late, that it wasn’t possible to edit or delete my first haiku (above) which has an error in the last line. Therefore, I’m submitting a corrected version of that haiku as my third entry, as follows: First Communion host stuck to the roof of my mouth dissolves. I . . . swallowed! Rohini July 5, 2020 Patricia I think the swallow works as it keeps it in the present tense Joe Tessitore July 3, 2020 Haiku Verses A tormented boy, Adrift on a sea of pain – A shell of a man. A shell of a man, Tumbling on the shore of life, Never to be filled. Never to be filled, A broken shell of a man Is swept out to sea. Christina Chin July 3, 2020 vintage lacquer box on the blackened mantelpiece sandalwood perfume whoops of chimpanzees in a listing wooden boat summer getaway a nightingale’s song on the forest canopy waxing gibbous moon Joe Tessitore July 3, 2020 Very beautiful! Christina Chin July 3, 2020 Thanks ever so much, JOE TESSITORE. So pleased you enjoyed. Very much appreciated. ~ Christina ☕❤️ Vandana Parashar July 8, 2020 Yours are the real haiku and beautiful ones. Christina Chin July 8, 2020 Thanks ever so much my dear poet friend, Vandana Parashar, deeply appreciate your support, encouragement and feedback always. ~ Christina Gabriel Griffin July 3, 2020 Three haiku city umbrellas lovers kiss the rain away under black silk skies lighting the wood fire seeing a gold ring glinting in last year’s ashes this summer evening taking us all for a ride a merry-go-round Sharmon Gazaway July 3, 2020 tiny white phlox blooms exhale a whole hay field’s scent cupped in your two hands the owl’s head spins ’round his spring-loaded talons flexed mice mate naive bliss as the crow flies straight into autumn’s heart of fire an icy arrow Utom Emmanuel July 3, 2020 Three haiku Sunset at the beach The waves rising and falling I miss the summer Breeze and dancing trees Signs of rain yet to come forth Joyfully we sing Darkness drawing near We stay close as lovers do What a lovely day. Peter Hartley July 3, 2020 Into Shinto shrines? To go to noh theatre Don’t follow the signs. Shogun if you must Nippon the bullet train while Flaunting noh ticket. They’re heasy to do: You just need an ‘igh haiku, (What I ‘aven’t got). K.P. De Lima July 4, 2020 clouds cover the skies— the rain approaches far east but birds sing away the rolling mountains over the sugarcane fields trees are witnesses thatched roof of palm leaves the rain is silent—the moon quiet in hiding. Joe Tessitore July 4, 2020 Fog enshrouds the night. Woven in the heavy mist, A thread of fireflies. Peter Hartley July 4, 2020 How tranquil the sea, Next day’s spring tides gleefully Drowning you and me. Peter Hartley July 4, 2020 Nature’s fire expires When Empedocles sneezes And Etna freezes. Gabriel July 4, 2020 Beautiful image- a light of hope in the gloom of the present situation Gabriel July 4, 2020 my comment referred to Joe Tessitore’s haiku: Fog enshrouds the night. Woven in the heavy mist, A thread of fireflies. Edward Ahern July 4, 2020 We are as common as dinosaurs once were and as apt to die off Douglas J. Lanzo July 4, 2020 White cherry blossoms Tinged pink by the setting sun Gently drift to sleep. Mating spring peepers Erupting in symphony Celebrate the night. Flying fish seek light Leaping toward the ocean sun Renewing their lives. Joe Tessitore July 4, 2020 We mutter and cuss, As time slips away from us – It is always thus. Rohini Sunderam July 4, 2020 The virus scares us Trembling in isolation Mother Nature smiles Sand dunes lurch through night A single scorpion shuffles I gasp as dawn breaks Crepuscular light Above the city skyline Night devours twilight Esther Bunny Brown July 4, 2020 The following haiku was inspired by a visit to a church graveyard in the Michigan county where I grew up. I came across information on that graveyard in a geocaching website. Among black walnuts, To German gravestones, I give them a gift. Esther Bunny Brown July 5, 2020 Correction in the second line, as follows: Among black walnuts, To the old German gravestones, I give them a gift. Esther Bunny Brown July 9, 2020 I would like to share a German oversetting of the haiku, that has been made possible with help from Reddit user leu34 (https://www.reddit.com/r/German/comments/hmp8tw/oversetting_my_haiku/): Bei Schwarznussbäumen, alten deutschen Grabsteinen geb’ ich ein Geschenk. Esther Bunny Brown July 15, 2020 Another revision of the haiku once again, this time with a change to the first line as follows: By black walnut trees, To the old German gravestones, I give them a gift. Anuradha July 5, 2020 bright morning sun rays on puddles by night showers mirrors on the road the mountain in rain like a dark Indian beauty in filmy nightgown Shiny Titus July 5, 2020 The dark winter night the bright lamp beckons the moth to its grand finalé. Alan July 5, 2020 sweltering summer humidity’s a bummer cool in your Hummer? Alan July 6, 2020 the virus that spreads and sends people to their beds lies within their heads Margie July 5, 2020 Pandemic Spring sun beckons and Birds call, “come out! come on out!” But fear fills the air Peter Hartley July 5, 2020 Amendments to my second of three posted together on 3rd July: Shogun if you must Nippon the bullet train with Noh valid ticket. Peter Hartley July 5, 2020 My other two entries now read as follows: Nature’s fire pleases Till Empedocles sneezes And Etna freezes. (I was only practising with the other ones ‘cos I’ve never written a haiku before) How tranquil the sea: Next day’s spring tides gleefully Engulf you and me. Roy E. Peterson July 6, 2020 Other than worrying about who Empedocles is and why he sneezed, I believe for me I like the verse of all three. They rhymed perfectly. Peter Hartley July 6, 2020 EMPEDOCLES AND HIS FLEAS Empedocles’ fleas Fly up with ease, and later Fry in its crater. WISHFUL THINKING If I bawl she’ll fall Down Stromboli and bake ‘er Head in the crater! Joe Tessitore July 6, 2020 Save us from ourselves. Save us from the Evil One. Prayer, in a nutshell. James Allan Kennedy July 6, 2020 When the eagle flies skyward, even the mighty oak tree dreams of wings James Allan Kennedy July 6, 2020 This haiku is withdrawn, July 7, 2020 Stuart Silverman August 3, 2020 Sad that it’s withdrawn. I think it one of the best here. Roy E. Peterson July 6, 2020 Three Haiku Poems Three bear cubs watched men Walking through a sylvan glen. Then mom roared again. Wind blowing like that Upset my calico cat By knocking him flat. Bird nest in a tree. Birdie looking down on me. Timed hit, perfectly. Roy E. Peterson July 6, 2020 Correction for present tense of three haiku poems: Three bear cubs watch men Walking through a sylvan glen. Then mom roars again. Wind blowing like that Upsets my calico cat By knocking him flat. Bird nest in a tree. Birdie looking down on me. Times hits, perfectly. Peter Hartley July 6, 2020 There was a young man from Schleswig-Holstein, who wrote haikus In post-preterite pluperfect tense… (Well, that’s a bit of a non-starter) Cookey Godknows July 15, 2020 The warmth of nature Beckons for humanity To save or destroy Dave Whippman July 6, 2020 Hokusai seascape the tips of the ocean waves sea monster’s claws. Edgardo J. Bungcag July 6, 2020 between empty streets and clear blue summer skies- your Monalisa smile pitchblack summer night two moths flirting in a dance Over my phone’s light there it was your key to our old, cold house- still hooked on my wall Jason Gould July 6, 2020 for just one moment when the night frogs stop chirping an eternity mountain majesties yet still the powerful urge to stare at my phone two weeks overdue still might not arrive today summer thunderstorm Luminita Ignea July 7, 2020 it contains all the vast the Ouroboros – the sea spins tirelessly the same wave Ernesto P. Santiago July 7, 2020 nothing makes a sound, the lone cabin in the woods— I listen to books Thomas July 7, 2020 My shriek is nothing As he keeps swaying my body From this side to that Peter Cooper July 7, 2020 The woods – Narnia The hills – a print by Bruegel Winter – by Nature Waiting for the post I smell mown grass and poppies And summer is scent. Do we find a way By streams, crags and waterfalls Or does it find us? Marcie Wessels July 7, 2020 solitary leaf left behind on withered branch trembles in the wind Marcie Wessels July 8, 2020 hard green tomatoes slow to ripen on the vine oh! blossom end rot Anthony Itopa Obaro July 8, 2020 the virus lockdown signs at the water bus stop: DON’T TREAD ON DUCKS’ EGGS Anthony Itopa Obaro July 8, 2020 the raging wildfire firefighters find a helper in the autumn rain Shiny Titus July 8, 2020 Dark black inky night fireflies light in passion dance bright is now the night. Daniela Misso July 8, 2020 1. an elderly man sleeping on the verandah … wisteria scenting 2. the transparency of a poppy in the wind … your evening dress 3. on my notebook petal of an almond tree … studies on haiku Vandana Parashar July 9, 2020 all alone at home… the moon outside my window keeps a watch on me ****** anger management mom teaches me to sew back the brown bear’s eyes ****** if only I knew you would leave without goodbye —the stillborn baby Marina Bellini July 9, 2020 the second one is my favorite – good work Vandana Parasahar July 9, 2020 Thank you so much, Marina. Loved yours too. Marina Bellini July 9, 2020 * a sweet summer breeze on the floor all scattered unfinished haiku ** dew on my sandals— such a magnificent sight this morning comet Carley July 9, 2020 summer afternoon in the rural reading room librarian and flies Lisa July 9, 2020 the cat chirps and turns her belly up for my touch teeth hidden for now Mia July 9, 2020 Into a lockdown a caterpillar crawling fragile wings unfurls Mia July 10, 2020 second version Into a lockdown a crawling caterpillar fragile wings unfurls Mariela Hernandez July 10, 2020 the caiman’s stare at the edge of the lagoon her innocent long legs * old woman’s face in a colorful wool a dried “frailejón” * our farewell of gliding wings the blue butterfly Joe Tessitore July 10, 2020 He cannot keep up. We leave him on the ice flow. Our hearts stay with him. Marija Mandic July 10, 2020 Round and glistening, The glass is a sweet dewdrop – Red wine tipsiness A thin and bare tree The snow, a plain white canvas – Winter’s poverty My love is a fish A lung-breathing one, and he Only swims in me Carley July 11, 2020 first winter twilight enters the subway station street violinist Yvonne Longden July 11, 2020 Many shades of green Trees are waving tenderly To those who must leave Sheets of rain falling The wind begins its war cry That battle will come Green buds soon bursting Birds are anticipating Raspberries for tea Cookey Godknows July 15, 2020 The warmth of nature Beckons for humanity To save or destroy Mia July 11, 2020 Out on the range a sleek yellow jaguar jungle feverish Mia July 15, 2020 I am now thinking this works better what do you think? jungle feverish a sleek yellow jaguar motorway madness Scott Mason July 11, 2020 the breakers’ white noise from time immemorial . . . my feet in sea foam floating on my back . . . for an instant a seagull eclipses the sun another day spent learning fluid dynamics my beach vacation Julia July 11, 2020 “Torrid Cactus” Thorny cholla arms Stretching golden blooms skyward A prickly love’s plea “Sea Fair-er” Speckled cockle shell Sea orphan, bleached, limned with sand This is time passing “Miss Muffet Regrets…” Spinning silken thread She extracts her nightly home Nocturnal nomad Joe Tessitore July 13, 2020 Cicero proclaims, “History is life’s teacher.” We have failed the course. Carley July 13, 2020 the journey of life but still more and more to see along the long road Sree Sen July 14, 2020 1. Mortality yellow daffodils swaying along concrete path precariously 2. White your letter arrived while I was shoveling snow to clear the driveway 3. Pray curling lines of heat scorched temples of million gods – the poor have no faith Nwachukwu Joseph Okafor July 15, 2020 Orange-yellow sun Rising from the nightly skies Now my pager rings Nwachukwu Joseph Okafor July 15, 2020 Pushing through the earth The green shoot of the bean plant Crushing children’s race Nwachukwu Joseph Okafor July 15, 2020 The cool evening breeze My spirit at blissful ease Distant Floydian Shriek Andrea Smith July 15, 2020 He’s there. He crowned you. But you buried him. Alive He is not broken. That was a cheap trick Poof and abracadabra I know what’s up: Ouch! Howls at the moon Sometimes true love pays the price Rescues her. Swoops in Andrea Smith July 15, 2020 He’s there. He crowned you. But you buried him. Alive He is not broken. David Paul Behrens July 15, 2020 At first we are here Then we are gone with the wind Just how is unclear Ophelia Leong July 15, 2020 Sunflowers greet us Turned towards the lane where you live Sun shines where you are Amongst the flowers Gracing the rolling green hills I opened my heart Crawdads clack their way on top of the slimy rocks unaware of you Mark Starling July 16, 2020 the night is dark … cold but the sky is filled with stars and my dawn approaches Halle Schaffer July 16, 2020 The world’s deadlocked in everlong rivers of hate. It will never end. The skylines shimmer, stretching for infinity with dunes, blazing white. The world is at war, neverending ponds of hate. Love, it’s gone away. Mia July 16, 2020 This are my three now, please ignore my previous submissions Soft, swaying curtains Jasmin-scented evening breeze whispering secrets Into a lockdown a crawling caterpillar fragile wings unfurls Jungle feverish A sleek, yellow jaguar stuck in traffic jam Mia July 16, 2020 sorry these are… FABIYAS MV July 17, 2020 A rose lost its stalk, Alone on the sand, cannot Be the old fair one. Shreyaa Tandel July 17, 2020 #1 Greys await calm Calm awaits greys Petrichor and rain stop by on their way. #2 Edelweiss wilts in longing Anklets slip away afar Does love bloom in a breezy fall? #3 Lotus souls dancing freely. The night above, and the stars below make earth a sun. With nothing but love in sight.. Benjamin T. C. July 17, 2020 Inspired by Takashi Nagai, “the saint of Urakami” Bitterness turns sweet Like dross turns to gold in heat. Glory in the cross. Zuzanna July 17, 2020 #1 Six in the morning. Barefoot on the grass. Thousands of cold dew droplets. #2 light wind on the skin the silent singing of birds evening in the wood *** Greetings from Poland! Mark Starling July 17, 2020 after Ryokan within each snow flake are a thousand plum blossoms even now falling Margherita Ptericcione July 18, 2020 at the street market new dress for an immigrant – lilies of the field ** delicious taste of a watermelon seed – silence break ** summer noon traffic – in the ecodoppler room tense silence Jeff Kemper July 18, 2020 2020 Summer Boys (30 June) While June is sinking, Time’s winking, days now shrinking; Bats are flying not. 2020 Summer in Seattle (1 July) Summer of Love, 2: Rape and loot, and sometimes shoot Mayor: “Stop, not here!” 2020 Summer at My Home (18 July) Children jump and tease. Trees in breeze dancing with ease. Weapons of my hope. Alvin Johnson July 18, 2020 The Amazon tract is called the lungs of the world. Now it is gasping! Alvin Johnson July 18, 2020 In like a lion, more like a ragamuffin. Must be climate change. Delano Britt July 18, 2020 Haiku #1- I am so thirsty. The desert marks cruelty. Snow thus relaxes. Haiku #2- Waves break the branches. The tree shivers with self-doubt. All is calm and well. Haiku # 3- The tornado lives. Why does the life go away? Please, is it real? Theresa Zappe July 18, 2020 Tell me, what largesse Let the mighty Dipper tip Stars across the grass? Frozen feet in snow, Mountain top in rosy glow, Not so far; let’s go! Raucous leaves will race. Moon can’t hold her silver veil Still about her face. Micaela Odría July 19, 2020 A field of daisies I lay silent among them Ne’er to stir again Rustlings in the wind Could it be they call me forth? To take the first step I do not lay still Ripples form throughout the pond Disturbed but alive Edmund Ogedi Onyema July 19, 2020 1. New Rain dawning of Petrichor heralding a blaze of shoots- Tardigrades reborn 2. Lady at the Beach cute betrothed lady basking on sunny beach – enthralling cone snail 3. The Fruit Seller he stood, eyes gaping as she bends to wrap the fruits …the dangling melons! Mark Starling July 19, 2020 white clouds, clear blue skies, a soft breeze and downey grass- who says I am poor? Mark Starling July 19, 2020 Correction: white clouds, clear blue skies, a soft breeze, and softer grass- who says I am poor? Joe T July 19, 2020 My mirror shatters And what most clearly matters Remains to be seen. Mark Starling July 19, 2020 Nice job! Anthony Itopa Obaro July 19, 2020 another downpour approaching motor bikes halt the songs of the frogs Toni Newell July 19, 2020 Toni Newell (Australia) 20th July, 2020 1. Praying for a Lizard Upon a warm rock A lizard basks in the sun Laying, open prey 2. Thirsty Sheep Sheep flock in the sun Water doesn’t quench their thirst The dam is empty 3. Loneliness Cold night descending Home alone and pondering Bottle of vodka Greg Beatty July 20, 2020 Condoms once littered roads after cherry blossoms. Now dirty masks do. Vinayak S July 20, 2020 1. Evokes deep feelings, A relationship begins A naughty smile 2. A bamboo shoot small, Deepens itself in the earth, Heights of ecstasy 3. A lion awakens, The scent travels through the air, A baby gurgles Susan Lee Roberts July 20, 2020 evergreen choir atop high mountain, murmurs… aged crow’s eyes close Sebastián A July 21, 2020 Blinding flashes Fire, smoke, fear, clashes Volcanic ashes Rob Crisell July 21, 2020 Three Haikus for My Chickens I Frost glazes the run, as hens descend from their roost, down feathers flying. II With soft clicks and clucks, the hens watch the full moon rise— the night’s great white egg. III Spring rain beats the roof, the sleeping hens dream of day, feathered souls flying. Alexandra July 21, 2020 Soft winter twilight Covers this cozy cabin I shake the snowglobe Pink and magenta A bouquet of bright jewels Cute plastic flowers A flash of bright gold Prancing, muddy puppy paws Dig up my garden Jiah Dejos July 21, 2020 Leaves Leave Leaves glance once at tree As brewing autumn appears, Falls to the ground, dried. Jiah Dejos July 22, 2020 BIRDS PRAISE Birds singing loud hymns while swaying tails on their cage facing at the king Ching Yuan July 22, 2020 bluebird’s morning flight shock of shadow, flying by through the falling night Erin July 22, 2020 What was Never There Bolt of lightening Waves wrestle an abstract sea A deaf woman sleeps Sun coaxes to rise Blind to the sky’s past anger She writes a letter Oh, bottled letter Afloat on calm gentle blue Never to know rage Ms Orchids July 22, 2020 Fliping the book’s pages Out flows words of unkown ages The scent calms my edge Rider July 22, 2020 Horses mirror you, Red sky morning, night in view; Care they show, you sow. Corinna July 22, 2020 “Outside Warmth” Entry 1 A sweet Summer sun Warms with unmatched radiance Yet I remain numb “Creating” Entry 2 Piercing green eyes glare Watching me through brush, Beware! Yet, I shape their stare “Stay” Entry 3 I pray for thee to stay God’s rays pierce through Earth’s black clouds You last though I fray Miodrag Kojadinović July 23, 2020 My 2005-2015 China, in 3 Haiku disembark cool jet to South China humid heat, find a home for years. Mid-Autumn full Moon as huge campus falls asleep, all night crickets chirp. typhoon flag hoisted, Hong Kong ferries stay berthed, monsoon blows from sea. Mary July 23, 2020 1. Digging through the Earth Excitement in all his hearts The worm swallows on 2. Flowers grow up tall Out of the new backyard pot: The thrown-out toilet 3. The moth tastes sweetness And crawls among bright colors In a soda can Russell July 23, 2020 Twilight drops the sun And it shattered into stars Dawn cleans up the mess Like a drooping “V” Black against a painted sky Hangs the distant bird The sun hides behind Fat clouds frozen in blue glass In comes clumsy wind Lorraine Rizzuto July 23, 2020 Gopher Tortoise digs Finds shelter in deep tunnels Australia fire Fragile coral reefs Climate change kills colonies Fish lose their shelter The long leaf pine trees Supple limbs bend with the winds Hurricane looses Avian July 23, 2020 scribbling down end goals the scratch of bird claws on eaves scouting for a nest Avian July 23, 2020 Correction scribbling down end goals the scratch of bird claws on eaves scouting out to nest Hannah Johnson July 23, 2020 The trees are screaming It happens ev’ry summer Hon, it’s just tree bugs Sand, land and sea meet Entangled and passionate The storm blows always After the first rain I squish the mud in my toes And my face, neck, hands Brylie Major July 24, 2020 Squirming through moist soil Rain persuades worm to surface Plucked by a robin Warm apple cider Auburn leaves float off the maple tree Raked into a pile The river slithers A snake sunbathes in the sun The tree branch then snaps Avian July 24, 2020 mercaptan bellows midst a mirage round the field bumblebees steam by Avian July 24, 2020 Correction: mercaptan boils midst a mirage round the field bumblebees steam by Avian July 24, 2020 black skies spotted with stars tree leaves rustle in the breeze expanding out my eyes Cole A. Martens July 24, 2020 Nonstop Buzzing Phone Never Left Alone Twenty First Century Can Not Run From Time Robert Dickerson July 24, 2020 Tokyo toyota mitsubishi kyoto teriyaki saki translation: September jonquil you’re a little late here, pal– the party’s over. A moment later billows and the bobbing boat say the whale was real. High up in the sky O buzzard, your shadow falls on some patch of earth. Robert Dickerson July 24, 2020 In the sun’s last light a grackle washed its purple off into a puddle. High up in the sky oh buzzard your shadow falls on some patch of earth. Geese High up overhead a heard-abed clamoring hijacking my heart. Alanna July 24, 2020 Feel mud underfoot Walking barefoot through the stream The fish scream unseen Build skyscrapers tall Wonders of man above all Watch as the world falls Not all stop to see to look at nature’s beauty it leaves on the breeze Avian July 25, 2020 Correction stars spot the black skies tree leaves rustle in the breeze expanding out my eyes Ananya July 25, 2020 The haiku are – 1. squirrel losing grip motionless, she fell downwards into my two hands. 2. dropping the mango parrot follows the macaw to snatch back his bell. Jiah Dejos July 25, 2020 KNIGHT OF HOPE A warrior trounce death, yielding shafts of vivid hope, renewing the world. Ayleen A July 26, 2020 The whisper of leaves Rustle on a dancing tree. They say I am free. Ayleen A July 26, 2020 Hues of gold and rose On a berry blue night sky Come and say “goodnight.” Bhavnoor July 26, 2020 Value Broken branches of tree Which were shed on a breezy day Act as home for birds. Rayan Ramadan July 26, 2020 Haiku #1, “Pebbles”: I count the pebbles, as I walk past the evils, my eyes cast downwards Haiku #2, Words: Sore words flow away, down a stream of broken vows, swelling in water. Haiku #3, “A Burden”: My heart beats again, burdened by lungs that breathe and perpetuate life. Claire O. July 26, 2020 visions of your eyes dancing through the turquoise waves archipelago my ghost still loves you kissing you every fall night still waiting for you I saved a cricket lost with laughing cicadas midwest summer storm Joe Tessitore July 27, 2020 We all need to write While there’s still some daylight left. Coming fast, the night. Vanessa Valencia July 27, 2020 Falling like snowflakes The smell of cherry blossoms The vision of blood Marcie Wessels July 27, 2020 the winter wind blows the blackbird repeats his call on a moonless night Joseph Fisher July 27, 2020 again the wrong path, an eerie stillness, these woods… sound of falling leaves Marian Hopwood July 27, 2020 stories in the clouds let all of your secrets go whisper to the wind Esther Bunny Brown July 27, 2020 Here’s the background story about my second haiku entry: I read the article “Exposing the Occult Corona-Initiation Ritual” by Makia Freeman. But then I had to go with my family on the annual trip to Redfish Lake in central Idaho. While I was there, I got a few ideas intuitively. Under cheated stars, dark rituals upon men might make them puppets. (By the first line, I mean astrology being used for evil purposes rather than good ones.) Charlie Nicholas July 27, 2020 Imploding spirit Lost within Suicide’s flood Reaching out for life. VENG Sovannarath July 27, 2020 Crocuses bloom in the freezing place As women ready to shine The light of success. Esther Bunny Brown July 29, 2020 This is not a contest entry, but a suggestion for the entrant, who may decide whether or not to take my advice: Cold crocuses bloom and women prepare to shine the light of success. Michael King July 28, 2020 The fallen rabbit; ensnared, but silent, peaceful; food for the weakened. Jamari July 28, 2020 I walk through the door It shuts quickly behind me And now it’s snowing Jamari Williams July 28, 2020 Forgot to add my last name Jamari Williams July 28, 2020 I walk through the door It shuts quickly behind me And now it’s snowing Kara Howard July 28, 2020 Sunflowers bloom now Stretching to find the daylight No darkness can hide Sarah Harrison July 28, 2020 Oh what I would give Summer rain drifting away To be that raindrop Grace Duncan July 28, 2020 Walking in the cold Opens the body’s window And lets the light in A mountain of dew Gathering on the grass blade Is moved by your faith A lover’s finger As warm as a match’s flame Is food for the soul Bryn E Malizia July 29, 2020 Butterflies The girl in orange dances among the flowers, her wings bent in grace Dandelion Death Bright dandelions, their decapitated heads strewn upon the ground They Always Sink Love is like a stone Skipping into an abyss And used to crush hearts Anastasia Kunda July 29, 2020 War Spring’s clean white roses Blooming purely all alone Now stained in red blood There is Still Life Winter freezes, kills Cold chokes every living thing Sun peeks out- soon spring Robbin Robbing Life Small bird chirps in nest Mother gone. One brother’s push, Falls down to the ground Kayla Hennigan July 29, 2020 DESOLATION Trapped inside myself Time passing like cold wind Longing to be me TWILIGHT The endless night sky Burning stars release questions Morning sun bears none HEALING Falling into earth Heat of the core warms my mind I am all control Lillian Lam July 30, 2020 Haiku 1: Blue Crane Stars in the vast sea Leaves the feather of blue cranes Flying toward mountains Haiku 2: Mystic Deer The forest of rain A light twinkle of mist covers Deer softly appears Haiku 3: Forest Wind Relaxed with green life Wonders of animals pass As zyphers flow by Sally Stiles July 30, 2020 at the garden gate only my shadow passes the locked entryway from the bleeding hearts a hummingbird emerges humming an old tune Sally Stiles August 2, 2020 How nice to have a deadline in order to continue to revise. first day of college: only my shadow steps through the front entrance gate from the columbine a hummingbird emerges whistling a blues tune into this haiku about a gnarled apple tree a robin appears Nora Linn July 31, 2020 STARRING Nightingale’s sorrow resonated in melancholy night my heart echoed SAD STEPS There used to be rose petals where we stood, now I can only feel thorns SELF-DESTRUCTION My soul is tired Fighting my worst enemies Me, myself, and I Nora Linn July 31, 2020 Correction to the first poem: STARRING Nightingale’s cry resonates in sorrow night my aching heart rings Nora Linn August 1, 2020 Final correction: decided to only include two haiku poems. SAD STEPS There used to be rose petals where we stood, now I can only feel thorns SELF-DESTRUCTION My soul is tired Fighting my worst enemies Me, myself, and I Karina July 31, 2020 Sweltering cadence Seduce me at sea again Cerulean eyes Heavy in my chest An ambiguous request Taste my earth again Night in the desert Encumbered me with this ache Scorpion kisses Grace A Krage July 31, 2020 People in my head Trapped like wind, Howling to be Released by my pen Buffeted like leaves She wanders through the masses stealing all she can Trees tell many tales I see the stories written there in ink on paper E. O. J. July 31, 2020 It rains once more, but Spring showers bring May flowers Love is in the air Summer afternoons Spent lounging in the hot sun With someone I love Leaves fall from the trees Warm evenings begin to cool Where has my love gone? E. V. Wyler July 31, 2020 Haiku #1: bright sunbeams shimmer twinkling on wavy waters horizon’s diamonds Haiku #2: lollipop flowers white, scalloped pickets “no trespassing” sign Haiku #3: perfect symmetry unfolding kaleidoscope monarch butterfly E. V. Wyler July 31, 2020 Correction: Haiku #2 lollipop flowers scalloped, white picket fences “No Trespassing” signs E. V. Wyler July 31, 2020 Haiku #2 Correction: lollipop flowers scalloped white picket fences “No Trespassing” signs Rider With No Name July 31, 2020 Horses mirror you, Red sky morning, night in view; Care they show, you sow. Pain is a ladder Shedding skins of dark matter Climb! Kill the doubter. I am not a God, But I know why you are here; Be true, love, forbear. Zachary Dilks July 31, 2020 “Wonder Over Wander” How wild the spirit In all of humanity Silenced and longing “Living” Offering a soul Where the sunlight beams anew Waiting on thunder “Independence” Burn like July sun With fire at our fingers Snuffed out in fall’s rise Crystal G. August 1, 2020 -Light vs Dark- The wind sings behind Sun glimmers through the curtains My eyes close to black ‘Rona’ Fear covers her face Contagions fill the dense air She stands strong for them ‘Goodnight’ In the grass, bear sleeps A quiet day full of peace Shot all for a game Will Conway August 1, 2020 White feathers fluttering soar curving in blue above red squirrel “whhurring” Csilla Toldy August 1, 2020 1. Passing a river a smell of antiseptic. Did you wash your hand? 2. The empty snail shell reminds of old defences – not needed, but missed. Raymond H Gallucci August 1, 2020 The sun and the surf, Summer’s traditional turf, Uninhabited. The birds and the bees, Virus carried by the breeze, Fly oblivious. Prejudice in stone, Carved warmly, but now grown cold, Returns to the earth. Sandip Saha August 1, 2020 Earthquake in the sea Triggers tsunami on land Radiation spreads Incessant rainfall Inundates village cottage Snake befriends human Himalayan monk Meditates for lord Siva Snow submerges hut Madison Baker August 1, 2020 1. Evening’s glow enchants Waves crash through the setting sun Final gasp for air 2. Currents flee turtles Bears of white swim through waters Global Warming’s grasp 3. A torrential rain Children splash in new puddles Museum’s new Oil Painting Madison Baker August 1, 2020 Haiku #3 Correction: A torrential rain Children splash in new puddles Museum’s Oil Painting Con Chapman August 1, 2020 Crew Haiku It is autumn now– My son sculls on the river. I am left behind. Erica D. August 1, 2020 #1 Wild wind, where’d you go? Over oceans, through windows - home is in the flow. #2 Sheer curtains flowing, the moon peeks in to kiss me goodnight — quietly. Thomas E Schmidt August 1, 2020 August occasion, bells toll for school to resume— my pupils contract. Emory Jones August 1, 2020 Haiku Sequence Yellow butterflies Flitting across green meadows Like dancing sunshine The insect monarchs Skimming with orange and black wings Holding court in spring. Butterflies resting In the shade of the oak trees Like forest jewels. Kathy Gilbert August 1, 2020 Hanna Hosannah Hurricane havoc hoists his Horrid wall; hurray! Dean Robbins August 1, 2020 2020 Haiku Competition Spring The box trap, submerged, frozen winter long, thaws, and the squirrel within. Early Flower Dawn’s rose I give you for morning’s when you wake to skies of steel gray. September Sunrise Steam from my coffee ascends to the painted sky, watering it down. Jeremy Li August 1, 2020 During chilling winds, Birds recall halcyon days To remember warmth Andrew Alexander Mobbs August 1, 2020 Haiku 1 A solar death kiss, Yet the potted pansies thrive, Quaff pandemic tears. — Haiku 2 Tilt your axis, Earth, Towards equinoctial rebirth– Vernal virus lurks. — Haiku 3 Stoic hawk screeches Like a kettle left on flame. Somewhere, mountains dance. MK Punky August 1, 2020 When my Japanese friend gives me homemade rice balls they taste like summer Luigi Pagano August 1, 2020 A threatening sky predicts a violent storm. Garden under threat Luigi Pagano August 1, 2020 The leaves are falling: hazelnut trees, now undressed, shiver in the cold. luigi Pagano August 1, 2020 The grass is too wet. Idle gardeners are glad: no more lawn mowing. Nikki Humphries August 1, 2020 1. the sun celebrates as flowers dance in sweet warmth but the ice queen lurks 2. the smells of earth grow a new adventure begins she gives Death a kiss 3. smoky clouds signal the sparks and embers glisten up in flames I go Vrinda Nair August 1, 2020 1} Winter pink cheeks came along withe a gift for the princess 2} Withering leaf fell into many places as landscape of mind 3} Polar lights of night thundering sound brings the shades of human Claire M de la Grange August 1, 2020 Wood nymphs flittering All faerie wood emblazon Day lends length to night Claire M de la Grange August 1, 2020 Twilight summons wings Chasers falconing the chased Footprints on a lake Diana Woodcock August 1, 2020 Haiku 1 on the Zambezi I float dragonfly-easy laze like crocodile Haiku 2 hot shamal blowing hillocks and wadis cracking the Red Moon dwindling Haiku 3 the red-faced mud snake glides over the fissured earth without faltering Nefertiri McDonald August 1, 2020 1. “Watery Mirrors” She is lying there Raindrops pelting her grave frame Now above, I’m her. Lauren Richards August 1, 2020 Flower petal lips Attached to the one he loves Wither six feet deep Derek Bland August 1, 2020 Paper enfolds rocks. Seven-times-folded paper blunts blades. Paper wins! Joe Cleetus August 2, 2020 1. Monsoon rain tableau – Sun emerges to refract A double rainbow 2. Summer symphony – Azans call, koels wail, in Tuneful euphony! 3. In spring for a game Butterflies flit randomly – Lacking any aim. Lee Goldberg August 2, 2020 Wind sings and I smile. Wind brings rain and I rejoice! Wind breaks I exhale. Esther Bunny Brown August 2, 2020 The idea for the haiku was the Shoshone Ice Caves, which are about fifteen miles (or five-and-twenty kilometers) north of Shoshone, Idaho. Under lava rocks is a lava tube ice cave with lost coins and bucks. A circle of ice in the aforementioned attraction has dollar bills and coins tossed onto it by tourists, reminiscent of a wishing well. Bradathon Nu August 2, 2020 Leaves blow in the wind. I wish that I could join them. They travel too fast. Bradathon Nu August 2, 2020 The soil beneath me. Remains still at all times, yet- Feels much more alive. Bradathon Nu August 2, 2020 Rabbits hops and hop. Wandering through their domain. I am ever still. Alessio Zanelli August 2, 2020 seated on a rock in front the mountain rises days of old pass by Manfred Dietrich August 2, 2020 Dancing in spring breeze lilies on the riverbank summon butterflies. ************************* Riverbank lilies suckle bees and hummingbirds; I sway to their hum. ************************* Pidgeons on the roof warble summer harmonies with their soft high coos. Grace Lee August 2, 2020 1. The wind gently blows On a field full of flowers, A scene in my dreams. 2. Winter has arrived. The weather should be colder. Why is it warmer? 3. The end of summer I should go on a trip soon Autumn has arrived. Amy Losak August 2, 2020 that eye in the sky lidded with pieces of cloud … the sun or the moon? firefly wishes adding a touch of lightness to the shortest day a squirrel’s tail furls around a fallen birdbath … the world in my yard Cheryl Corey August 2, 2020 1. Every flower fades; Summer ends as it begins – Seed returns to seed. 2. A late summer swim, but caught by an undertow; Neptune culls the herd. 3. The June days grow long, but summer grants a short lease. Will you strum the lyre? Philip J Kowalski August 2, 2020 HOMERIC HAIKU Far down firmaments Helios’ chariot wends– Hot summer days end. Elizabeth Munoz August 2, 2020 #1: Soil smeared mother’s face Tucks me into a lush bed Sleep sound, my Tulip #2 Wind chills caress cheeks Metal frost seeps through glove’s clutch She jumps off the swing #3 A warm sleeper train Sunlight strikes, blushing soft cheeks Streaming tears cool skin Ronald Williams August 2, 2020 firefly in flight bio-luminescence bright a seasonal light Dave Whippman August 2, 2020 Footsteps on hard snow, Intense as soft-voiced secrets, Whispers of winter. Dave Whippman August 2, 2020 A clock is ticking The granite mountains of years to pebble-seconds. Derek Bland August 2, 2020 New season, fresh songs, old guitar, tune strings, top E too taut – SPRING! Ouch Issatou Diallo August 2, 2020 Land of liberty Opportunity rains down But for whom, I ask Emory D. Jones August 3, 2020 Yellow butterflies Flitting across green meadows Like dancing sunshine The insect monarchs Skimming with orange and black wings Holding court in spring. Butterflies resting In the shade of the oak trees Like forest jewels. Landon Porter August 3, 2020 TITHE Fences billow steam, Return to heaven one-tenth The gift – offering. Landon Porter August 3, 2020 Autumn loses grip; Old Man Winter tightens his; Mine pours a whiskey. Terry L. Norton August 3, 2020 1. Heights of thinnest air, Uneven sharp sierras, Cold judgmental peaks. 2. Flowing little stream, I cup my hand across you. Still the water runs. 3. Sleepless soul’s dark night, Cacophonic caterwauls. Felines fornicate. Anu Reddy August 3, 2020 Cherry blossoms glide A cloud of pink dusts the earth As lips touch slowly A babbling brook Stumbles and trips on its way Into mother’s arms Rain drops softly fall Sliding down a window pane Caught in a white cloth Emory Jones August 3, 2020 These are nice. I like the connection with human emotion and actions. Katherine Combs August 3, 2020 1. Like petals falling past the maiden flush of spring ash coats the forest 2. From volcanic wrath and skeleton quiet woods, a sprout emerges 3. Pebble skips along the frozen stream’s silver path loosed from rocky banks Emory D. Jones August 4, 2020 These haiku seem to be positive and hopeful. I like them. Linda Marie Hilton August 3, 2020 the sunset has pulled sherbet taffy across the sky: hot sticky sweet. dew drops on rose blooms quiver then slide inside to quench a beauty’s thirst. the silent sound of snow sifting through bare branches wraps me in warm furs. Edward Gutt August 3, 2020 Nature Reveres Itself Winds Blow and Trees Bow – Thankful for Clouds Bringing Rain That Bless the Sacred Trees. Cycles Dusk – Day Becomes Night. Hope Dwindles, but Faith Remains… Dawn – Night Becomes Day. Natures Power Crack – Tremendum. Fear. Lightning Striking Somewhere Near. Obscure to Mind’s Ear. Jessica Hoard August 3, 2020 young stray allows me to stroke her growing belly cherry blossoms bloom umbrellas crossing the rain-wet street below us petals in a stream the spring’s first sighting of the buzzy hummingbird last day of chemo Nathalie Savannah Slaughter August 3, 2020 Haiku #01 I sit at the tree every Summer waiting for the times we once had Haiku #02 The smell of burning in the crisp December air beckoning past ghosts Haiku #03 She awakens spring with her presence as the dead wail for their once queen Mary McKay August 3, 2020 1. The last flying fox Heads home with beating wing as Evening softly falls. 2. The joy of seeing Through dark’ning trees tonight a Golden crescent moon. 3. Cat by the screen door at the crepuscular hour the moon in her eyes. jaeleah roberts August 6, 2020 heavy waves ahead calmness in the meadow sun mask push us apart Stuart Jay Silverman August 3, 2020 shreds of iron rust a temple bell tolls and a cricket answers “spring” // I intended italics, not ” “, but my computer won’t italicize here// a chorus of crows petals purple as plums fall something like perfume the cat tests the air half the year gone already rain digs in its heels Seth August 4, 2020 Crickets pierce the night The smell of cut grass and rain I awake in sweat Debra Mascarenhas August 4, 2020 [ floating cotton balls ] floating cotton balls crashed together thunderstorms Debra S Mascarenhas August 4, 2020 [ desert storm ] desert storm date palms uprooted 2000 dates on the sand Debra Mascarenhas August 4, 2020 haiku 25.1.17 crack in the wall, sun rays designs art in the dark Angela Chen August 4, 2020 fall resurfaces, obi dark with pondwater. warm vengeance stirring. Francis DiClemente August 4, 2020 Rain pounds the sidewalk. Wind swirls. Tree limbs scrape window. Toddler looks and waves. Akaninyene Ntia August 4, 2020 One Rose on a field Dances and falls with the breeze And paints a picture Oluwasegun Oluseyi Adesina August 4, 2020 Nagasaki Day — from the tree a group of bats fleeing to the sky waning harmattan . . . the village chief waits longer for a less hot pap snapping the cherries and crocuses all day long . . . the moon walks us home Stuart August 4, 2020 “the moon walks us home” is a lovely line, beautiful image. Joel Scarfe August 4, 2020 dozing in his boat – fish scatter their phosphorus at the splash of oar a sorrowful night – the tedious politics of obdurate rain laughter from next door – you put your empty bottle in the grubby bin John Petraglia August 4, 2020 Late April morning Wild, yellow, spiking tendrils Yes, Forsythia! Mountain waterfall Drift off to secluded thought The thunder returns! Cascading waters Mossy, verdant hideaway Gentle spray, deep thoughts. Emory Jones August 4, 2020 These are beautiful haiku. I enjoyed reading them. Sondra Rosenberg August 4, 2020 two moons this clear spring night–one drifts among the stars, one floats in the lake cicadas shatter evening stillness–I dream of runaway horses snowflakes settle in my flower bed–white blossoms, livening dry stalks Madeline Rosa August 4, 2020 1. A crisp cool winter Mixed with a great affliction Can scorch a pure love 2. The fall leaves tremble Walking down the breezy path A grave made too soon 3. Flowers weep with joy To the sound of their laughter Lovers load boxes Madeline Rosa August 4, 2020 1. A crisp cool winter Mixed with a great affliction Can scorch a pure love 2. The fall leaves tremble Walking down the breezy path A grave made too soon 3. Flowers weep with joy To the sound of their laughter Lovers load boxes Cindy Lou Bechtold August 4, 2020 shriveled cores adhere to branches’ skinny season sun sparks can’t revive wind gropes the freeway heavy footprints etched in ice a madman in snow boots in the birth of spring snow gilds the tips of tulips lingering for a time Linda Marie Hilton August 5, 2020 “wind gropes the freeway” is an excellent image Liza McAlister Williams August 4, 2020 [HAIKU CAN BE READ TOGETHER OR SEPARATELY] Title (optional): In Praise of Nature #1 Being a wordsmith is easy when compared to being a birdsmith. #2 Don’t love it too hard — the garden needs its wildness to keep on giving. #3 Like an angry child the wind wails and stamps its feet and then falls asleep. Daesha Holmes August 4, 2020 1. Your words make a rise The wind blows my tears away Love will remain here 2. The hill of our dreams Where we gaze at countless stars Forever you lay 3. That man in orange Cold as the Arctic’s climate I grieve the victims Jasminda A. Asencio August 4, 2020 1. Cloud of winter breath Floats through the frostbitten air Boy tries to catch it 2. The mellow moonlight Casts an eerie glow on you This forbidden kiss 3. Gray and white flashes Run to the discarded food Seagulls have breakfast Sophie Kavanagh August 4, 2020 Waves leap toward me Arms outstretched. Energy weak Surrender, retreat Karina Kimani-Stewart August 4, 2020 Wind, water, heat–earth A big world we call our home Yet, I’m still alone Stephanie Galli August 4, 2020 Raw earth traps. Cruel frigid air oppresses. Christmas cacti bloom. Anne Cagle August 5, 2020 Tattered leaf fragments, These paper ghosts, last studies Haunt now childless rooms Ernesto P. Santiago August 5, 2020 backyard birds gather at the old baptismal font splashes of summer Prajakta Nikam August 5, 2020 1. Title – Drizzle Drizzling of the rain. Let the downpour lave away my old timeworn pain. ………………………. 2. Title- Nature wonders in pandemic Why is air still , hushed Why birds chirping, wondering where is he gone now …………………………….. 3. Title – autumn leaves Brown leaves drop to earth Wither and fall, embracing change for a rebirth ……………………………. Shourya Vardhan Agarwal August 5, 2020 I Seasons trickle on, Only the clock-hand swims back, Others are locked out. II Tired birds return To a home of moist shadows- Moss on fresh concrete. III The vibrant canvas Flutters on a sea of light- Sailing Butterfly Emory Jones August 6, 2020 I like these haiku. I think the last one is especially good. Eunice Kang August 5, 2020 the end seems so near it feels bitter like unripe fruit a new beginning Matt O'Hays August 6, 2020 Sunny days are here! The beach is ideal and near. It’s Fall already? Precious Tampos August 6, 2020 Racing with the leaves Unknown where the winds lead me, I drift endlessly. Emory Jones August 6, 2020 I like it. I wish you had posted more. Althea Rowe Watson August 6, 2020 exploding rainbows surfing the curl of a wave dolphins swim with me summer sun does grace dark illusions fly transformed peacock feathers glide walking through shadows an owl taps my shoulder with the scent of crushed leaves Emory Jones August 6, 2020 I like these haiku–very perceptive. Linda Marie Hilton August 7, 2020 an owl waits for me wisdom sentinel for my walk on the wild side. Deepthi August 6, 2020 first rain of new monsoon ripples in lake Emory Jones August 6, 2020 This does not conform to the regular 5-7-5 form. Neelam Saxena Chandra August 6, 2020 Rotting of bodies Morning breeze in Covid times Withered yellow leaves Neelam Saxena Chandra August 6, 2020 The kin are all dead, Who cares for the alive too? Only the breeze blows… Neelam Saxena Chandra August 6, 2020 let’s hold hands and walk Life, a rough terrain of thorns Hear flowers whisper Linda Marie Hilton August 7, 2020 together but sole, six feet apart, you are dead, I live six feet up. Neelam Saxena Chandra August 6, 2020 Love rots in alleys The promises are shattered Still a bee bumbles Neelam Saxena Chandra August 6, 2020 Silvery, my hair I hold a carved cane to trod Yet golden dreams fly Linda Helene August 6, 2020 Drink in the warm sun Cherish the smell of rich earth Emptiness awaits Emory Jones August 6, 2020 This is nice. I wish the poet had submitted more. Mary Karr August 6, 2020 For your consideration, three haiku 1. Stars on the Ceiling Claustrophobic day. Sit staring at the ceiling imagining stars 2. Owl On wild, winter nights, the owl calls out to dreamers, “Who-r-you? Who-ooo? 3. The Silent Night The owls fly away; swaying in the silent night, a sad, leafless tree. Mary Karr August 6, 2020 This submission is withdrawn – incorrect email provided, apologies Mary Karr August 6, 2020 RESUBMITTED (incorrect email previous submission, apologies) for your consideration, three haiku 1. Stars on the Ceiling Claustrophobic day. Sit staring at the ceiling imagining stars 2. Owl On wild, winter nights, the owl calls out to dreamers, “Who-r-you? Who-ooo? 3. The Silent Night The owls fly away; swaying in the silent night, a sad, leafless tree. Allan Kennedy August 6, 2020 Exceptional, especially ‘Wings’ Allan Kennedy August 6, 2020 And The Silent Night. Very good. Elisabeth Wasserman August 6, 2020 1. Naive, fallen seed Is loved, is fed, has sunlight ‘Til bitter winter 2. Rain pours, my heart beats Soaked grass and branches shake slow Lights flash, fallen tree 3. Waves crash over rocks Deep blue surrounds, the tides rise The rock beneath, veiled SHARON August 6, 2020 1. BE STILL The boats carry bones Under the Ha Long islets Peace is within one 2. ABYSS A boat submerges A couple cries angrily- The ships are sinking 3. DROUGHT Petrichor in May, our deep long kisses, I miss the waters. Somyr Perkins August 6, 2020 August 6th, 2020 Waves Underneath the sky, the waves lay without moving. Now the moon pulls them. Rose Petals There in the valley, where no roe petals soar in wind, nature comes to life. Clouded I am so confused, my mind clouded and misty. Sunshine now shines through. Annesa Tran August 6, 2020 AUTUMN SOUP a lonely yolk sits silent in the rich, dark broth the Harvest Moon swells PYGMALION, 2020 beautiful statue will you come alive for me? The wind blows empty MY MOTHER’S GARDEN Drop garnet jewels glisten in the summer sun Fruit fresh on the vine Emory Jones August 7, 2020 These are good. I like them. Adela Tran August 8, 2020 beautiful imaginings of life! love this Nadirah Muhammad August 6, 2020 I. The wind sifts the sand elegantly dancing grains amongst my fingers II. Remember the sun. Once your sunburn heals to tan, Cold returns again III. Forming in the skies Nature’s most gentle crystals Falling down frozen James Allan Kennedy August 6, 2020 Three Haiku 1. Wings When the eagle soars, even the mighty oak tree wishes he had wings 2. The Bridge The bridge is rotting; yet we cross, ever hopeful it will hold our weight 3. The Last Words See how they linger, hanging in the silent night – the last words spoken Rodica Stefan August 7, 2020 I my iris garden unfurls its shades of purple— waiting for van Gogh II red fish float along our long embracing shadows— bridge over the pond III smiles all in black and white pressed with care in the album— the shine of days past Isabella Rooney August 7, 2020 how the days go by go in the blink of an eye they cannot be stopped Isabella Rooney August 7, 2020 please disregard this entry Isabella Rooney August 7, 2020 how the ryegrass grows chaotic, everchanging the bunches flow free Isabella Rooney August 7, 2020 oh, the month of may the life it breathes into us spring, it does portray Isabella Rooney August 7, 2020 oh how the sun shines in through my bedroom window i do crave her warmth Lucia Fisher August 7, 2020 I. As it rustles leaves I find the West Wind hiding A soft, silver laugh II. Frostbitten moonlight Encloses Faerie stillness A charming snow-globe III. A winter zephyr, Fluttering the falling flakes, Whispers wistfully janet Sorlie brunton August 7, 2020 Wild man dancing hard Wind blows soft, dancing, dancing Wild man dancing, hard janet Sorlie brunton August 7, 2020 Dancing free and light Sunshine beats down on the dance Shines light on it’s truth Michael Dudley August 7, 2020 bitter autumn gales ~ barbed wire on the barracks wall wails through the darkness janet Sorlie brunton August 7, 2020 Twilight dark as grey Nigh time dark as pure pure black Morning light yellow Michael Dudley August 7, 2020 meditation hike in blossomed woods, my mind still at the trailhead stump janet Sorlie brunton August 7, 2020 A sunset on Skye. Cinnabar flames burn wild. The summer murmurs. Michael Dudley August 7, 2020 winter interment of the opera tenor . . . snow falls silently Ronald Williams August 7, 2020 snowy fluffy sheets ivory frosted pearls white blank canvas Ymbar Polanco August 7, 2020 the nelipots walk a tender earth gives yet takes it is time we give droplets of water the leaves weep all through the night we grow in the dark provoke the sea once swim deeper into its depth provoke your beauty Ally August 7, 2020 Sun sets in ocean Darkness on the horizon The light shows the way Monica Villanueva August 7, 2020 [waves] underneath the waves runs the uneasy stormwind breathing oceanward [damp spring] raindrops at soft leaves falls from gentle petals of wildflowers [mountains] the majestic crests where magnificent sun rests bury deep forests George Grace August 7, 2020 Thoughts in August Sweat pores on blank page The heat foments ideas Inspires like ice George Grace August 7, 2020 More thoughts in August Sweat pores on blank page Heat fosters vacant ideas Inspires like ice George Grace August 7, 2020 In the wood Pine sap scents the air Dry needles cushion foot falls Fueling a fire’s rage Randall Scott Condit August 7, 2020 April Every day I swear you breathe down my neck as if one could hurry spring. —– May You again draw close, glaciers between us no match. Spring will have her way. —– June By a single leaf is the chief end of winter declared to be spring. Becca Calloway August 7, 2020 Haiku written before coffee… 1 Bacon frying; smells Like breakfast – heaven at dawn Sunshine in a pan 2 Feel my heat up close See my demons in my eyes Twilight falls; they dance 3 Mushrooms in the grass Dancing fairies in the fog Vanish – Sun’s first rays… Trisha J. A. Barr August 7, 2020 Singapore lights up like mystical fireflies from an elven land. Wolves might surround you when you defy boundaries… Hope they’re not hungry… A refreshing breeze trembles fat spiders in webs like lacy curtains. Kavitha Yarlagadda August 8, 2020 Trees bowing forward form a shaded canopy a tired farmer rests Wet grass, lonely shell snail emerges from its shell moving at snail’s pace Tree left bare after breeze, bird looks for shelter to save young ones elsewhere Naomi Jack August 8, 2020 Beds cling to silk sheets Your tears on a spider’s web I watch from above Mantz Yorke August 8, 2020 Chrome against blue sky, quivering, a gingko leaf anticipates frost. Mist, fallen beech leaves, fungi bursting from the ground, hands no longer held. Revealed by the thaw, artefacts left by Vikings, writing on a wall. Sathyanarayana August 8, 2020 The original Japanese haiku doesn’t have the 5-7-5 structure. Haiku is only a kind of statement depicting some stunning image that is special to a season which they call as kegu. In haiku anthropomorphism is strictly prohibited. The lines also shouldnot start with capital letters. Please see examples of haiku by legendary Japanese poet Basho: The old pond A frog leaps in. Splash! Jumping over the brook for water not needed. Another modern school of English haiku discarded the 5-7-5 rule and emphasized on less number of syllables and more pronounced images. Arunachalasiva Ravisankar August 8, 2020 ● street light on two poles two crows ● midnight storm under mom’s blanket garden chicks ● hairpin bends on road turns trees too KAVIYARASAN August 8, 2020 (1) the moonless night a door is being shut even the distance farmland (2) strewn in the morning upon the lawn night fallen stars (3) sprouting leaf carrying dew drops quenching the thirst universe consuming small housefly Sivagami L August 8, 2020 Dying pet dog Eyes shows clearly The past memories.. M.Ramesh August 8, 2020 1. the buds get dried and falling before blossom in the hot summer 2. the midnight rain has shoved the beard to the guard doll 3. moon raising tomorrow worn with disappointment seeing the dried wells Marie DERLEY August 8, 2020 plein air oil painting the grapevines keep the pose despite the tastings dinner on the grass nude in honor of Manet the hornet doesn’t care evening museum in front of the Sleeping girl whispering softly A.R.Sankar August 8, 2020 (1) deep dhyana on mist a tree shades the lone monk nothing but vacuum (2) on mountain peak a monkey sings my voice the mouthorgan (3) end of a rain with a drop on moustache a snail travels Cassy August 8, 2020 hail hurdled at grapes vines weakened and rotting fast no champagne this year when the river floods on each side of the highway fields turn to ocean algae blooms in mid june proliferating, excess kills fish, flourishes N Ram August 8, 2020 No birds in the sky Nothing moves on land or sea Life frozen by heat Hot day, vacant chairs Empty, waveless, subdued sea Empty resort sighs Cezar Florescu August 8, 2020 #1 refugee convoy a pregnant lass looking for a four leaf clover #2 shooting rapeseed field I quickly remembering that epiphany #3 other speech of praise a flock of sparrows chatting in a cherry tree Chandrasekatam August 8, 2020 Covid19 corona cases crores We are fighting over in terrible force Fearand faith are onour nose Julie G Potter August 8, 2020 #1: Raindrops trickle down Wandering, leaving wet trails They change so quickly #2: Hawk calls in the sky We want to escape on clouds True escape or hide? #3: Leaves crunch underfoot Once brilliant red, now dull brown When life fades…what? Julie G Potter August 8, 2020 (forgot to add last syllable to #3. Please use this revised haiku.) #3: Leaves crunch underfoot Once brilliant red, now dull brown When life fades…then what? Sherri Jens August 8, 2020 Three Haiku Bluebird on white oak Whisperer of promises Winging morning fan © 2020 Sherri Jens Dragonfly on glass Glimmering transformation Mirroring my wink © 2020 Sherri Jens Lemon butterfly Flitting ‘round the refuse pile Disparate partners © 2020 Sherri Jens kalai selvan nadesan August 8, 2020 a man was die yesterday The corpses of tomorrow to be carried funeral for go to silently today kalai selvan nadesan August 8, 2020 our birth is beauty full our living a life is beauty full our death is beauty full Rahja Watson August 8, 2020 Beaming rays, long days Salty seas serene and clean But no one can leave Whispers from the leaves Moonshine, feeling so sublime Lit up midnight crime Oh to feel your touch Icicle limbs, numb and sharp 6 feet underground Kesavan August 8, 2020 1. Landless People Jobless Life Endless Journey 2. Blackberry seller hand extends, Payments were at down, Walking heads are straight 3. Pregnancy pain, Insurance limit, The first cry. Traci M. Muir August 8, 2020 I. Humans reign the world A perfect storm of screw-ups Natural beauty II. Spring awakening Endless shells of guarded chicks Hatching open hearts III. Like a lion’s roar On battlefields of spirit Love will always win Andrew King August 8, 2020 Peaceful Pot Hot coals sit below Fine leaves rest in mesh Bitter but calm steam Patient Plate Traveling from oak Crystal thin disk solemn white Waiting for its friends Cheerful Cup Releasing handle Greetings given plate and pour Soft breeze and a kiss Lucia O’Neill August 8, 2020 The lilac blossoms It brings hope and slight despair It, too, cedes to time. Daniel Rousseau August 8, 2020 Golden autumn days, Fire-crackling frost-fingered nights, the season unfolds. Iniubong Bassey August 8, 2020 THE NIGHT’S DIRGE The night mourns the stars In tune dirges with the frogs— Insomnia walks in. TEARFUL TREES Trees weep their losses In tears for the inhume leaves— Autumn rises up. THE REBORN SPINE Cactus grow their spine Newly and wonderfully— Just when the spring woke Michael Dylan Welch August 8, 2020 1. its rusted anchor surrounded by withered grass— foreclosed restaurant 2. morning newspaper wet with a midsummer rain— empty rocking chair 3. blackberry picking . . . behind her mask mother hums a Celtic folk tune Kendyl Boone August 8, 2020 roses bloom on cheeks morning dew spills from eyes Why is beauty pain Mark F. Stone August 8, 2020 Anarchists rampage when sunbeams melt to twilight and our leaders sit. Ignatius the Pig could hardly be rounder. A four hundred pounder! I’d be an aesthete — except my aesthetic is purely cosmetic. Helen Lim August 8, 2020 the night cityscape stare in awe at the backdrop of someone’s labor the song of scops owl shuddering sigh of blue moon her window darkens i feel less alone when they knock on my window rain pitter patters Heidi Wong August 8, 2020 1. A flower dances, It even resists the wind, Until I pick it 2. A mighty shark swims, A group of fish are swallowed, The fisherman claps 3. Flies buzz aimlessly, The frog’s tongue comes back empty, It tries one more time Savannah Leahy August 8, 2020 Thunder-bellied clouds Move slow over heathered hills, Pregnant with June’s rain Cruel storms shake the ash Mother Dove returns, finds her Fallen nest, destroyed February thaws Blooms pierce frost, resurrected— The mountains breathe again Kiara Bruce August 8, 2020 1. BLACK LIVES MATTER In sweltering heat, No justice No peace for the Black bodies that bleed. 2. At the Corner Where Politics and Xenophobia Meet Outside, flowers bloom. Inside, they waste in dark room Caged then shipped to D O O M. 3. Privilege–We All Have It See how birds have wings? How insects blend with most things? It’s their privilege. Greisy August 8, 2020 Soft blanketing fog Rising outside my window Then sunlight, a crash. Adela Tran August 8, 2020 Crow’s Feet delicate valleys carved by the waves of laughter monuments of time Adela Tran August 8, 2020 SUMMER hey, do you hear that? the thrum of life is louder no – just cicadas
Yousuf Bin Mohammad July 2, 2020 Lull Before the Storm Moisture in wind, petrichor fills nostrils Tsunami’s seismic splash
Taylor Gaudette July 29, 2020 late spring arrives new, no rain – petals, chokecherries, sweetgrass spate, your vague form parts
Taylor Gaudette July 31, 2020 (fixing an error) late spring arrives new, no rain – petals, chokecherries, sweetgrass spate, your vague form departs
Laura Y. Rider July 30, 2020 Tributary: Bare feet still on stones Fear a silent serpent’s stare— Just an empty skin.
Eunice Kang August 5, 2020 the end seems so near feels bitter like unripe fruit one door closes, then opens
Gabriel Awuah Mainoo August 1, 2020 sharp bend of the albatross behind the slow spinning of the fog the uncertainty of my dreams a morning sirroco whirls by while the cicada escapes to nowhere catching breath on the maple leaf first family reunion at summer a long forgotten name is quickly remembered by the size of bowl
Brooke Proffitt August 3, 2020 we waited all year, free to the outdoors with friends, then the virus came
Linda Marie Hilton August 7, 2020 wind wafts petrichor i dance in the rain to mark the end of the drought.
Gracie Spencer August 7, 2020 you walk beside me fall leaves crunch, forming footprints But only one pair
Gracie Spencer August 7, 2020 it’s safe in the rain wind knits me a warm blanket grow me like the grass
Sophia Lee August 7, 2020 clouds of fire, the dawns fate to bring the sun, hazy candle light the moon rains her beams showers rain of melody stream down deep slumber clear water trickling like silver threads weaving her shimmering dress
Sophia Lee August 8, 2020 Correction for first one (I had a typo) the clouds of fire, the dawns fate to bring the sun, hazy candle light
Claire Hong August 8, 2020 The grey-lit clouds form Like smoke blooming in the sky Thunder cracks the skies
Sathyanarayana July 2, 2020 it’s safe at daytime the Sun God dims all desires …night; the Moon ignites the path I tread thence is all poesy sprinkled now like gold dust on sand monsoon doctor helps the pregnant earth deliver a million sprouts
Minal Sarosh July 23, 2020 balcony garden I let the money plant find its way to the sun tossing and turning when did I become as old as the blinking stars ? the apple pickers bent backs carrying baskets of the sweet fragrance
Leonard Dabydeen July 2, 2020 1. Coming home from work Without wearing a face mask: Unhealthy practice. 2. Birds tweeting freedom prancing on branches of trees pollution thinning. 3. Meaning is the same mother by no other way she’s pregnant with child.
M. P. Lauretta July 2, 2020 Winter Haiku It’s cold, and it’s here. It makes life complicated. I so hate the snow.
Peter Hartley July 2, 2020 Bad workmen blame tools, Good workmen blame other fools: (They CAN’T blame owt else).
James A. Tweedie July 2, 2020 Long winter journey Cloaked in a blanket of snow Asleep by the fire Spring at her easel Wielding a palette of green Paints leaves on the trees
Carole Mertz July 2, 2020 white droplets sprinkle oak leaves in the rainy night— sending weeping sounds a flash of bright red, cardinal in the garden: Audubon appears old rusty key turns, entrance to ancient building— opens ancient thoughts
Jill July 17, 2020 1. Glittering sunlight Pierces through the canopy Disturbs the coolness. 2. Water Swarming molecules Dance throughout the streaming flow Resolute to fate. 3. Snake Tenses as I near Hidden amongst cool darkness Slithers silently.
James Ph. Kotsybar July 2, 2020 SMALL COMPENSATION Summer’s stuck inside, Covid contact cowering. Neighbors wave more though. ELECTION SEASON Promises abound. Hopes and dreams bloom on the Hill. Breath of hot air blows. SUMMER BUMMER 2020 Disguised by face masks, sheltered this swimsuit season, let ourselves grow fat.
Mrudula Rani July 3, 2020 Now Stories of us now Proffer universal theme, Self preservation. Lingers one question Is Covid19, longest chapter? Or call of curtain? Anon We’re at a place now With an uncertain future; arrested present. Those slipups of past Led us to now; hereabouts Enfeebled passions. Yen prospect of hope Crafts life once again stable The newest normal.
Marilyn Ashbaugh July 12, 2020 dawn walk near a bog the taste of fresh black berries blues the lion’s lament long languid morning the cicadas’ buzzing song stirs the lemonade
Marilyn Ashbaugh July 12, 2020 Correction: dawn walk near a bog the taste of fresh black berries blues the loon’s lament Addition: yellow crop duster quickly dives wing over wing the smell of manure
Patricia A. Marsh July 3, 2020 First Communion host stuck to the roof of my mouth dissolves. I . . . swallow! Footsteps approaching; calling birds fall silent: sh-h! The willows whisper.
Patricia A. Marsh July 5, 2020 I realized, too late, that it wasn’t possible to edit or delete my first haiku (above) which has an error in the last line. Therefore, I’m submitting a corrected version of that haiku as my third entry, as follows: First Communion host stuck to the roof of my mouth dissolves. I . . . swallowed!
Joe Tessitore July 3, 2020 Haiku Verses A tormented boy, Adrift on a sea of pain – A shell of a man. A shell of a man, Tumbling on the shore of life, Never to be filled. Never to be filled, A broken shell of a man Is swept out to sea.
Christina Chin July 3, 2020 vintage lacquer box on the blackened mantelpiece sandalwood perfume whoops of chimpanzees in a listing wooden boat summer getaway a nightingale’s song on the forest canopy waxing gibbous moon
Christina Chin July 3, 2020 Thanks ever so much, JOE TESSITORE. So pleased you enjoyed. Very much appreciated. ~ Christina ☕❤️
Christina Chin July 8, 2020 Thanks ever so much my dear poet friend, Vandana Parashar, deeply appreciate your support, encouragement and feedback always. ~ Christina
Gabriel Griffin July 3, 2020 Three haiku city umbrellas lovers kiss the rain away under black silk skies lighting the wood fire seeing a gold ring glinting in last year’s ashes this summer evening taking us all for a ride a merry-go-round
Sharmon Gazaway July 3, 2020 tiny white phlox blooms exhale a whole hay field’s scent cupped in your two hands the owl’s head spins ’round his spring-loaded talons flexed mice mate naive bliss as the crow flies straight into autumn’s heart of fire an icy arrow
Utom Emmanuel July 3, 2020 Three haiku Sunset at the beach The waves rising and falling I miss the summer Breeze and dancing trees Signs of rain yet to come forth Joyfully we sing Darkness drawing near We stay close as lovers do What a lovely day.
Peter Hartley July 3, 2020 Into Shinto shrines? To go to noh theatre Don’t follow the signs. Shogun if you must Nippon the bullet train while Flaunting noh ticket. They’re heasy to do: You just need an ‘igh haiku, (What I ‘aven’t got).
K.P. De Lima July 4, 2020 clouds cover the skies— the rain approaches far east but birds sing away the rolling mountains over the sugarcane fields trees are witnesses thatched roof of palm leaves the rain is silent—the moon quiet in hiding.
Peter Hartley July 4, 2020 How tranquil the sea, Next day’s spring tides gleefully Drowning you and me.
Gabriel July 4, 2020 my comment referred to Joe Tessitore’s haiku: Fog enshrouds the night. Woven in the heavy mist, A thread of fireflies.
Douglas J. Lanzo July 4, 2020 White cherry blossoms Tinged pink by the setting sun Gently drift to sleep. Mating spring peepers Erupting in symphony Celebrate the night. Flying fish seek light Leaping toward the ocean sun Renewing their lives.
Rohini Sunderam July 4, 2020 The virus scares us Trembling in isolation Mother Nature smiles Sand dunes lurch through night A single scorpion shuffles I gasp as dawn breaks Crepuscular light Above the city skyline Night devours twilight
Esther Bunny Brown July 4, 2020 The following haiku was inspired by a visit to a church graveyard in the Michigan county where I grew up. I came across information on that graveyard in a geocaching website. Among black walnuts, To German gravestones, I give them a gift.
Esther Bunny Brown July 5, 2020 Correction in the second line, as follows: Among black walnuts, To the old German gravestones, I give them a gift.
Esther Bunny Brown July 9, 2020 I would like to share a German oversetting of the haiku, that has been made possible with help from Reddit user leu34 (https://www.reddit.com/r/German/comments/hmp8tw/oversetting_my_haiku/): Bei Schwarznussbäumen, alten deutschen Grabsteinen geb’ ich ein Geschenk.
Esther Bunny Brown July 15, 2020 Another revision of the haiku once again, this time with a change to the first line as follows: By black walnut trees, To the old German gravestones, I give them a gift.
Anuradha July 5, 2020 bright morning sun rays on puddles by night showers mirrors on the road the mountain in rain like a dark Indian beauty in filmy nightgown
Margie July 5, 2020 Pandemic Spring sun beckons and Birds call, “come out! come on out!” But fear fills the air
Peter Hartley July 5, 2020 Amendments to my second of three posted together on 3rd July: Shogun if you must Nippon the bullet train with Noh valid ticket.
Peter Hartley July 5, 2020 My other two entries now read as follows: Nature’s fire pleases Till Empedocles sneezes And Etna freezes. (I was only practising with the other ones ‘cos I’ve never written a haiku before) How tranquil the sea: Next day’s spring tides gleefully Engulf you and me.
Roy E. Peterson July 6, 2020 Other than worrying about who Empedocles is and why he sneezed, I believe for me I like the verse of all three. They rhymed perfectly.
Peter Hartley July 6, 2020 EMPEDOCLES AND HIS FLEAS Empedocles’ fleas Fly up with ease, and later Fry in its crater. WISHFUL THINKING If I bawl she’ll fall Down Stromboli and bake ‘er Head in the crater!
James Allan Kennedy July 6, 2020 When the eagle flies skyward, even the mighty oak tree dreams of wings
Roy E. Peterson July 6, 2020 Three Haiku Poems Three bear cubs watched men Walking through a sylvan glen. Then mom roared again. Wind blowing like that Upset my calico cat By knocking him flat. Bird nest in a tree. Birdie looking down on me. Timed hit, perfectly.
Roy E. Peterson July 6, 2020 Correction for present tense of three haiku poems: Three bear cubs watch men Walking through a sylvan glen. Then mom roars again. Wind blowing like that Upsets my calico cat By knocking him flat. Bird nest in a tree. Birdie looking down on me. Times hits, perfectly.
Peter Hartley July 6, 2020 There was a young man from Schleswig-Holstein, who wrote haikus In post-preterite pluperfect tense… (Well, that’s a bit of a non-starter)
Edgardo J. Bungcag July 6, 2020 between empty streets and clear blue summer skies- your Monalisa smile pitchblack summer night two moths flirting in a dance Over my phone’s light there it was your key to our old, cold house- still hooked on my wall
Jason Gould July 6, 2020 for just one moment when the night frogs stop chirping an eternity mountain majesties yet still the powerful urge to stare at my phone two weeks overdue still might not arrive today summer thunderstorm
Luminita Ignea July 7, 2020 it contains all the vast the Ouroboros – the sea spins tirelessly the same wave
Ernesto P. Santiago July 7, 2020 nothing makes a sound, the lone cabin in the woods— I listen to books
Peter Cooper July 7, 2020 The woods – Narnia The hills – a print by Bruegel Winter – by Nature Waiting for the post I smell mown grass and poppies And summer is scent. Do we find a way By streams, crags and waterfalls Or does it find us?
Anthony Itopa Obaro July 8, 2020 the virus lockdown signs at the water bus stop: DON’T TREAD ON DUCKS’ EGGS
Shiny Titus July 8, 2020 Dark black inky night fireflies light in passion dance bright is now the night.
Daniela Misso July 8, 2020 1. an elderly man sleeping on the verandah … wisteria scenting 2. the transparency of a poppy in the wind … your evening dress 3. on my notebook petal of an almond tree … studies on haiku
Vandana Parashar July 9, 2020 all alone at home… the moon outside my window keeps a watch on me ****** anger management mom teaches me to sew back the brown bear’s eyes ****** if only I knew you would leave without goodbye —the stillborn baby
Marina Bellini July 9, 2020 * a sweet summer breeze on the floor all scattered unfinished haiku ** dew on my sandals— such a magnificent sight this morning comet
Mariela Hernandez July 10, 2020 the caiman’s stare at the edge of the lagoon her innocent long legs * old woman’s face in a colorful wool a dried “frailejón” * our farewell of gliding wings the blue butterfly
Joe Tessitore July 10, 2020 He cannot keep up. We leave him on the ice flow. Our hearts stay with him.
Marija Mandic July 10, 2020 Round and glistening, The glass is a sweet dewdrop – Red wine tipsiness A thin and bare tree The snow, a plain white canvas – Winter’s poverty My love is a fish A lung-breathing one, and he Only swims in me
Yvonne Longden July 11, 2020 Many shades of green Trees are waving tenderly To those who must leave Sheets of rain falling The wind begins its war cry That battle will come Green buds soon bursting Birds are anticipating Raspberries for tea
Mia July 15, 2020 I am now thinking this works better what do you think? jungle feverish a sleek yellow jaguar motorway madness
Scott Mason July 11, 2020 the breakers’ white noise from time immemorial . . . my feet in sea foam floating on my back . . . for an instant a seagull eclipses the sun another day spent learning fluid dynamics my beach vacation
Julia July 11, 2020 “Torrid Cactus” Thorny cholla arms Stretching golden blooms skyward A prickly love’s plea “Sea Fair-er” Speckled cockle shell Sea orphan, bleached, limned with sand This is time passing “Miss Muffet Regrets…” Spinning silken thread She extracts her nightly home Nocturnal nomad
Joe Tessitore July 13, 2020 Cicero proclaims, “History is life’s teacher.” We have failed the course.
Sree Sen July 14, 2020 1. Mortality yellow daffodils swaying along concrete path precariously 2. White your letter arrived while I was shoveling snow to clear the driveway 3. Pray curling lines of heat scorched temples of million gods – the poor have no faith
Nwachukwu Joseph Okafor July 15, 2020 Orange-yellow sun Rising from the nightly skies Now my pager rings
Nwachukwu Joseph Okafor July 15, 2020 Pushing through the earth The green shoot of the bean plant Crushing children’s race
Nwachukwu Joseph Okafor July 15, 2020 The cool evening breeze My spirit at blissful ease Distant Floydian Shriek
Andrea Smith July 15, 2020 He’s there. He crowned you. But you buried him. Alive He is not broken. That was a cheap trick Poof and abracadabra I know what’s up: Ouch! Howls at the moon Sometimes true love pays the price Rescues her. Swoops in
David Paul Behrens July 15, 2020 At first we are here Then we are gone with the wind Just how is unclear
Ophelia Leong July 15, 2020 Sunflowers greet us Turned towards the lane where you live Sun shines where you are Amongst the flowers Gracing the rolling green hills I opened my heart Crawdads clack their way on top of the slimy rocks unaware of you
Mark Starling July 16, 2020 the night is dark … cold but the sky is filled with stars and my dawn approaches
Halle Schaffer July 16, 2020 The world’s deadlocked in everlong rivers of hate. It will never end. The skylines shimmer, stretching for infinity with dunes, blazing white. The world is at war, neverending ponds of hate. Love, it’s gone away.
Mia July 16, 2020 This are my three now, please ignore my previous submissions Soft, swaying curtains Jasmin-scented evening breeze whispering secrets Into a lockdown a crawling caterpillar fragile wings unfurls Jungle feverish A sleek, yellow jaguar stuck in traffic jam
Shreyaa Tandel July 17, 2020 #1 Greys await calm Calm awaits greys Petrichor and rain stop by on their way. #2 Edelweiss wilts in longing Anklets slip away afar Does love bloom in a breezy fall? #3 Lotus souls dancing freely. The night above, and the stars below make earth a sun. With nothing but love in sight..
Benjamin T. C. July 17, 2020 Inspired by Takashi Nagai, “the saint of Urakami” Bitterness turns sweet Like dross turns to gold in heat. Glory in the cross.
Zuzanna July 17, 2020 #1 Six in the morning. Barefoot on the grass. Thousands of cold dew droplets. #2 light wind on the skin the silent singing of birds evening in the wood *** Greetings from Poland!
Mark Starling July 17, 2020 after Ryokan within each snow flake are a thousand plum blossoms even now falling
Margherita Ptericcione July 18, 2020 at the street market new dress for an immigrant – lilies of the field ** delicious taste of a watermelon seed – silence break ** summer noon traffic – in the ecodoppler room tense silence
Jeff Kemper July 18, 2020 2020 Summer Boys (30 June) While June is sinking, Time’s winking, days now shrinking; Bats are flying not. 2020 Summer in Seattle (1 July) Summer of Love, 2: Rape and loot, and sometimes shoot Mayor: “Stop, not here!” 2020 Summer at My Home (18 July) Children jump and tease. Trees in breeze dancing with ease. Weapons of my hope.
Delano Britt July 18, 2020 Haiku #1- I am so thirsty. The desert marks cruelty. Snow thus relaxes. Haiku #2- Waves break the branches. The tree shivers with self-doubt. All is calm and well. Haiku # 3- The tornado lives. Why does the life go away? Please, is it real?
Theresa Zappe July 18, 2020 Tell me, what largesse Let the mighty Dipper tip Stars across the grass? Frozen feet in snow, Mountain top in rosy glow, Not so far; let’s go! Raucous leaves will race. Moon can’t hold her silver veil Still about her face.
Micaela Odría July 19, 2020 A field of daisies I lay silent among them Ne’er to stir again Rustlings in the wind Could it be they call me forth? To take the first step I do not lay still Ripples form throughout the pond Disturbed but alive
Edmund Ogedi Onyema July 19, 2020 1. New Rain dawning of Petrichor heralding a blaze of shoots- Tardigrades reborn 2. Lady at the Beach cute betrothed lady basking on sunny beach – enthralling cone snail 3. The Fruit Seller he stood, eyes gaping as she bends to wrap the fruits …the dangling melons!
Mark Starling July 19, 2020 white clouds, clear blue skies, a soft breeze and downey grass- who says I am poor?
Mark Starling July 19, 2020 Correction: white clouds, clear blue skies, a soft breeze, and softer grass- who says I am poor?
Anthony Itopa Obaro July 19, 2020 another downpour approaching motor bikes halt the songs of the frogs
Toni Newell July 19, 2020 Toni Newell (Australia) 20th July, 2020 1. Praying for a Lizard Upon a warm rock A lizard basks in the sun Laying, open prey 2. Thirsty Sheep Sheep flock in the sun Water doesn’t quench their thirst The dam is empty 3. Loneliness Cold night descending Home alone and pondering Bottle of vodka
Vinayak S July 20, 2020 1. Evokes deep feelings, A relationship begins A naughty smile 2. A bamboo shoot small, Deepens itself in the earth, Heights of ecstasy 3. A lion awakens, The scent travels through the air, A baby gurgles
Rob Crisell July 21, 2020 Three Haikus for My Chickens I Frost glazes the run, as hens descend from their roost, down feathers flying. II With soft clicks and clucks, the hens watch the full moon rise— the night’s great white egg. III Spring rain beats the roof, the sleeping hens dream of day, feathered souls flying.
Alexandra July 21, 2020 Soft winter twilight Covers this cozy cabin I shake the snowglobe Pink and magenta A bouquet of bright jewels Cute plastic flowers A flash of bright gold Prancing, muddy puppy paws Dig up my garden
Jiah Dejos July 21, 2020 Leaves Leave Leaves glance once at tree As brewing autumn appears, Falls to the ground, dried.
Jiah Dejos July 22, 2020 BIRDS PRAISE Birds singing loud hymns while swaying tails on their cage facing at the king
Ching Yuan July 22, 2020 bluebird’s morning flight shock of shadow, flying by through the falling night
Erin July 22, 2020 What was Never There Bolt of lightening Waves wrestle an abstract sea A deaf woman sleeps Sun coaxes to rise Blind to the sky’s past anger She writes a letter Oh, bottled letter Afloat on calm gentle blue Never to know rage
Ms Orchids July 22, 2020 Fliping the book’s pages Out flows words of unkown ages The scent calms my edge
Corinna July 22, 2020 “Outside Warmth” Entry 1 A sweet Summer sun Warms with unmatched radiance Yet I remain numb “Creating” Entry 2 Piercing green eyes glare Watching me through brush, Beware! Yet, I shape their stare “Stay” Entry 3 I pray for thee to stay God’s rays pierce through Earth’s black clouds You last though I fray
Miodrag Kojadinović July 23, 2020 My 2005-2015 China, in 3 Haiku disembark cool jet to South China humid heat, find a home for years. Mid-Autumn full Moon as huge campus falls asleep, all night crickets chirp. typhoon flag hoisted, Hong Kong ferries stay berthed, monsoon blows from sea.
Mary July 23, 2020 1. Digging through the Earth Excitement in all his hearts The worm swallows on 2. Flowers grow up tall Out of the new backyard pot: The thrown-out toilet 3. The moth tastes sweetness And crawls among bright colors In a soda can
Russell July 23, 2020 Twilight drops the sun And it shattered into stars Dawn cleans up the mess Like a drooping “V” Black against a painted sky Hangs the distant bird The sun hides behind Fat clouds frozen in blue glass In comes clumsy wind
Lorraine Rizzuto July 23, 2020 Gopher Tortoise digs Finds shelter in deep tunnels Australia fire Fragile coral reefs Climate change kills colonies Fish lose their shelter The long leaf pine trees Supple limbs bend with the winds Hurricane looses
Avian July 23, 2020 Correction scribbling down end goals the scratch of bird claws on eaves scouting out to nest
Hannah Johnson July 23, 2020 The trees are screaming It happens ev’ry summer Hon, it’s just tree bugs Sand, land and sea meet Entangled and passionate The storm blows always After the first rain I squish the mud in my toes And my face, neck, hands
Brylie Major July 24, 2020 Squirming through moist soil Rain persuades worm to surface Plucked by a robin Warm apple cider Auburn leaves float off the maple tree Raked into a pile The river slithers A snake sunbathes in the sun The tree branch then snaps
Avian July 24, 2020 black skies spotted with stars tree leaves rustle in the breeze expanding out my eyes
Cole A. Martens July 24, 2020 Nonstop Buzzing Phone Never Left Alone Twenty First Century Can Not Run From Time
Robert Dickerson July 24, 2020 Tokyo toyota mitsubishi kyoto teriyaki saki translation: September jonquil you’re a little late here, pal– the party’s over. A moment later billows and the bobbing boat say the whale was real. High up in the sky O buzzard, your shadow falls on some patch of earth.
Robert Dickerson July 24, 2020 In the sun’s last light a grackle washed its purple off into a puddle. High up in the sky oh buzzard your shadow falls on some patch of earth. Geese High up overhead a heard-abed clamoring hijacking my heart.
Alanna July 24, 2020 Feel mud underfoot Walking barefoot through the stream The fish scream unseen Build skyscrapers tall Wonders of man above all Watch as the world falls Not all stop to see to look at nature’s beauty it leaves on the breeze
Avian July 25, 2020 Correction stars spot the black skies tree leaves rustle in the breeze expanding out my eyes
Ananya July 25, 2020 The haiku are – 1. squirrel losing grip motionless, she fell downwards into my two hands. 2. dropping the mango parrot follows the macaw to snatch back his bell.
Jiah Dejos July 25, 2020 KNIGHT OF HOPE A warrior trounce death, yielding shafts of vivid hope, renewing the world.
Bhavnoor July 26, 2020 Value Broken branches of tree Which were shed on a breezy day Act as home for birds.
Rayan Ramadan July 26, 2020 Haiku #1, “Pebbles”: I count the pebbles, as I walk past the evils, my eyes cast downwards Haiku #2, Words: Sore words flow away, down a stream of broken vows, swelling in water. Haiku #3, “A Burden”: My heart beats again, burdened by lungs that breathe and perpetuate life.
Claire O. July 26, 2020 visions of your eyes dancing through the turquoise waves archipelago my ghost still loves you kissing you every fall night still waiting for you I saved a cricket lost with laughing cicadas midwest summer storm
Joe Tessitore July 27, 2020 We all need to write While there’s still some daylight left. Coming fast, the night.
Vanessa Valencia July 27, 2020 Falling like snowflakes The smell of cherry blossoms The vision of blood
Marcie Wessels July 27, 2020 the winter wind blows the blackbird repeats his call on a moonless night
Joseph Fisher July 27, 2020 again the wrong path, an eerie stillness, these woods… sound of falling leaves
Esther Bunny Brown July 27, 2020 Here’s the background story about my second haiku entry: I read the article “Exposing the Occult Corona-Initiation Ritual” by Makia Freeman. But then I had to go with my family on the annual trip to Redfish Lake in central Idaho. While I was there, I got a few ideas intuitively. Under cheated stars, dark rituals upon men might make them puppets. (By the first line, I mean astrology being used for evil purposes rather than good ones.)
VENG Sovannarath July 27, 2020 Crocuses bloom in the freezing place As women ready to shine The light of success.
Esther Bunny Brown July 29, 2020 This is not a contest entry, but a suggestion for the entrant, who may decide whether or not to take my advice: Cold crocuses bloom and women prepare to shine the light of success.
Jamari Williams July 28, 2020 I walk through the door It shuts quickly behind me And now it’s snowing
Grace Duncan July 28, 2020 Walking in the cold Opens the body’s window And lets the light in A mountain of dew Gathering on the grass blade Is moved by your faith A lover’s finger As warm as a match’s flame Is food for the soul
Bryn E Malizia July 29, 2020 Butterflies The girl in orange dances among the flowers, her wings bent in grace Dandelion Death Bright dandelions, their decapitated heads strewn upon the ground They Always Sink Love is like a stone Skipping into an abyss And used to crush hearts
Anastasia Kunda July 29, 2020 War Spring’s clean white roses Blooming purely all alone Now stained in red blood There is Still Life Winter freezes, kills Cold chokes every living thing Sun peeks out- soon spring Robbin Robbing Life Small bird chirps in nest Mother gone. One brother’s push, Falls down to the ground
Kayla Hennigan July 29, 2020 DESOLATION Trapped inside myself Time passing like cold wind Longing to be me TWILIGHT The endless night sky Burning stars release questions Morning sun bears none HEALING Falling into earth Heat of the core warms my mind I am all control
Lillian Lam July 30, 2020 Haiku 1: Blue Crane Stars in the vast sea Leaves the feather of blue cranes Flying toward mountains Haiku 2: Mystic Deer The forest of rain A light twinkle of mist covers Deer softly appears Haiku 3: Forest Wind Relaxed with green life Wonders of animals pass As zyphers flow by
Sally Stiles July 30, 2020 at the garden gate only my shadow passes the locked entryway from the bleeding hearts a hummingbird emerges humming an old tune
Sally Stiles August 2, 2020 How nice to have a deadline in order to continue to revise. first day of college: only my shadow steps through the front entrance gate from the columbine a hummingbird emerges whistling a blues tune into this haiku about a gnarled apple tree a robin appears
Nora Linn July 31, 2020 STARRING Nightingale’s sorrow resonated in melancholy night my heart echoed SAD STEPS There used to be rose petals where we stood, now I can only feel thorns SELF-DESTRUCTION My soul is tired Fighting my worst enemies Me, myself, and I
Nora Linn July 31, 2020 Correction to the first poem: STARRING Nightingale’s cry resonates in sorrow night my aching heart rings
Nora Linn August 1, 2020 Final correction: decided to only include two haiku poems. SAD STEPS There used to be rose petals where we stood, now I can only feel thorns SELF-DESTRUCTION My soul is tired Fighting my worst enemies Me, myself, and I
Karina July 31, 2020 Sweltering cadence Seduce me at sea again Cerulean eyes Heavy in my chest An ambiguous request Taste my earth again Night in the desert Encumbered me with this ache Scorpion kisses
Grace A Krage July 31, 2020 People in my head Trapped like wind, Howling to be Released by my pen Buffeted like leaves She wanders through the masses stealing all she can Trees tell many tales I see the stories written there in ink on paper
E. O. J. July 31, 2020 It rains once more, but Spring showers bring May flowers Love is in the air Summer afternoons Spent lounging in the hot sun With someone I love Leaves fall from the trees Warm evenings begin to cool Where has my love gone?
E. V. Wyler July 31, 2020 Haiku #1: bright sunbeams shimmer twinkling on wavy waters horizon’s diamonds Haiku #2: lollipop flowers white, scalloped pickets “no trespassing” sign Haiku #3: perfect symmetry unfolding kaleidoscope monarch butterfly
E. V. Wyler July 31, 2020 Correction: Haiku #2 lollipop flowers scalloped, white picket fences “No Trespassing” signs
E. V. Wyler July 31, 2020 Haiku #2 Correction: lollipop flowers scalloped white picket fences “No Trespassing” signs
Rider With No Name July 31, 2020 Horses mirror you, Red sky morning, night in view; Care they show, you sow. Pain is a ladder Shedding skins of dark matter Climb! Kill the doubter. I am not a God, But I know why you are here; Be true, love, forbear.
Zachary Dilks July 31, 2020 “Wonder Over Wander” How wild the spirit In all of humanity Silenced and longing “Living” Offering a soul Where the sunlight beams anew Waiting on thunder “Independence” Burn like July sun With fire at our fingers Snuffed out in fall’s rise
Crystal G. August 1, 2020 -Light vs Dark- The wind sings behind Sun glimmers through the curtains My eyes close to black ‘Rona’ Fear covers her face Contagions fill the dense air She stands strong for them ‘Goodnight’ In the grass, bear sleeps A quiet day full of peace Shot all for a game
Will Conway August 1, 2020 White feathers fluttering soar curving in blue above red squirrel “whhurring”
Csilla Toldy August 1, 2020 1. Passing a river a smell of antiseptic. Did you wash your hand? 2. The empty snail shell reminds of old defences – not needed, but missed.
Raymond H Gallucci August 1, 2020 The sun and the surf, Summer’s traditional turf, Uninhabited. The birds and the bees, Virus carried by the breeze, Fly oblivious. Prejudice in stone, Carved warmly, but now grown cold, Returns to the earth.
Sandip Saha August 1, 2020 Earthquake in the sea Triggers tsunami on land Radiation spreads Incessant rainfall Inundates village cottage Snake befriends human Himalayan monk Meditates for lord Siva Snow submerges hut
Madison Baker August 1, 2020 1. Evening’s glow enchants Waves crash through the setting sun Final gasp for air 2. Currents flee turtles Bears of white swim through waters Global Warming’s grasp 3. A torrential rain Children splash in new puddles Museum’s new Oil Painting
Madison Baker August 1, 2020 Haiku #3 Correction: A torrential rain Children splash in new puddles Museum’s Oil Painting
Con Chapman August 1, 2020 Crew Haiku It is autumn now– My son sculls on the river. I am left behind.
Erica D. August 1, 2020 #1 Wild wind, where’d you go? Over oceans, through windows - home is in the flow. #2 Sheer curtains flowing, the moon peeks in to kiss me goodnight — quietly.
Thomas E Schmidt August 1, 2020 August occasion, bells toll for school to resume— my pupils contract.
Emory Jones August 1, 2020 Haiku Sequence Yellow butterflies Flitting across green meadows Like dancing sunshine The insect monarchs Skimming with orange and black wings Holding court in spring. Butterflies resting In the shade of the oak trees Like forest jewels.
Dean Robbins August 1, 2020 2020 Haiku Competition Spring The box trap, submerged, frozen winter long, thaws, and the squirrel within. Early Flower Dawn’s rose I give you for morning’s when you wake to skies of steel gray. September Sunrise Steam from my coffee ascends to the painted sky, watering it down.
Andrew Alexander Mobbs August 1, 2020 Haiku 1 A solar death kiss, Yet the potted pansies thrive, Quaff pandemic tears. — Haiku 2 Tilt your axis, Earth, Towards equinoctial rebirth– Vernal virus lurks. — Haiku 3 Stoic hawk screeches Like a kettle left on flame. Somewhere, mountains dance.
Luigi Pagano August 1, 2020 The leaves are falling: hazelnut trees, now undressed, shiver in the cold.
Nikki Humphries August 1, 2020 1. the sun celebrates as flowers dance in sweet warmth but the ice queen lurks 2. the smells of earth grow a new adventure begins she gives Death a kiss 3. smoky clouds signal the sparks and embers glisten up in flames I go
Vrinda Nair August 1, 2020 1} Winter pink cheeks came along withe a gift for the princess 2} Withering leaf fell into many places as landscape of mind 3} Polar lights of night thundering sound brings the shades of human
Claire M de la Grange August 1, 2020 Wood nymphs flittering All faerie wood emblazon Day lends length to night
Claire M de la Grange August 1, 2020 Twilight summons wings Chasers falconing the chased Footprints on a lake
Diana Woodcock August 1, 2020 Haiku 1 on the Zambezi I float dragonfly-easy laze like crocodile Haiku 2 hot shamal blowing hillocks and wadis cracking the Red Moon dwindling Haiku 3 the red-faced mud snake glides over the fissured earth without faltering
Nefertiri McDonald August 1, 2020 1. “Watery Mirrors” She is lying there Raindrops pelting her grave frame Now above, I’m her.
Joe Cleetus August 2, 2020 1. Monsoon rain tableau – Sun emerges to refract A double rainbow 2. Summer symphony – Azans call, koels wail, in Tuneful euphony! 3. In spring for a game Butterflies flit randomly – Lacking any aim.
Lee Goldberg August 2, 2020 Wind sings and I smile. Wind brings rain and I rejoice! Wind breaks I exhale.
Esther Bunny Brown August 2, 2020 The idea for the haiku was the Shoshone Ice Caves, which are about fifteen miles (or five-and-twenty kilometers) north of Shoshone, Idaho. Under lava rocks is a lava tube ice cave with lost coins and bucks. A circle of ice in the aforementioned attraction has dollar bills and coins tossed onto it by tourists, reminiscent of a wishing well.
Bradathon Nu August 2, 2020 Leaves blow in the wind. I wish that I could join them. They travel too fast.
Bradathon Nu August 2, 2020 The soil beneath me. Remains still at all times, yet- Feels much more alive.
Manfred Dietrich August 2, 2020 Dancing in spring breeze lilies on the riverbank summon butterflies. ************************* Riverbank lilies suckle bees and hummingbirds; I sway to their hum. ************************* Pidgeons on the roof warble summer harmonies with their soft high coos.
Grace Lee August 2, 2020 1. The wind gently blows On a field full of flowers, A scene in my dreams. 2. Winter has arrived. The weather should be colder. Why is it warmer? 3. The end of summer I should go on a trip soon Autumn has arrived.
Amy Losak August 2, 2020 that eye in the sky lidded with pieces of cloud … the sun or the moon? firefly wishes adding a touch of lightness to the shortest day a squirrel’s tail furls around a fallen birdbath … the world in my yard
Cheryl Corey August 2, 2020 1. Every flower fades; Summer ends as it begins – Seed returns to seed. 2. A late summer swim, but caught by an undertow; Neptune culls the herd. 3. The June days grow long, but summer grants a short lease. Will you strum the lyre?
Philip J Kowalski August 2, 2020 HOMERIC HAIKU Far down firmaments Helios’ chariot wends– Hot summer days end.
Elizabeth Munoz August 2, 2020 #1: Soil smeared mother’s face Tucks me into a lush bed Sleep sound, my Tulip #2 Wind chills caress cheeks Metal frost seeps through glove’s clutch She jumps off the swing #3 A warm sleeper train Sunlight strikes, blushing soft cheeks Streaming tears cool skin
Dave Whippman August 2, 2020 Footsteps on hard snow, Intense as soft-voiced secrets, Whispers of winter.
Derek Bland August 2, 2020 New season, fresh songs, old guitar, tune strings, top E too taut – SPRING! Ouch
Emory D. Jones August 3, 2020 Yellow butterflies Flitting across green meadows Like dancing sunshine The insect monarchs Skimming with orange and black wings Holding court in spring. Butterflies resting In the shade of the oak trees Like forest jewels.
Landon Porter August 3, 2020 TITHE Fences billow steam, Return to heaven one-tenth The gift – offering.
Terry L. Norton August 3, 2020 1. Heights of thinnest air, Uneven sharp sierras, Cold judgmental peaks. 2. Flowing little stream, I cup my hand across you. Still the water runs. 3. Sleepless soul’s dark night, Cacophonic caterwauls. Felines fornicate.
Anu Reddy August 3, 2020 Cherry blossoms glide A cloud of pink dusts the earth As lips touch slowly A babbling brook Stumbles and trips on its way Into mother’s arms Rain drops softly fall Sliding down a window pane Caught in a white cloth
Katherine Combs August 3, 2020 1. Like petals falling past the maiden flush of spring ash coats the forest 2. From volcanic wrath and skeleton quiet woods, a sprout emerges 3. Pebble skips along the frozen stream’s silver path loosed from rocky banks
Linda Marie Hilton August 3, 2020 the sunset has pulled sherbet taffy across the sky: hot sticky sweet. dew drops on rose blooms quiver then slide inside to quench a beauty’s thirst. the silent sound of snow sifting through bare branches wraps me in warm furs.
Edward Gutt August 3, 2020 Nature Reveres Itself Winds Blow and Trees Bow – Thankful for Clouds Bringing Rain That Bless the Sacred Trees. Cycles Dusk – Day Becomes Night. Hope Dwindles, but Faith Remains… Dawn – Night Becomes Day. Natures Power Crack – Tremendum. Fear. Lightning Striking Somewhere Near. Obscure to Mind’s Ear.
Jessica Hoard August 3, 2020 young stray allows me to stroke her growing belly cherry blossoms bloom umbrellas crossing the rain-wet street below us petals in a stream the spring’s first sighting of the buzzy hummingbird last day of chemo
Nathalie Savannah Slaughter August 3, 2020 Haiku #01 I sit at the tree every Summer waiting for the times we once had Haiku #02 The smell of burning in the crisp December air beckoning past ghosts Haiku #03 She awakens spring with her presence as the dead wail for their once queen
Mary McKay August 3, 2020 1. The last flying fox Heads home with beating wing as Evening softly falls. 2. The joy of seeing Through dark’ning trees tonight a Golden crescent moon. 3. Cat by the screen door at the crepuscular hour the moon in her eyes.
Stuart Jay Silverman August 3, 2020 shreds of iron rust a temple bell tolls and a cricket answers “spring” // I intended italics, not ” “, but my computer won’t italicize here// a chorus of crows petals purple as plums fall something like perfume the cat tests the air half the year gone already rain digs in its heels
Debra Mascarenhas August 4, 2020 [ floating cotton balls ] floating cotton balls crashed together thunderstorms
Debra S Mascarenhas August 4, 2020 [ desert storm ] desert storm date palms uprooted 2000 dates on the sand
Francis DiClemente August 4, 2020 Rain pounds the sidewalk. Wind swirls. Tree limbs scrape window. Toddler looks and waves.
Akaninyene Ntia August 4, 2020 One Rose on a field Dances and falls with the breeze And paints a picture
Oluwasegun Oluseyi Adesina August 4, 2020 Nagasaki Day — from the tree a group of bats fleeing to the sky waning harmattan . . . the village chief waits longer for a less hot pap snapping the cherries and crocuses all day long . . . the moon walks us home
Joel Scarfe August 4, 2020 dozing in his boat – fish scatter their phosphorus at the splash of oar a sorrowful night – the tedious politics of obdurate rain laughter from next door – you put your empty bottle in the grubby bin
John Petraglia August 4, 2020 Late April morning Wild, yellow, spiking tendrils Yes, Forsythia! Mountain waterfall Drift off to secluded thought The thunder returns! Cascading waters Mossy, verdant hideaway Gentle spray, deep thoughts.
Sondra Rosenberg August 4, 2020 two moons this clear spring night–one drifts among the stars, one floats in the lake cicadas shatter evening stillness–I dream of runaway horses snowflakes settle in my flower bed–white blossoms, livening dry stalks
Madeline Rosa August 4, 2020 1. A crisp cool winter Mixed with a great affliction Can scorch a pure love 2. The fall leaves tremble Walking down the breezy path A grave made too soon 3. Flowers weep with joy To the sound of their laughter Lovers load boxes
Madeline Rosa August 4, 2020 1. A crisp cool winter Mixed with a great affliction Can scorch a pure love 2. The fall leaves tremble Walking down the breezy path A grave made too soon 3. Flowers weep with joy To the sound of their laughter Lovers load boxes
Cindy Lou Bechtold August 4, 2020 shriveled cores adhere to branches’ skinny season sun sparks can’t revive wind gropes the freeway heavy footprints etched in ice a madman in snow boots in the birth of spring snow gilds the tips of tulips lingering for a time
Liza McAlister Williams August 4, 2020 [HAIKU CAN BE READ TOGETHER OR SEPARATELY] Title (optional): In Praise of Nature #1 Being a wordsmith is easy when compared to being a birdsmith. #2 Don’t love it too hard — the garden needs its wildness to keep on giving. #3 Like an angry child the wind wails and stamps its feet and then falls asleep.
Daesha Holmes August 4, 2020 1. Your words make a rise The wind blows my tears away Love will remain here 2. The hill of our dreams Where we gaze at countless stars Forever you lay 3. That man in orange Cold as the Arctic’s climate I grieve the victims
Jasminda A. Asencio August 4, 2020 1. Cloud of winter breath Floats through the frostbitten air Boy tries to catch it 2. The mellow moonlight Casts an eerie glow on you This forbidden kiss 3. Gray and white flashes Run to the discarded food Seagulls have breakfast
Sophie Kavanagh August 4, 2020 Waves leap toward me Arms outstretched. Energy weak Surrender, retreat
Karina Kimani-Stewart August 4, 2020 Wind, water, heat–earth A big world we call our home Yet, I’m still alone
Anne Cagle August 5, 2020 Tattered leaf fragments, These paper ghosts, last studies Haunt now childless rooms
Ernesto P. Santiago August 5, 2020 backyard birds gather at the old baptismal font splashes of summer
Prajakta Nikam August 5, 2020 1. Title – Drizzle Drizzling of the rain. Let the downpour lave away my old timeworn pain. ………………………. 2. Title- Nature wonders in pandemic Why is air still , hushed Why birds chirping, wondering where is he gone now …………………………….. 3. Title – autumn leaves Brown leaves drop to earth Wither and fall, embracing change for a rebirth …………………………….
Shourya Vardhan Agarwal August 5, 2020 I Seasons trickle on, Only the clock-hand swims back, Others are locked out. II Tired birds return To a home of moist shadows- Moss on fresh concrete. III The vibrant canvas Flutters on a sea of light- Sailing Butterfly
Precious Tampos August 6, 2020 Racing with the leaves Unknown where the winds lead me, I drift endlessly.
Althea Rowe Watson August 6, 2020 exploding rainbows surfing the curl of a wave dolphins swim with me summer sun does grace dark illusions fly transformed peacock feathers glide walking through shadows an owl taps my shoulder with the scent of crushed leaves
Neelam Saxena Chandra August 6, 2020 Rotting of bodies Morning breeze in Covid times Withered yellow leaves
Neelam Saxena Chandra August 6, 2020 The kin are all dead, Who cares for the alive too? Only the breeze blows…
Neelam Saxena Chandra August 6, 2020 let’s hold hands and walk Life, a rough terrain of thorns Hear flowers whisper
Linda Marie Hilton August 7, 2020 together but sole, six feet apart, you are dead, I live six feet up.
Neelam Saxena Chandra August 6, 2020 Love rots in alleys The promises are shattered Still a bee bumbles
Neelam Saxena Chandra August 6, 2020 Silvery, my hair I hold a carved cane to trod Yet golden dreams fly
Mary Karr August 6, 2020 For your consideration, three haiku 1. Stars on the Ceiling Claustrophobic day. Sit staring at the ceiling imagining stars 2. Owl On wild, winter nights, the owl calls out to dreamers, “Who-r-you? Who-ooo? 3. The Silent Night The owls fly away; swaying in the silent night, a sad, leafless tree.
Mary Karr August 6, 2020 RESUBMITTED (incorrect email previous submission, apologies) for your consideration, three haiku 1. Stars on the Ceiling Claustrophobic day. Sit staring at the ceiling imagining stars 2. Owl On wild, winter nights, the owl calls out to dreamers, “Who-r-you? Who-ooo? 3. The Silent Night The owls fly away; swaying in the silent night, a sad, leafless tree.
Elisabeth Wasserman August 6, 2020 1. Naive, fallen seed Is loved, is fed, has sunlight ‘Til bitter winter 2. Rain pours, my heart beats Soaked grass and branches shake slow Lights flash, fallen tree 3. Waves crash over rocks Deep blue surrounds, the tides rise The rock beneath, veiled
SHARON August 6, 2020 1. BE STILL The boats carry bones Under the Ha Long islets Peace is within one 2. ABYSS A boat submerges A couple cries angrily- The ships are sinking 3. DROUGHT Petrichor in May, our deep long kisses, I miss the waters.
Somyr Perkins August 6, 2020 August 6th, 2020 Waves Underneath the sky, the waves lay without moving. Now the moon pulls them. Rose Petals There in the valley, where no roe petals soar in wind, nature comes to life. Clouded I am so confused, my mind clouded and misty. Sunshine now shines through.
Annesa Tran August 6, 2020 AUTUMN SOUP a lonely yolk sits silent in the rich, dark broth the Harvest Moon swells PYGMALION, 2020 beautiful statue will you come alive for me? The wind blows empty MY MOTHER’S GARDEN Drop garnet jewels glisten in the summer sun Fruit fresh on the vine
Nadirah Muhammad August 6, 2020 I. The wind sifts the sand elegantly dancing grains amongst my fingers II. Remember the sun. Once your sunburn heals to tan, Cold returns again III. Forming in the skies Nature’s most gentle crystals Falling down frozen
James Allan Kennedy August 6, 2020 Three Haiku 1. Wings When the eagle soars, even the mighty oak tree wishes he had wings 2. The Bridge The bridge is rotting; yet we cross, ever hopeful it will hold our weight 3. The Last Words See how they linger, hanging in the silent night – the last words spoken
Rodica Stefan August 7, 2020 I my iris garden unfurls its shades of purple— waiting for van Gogh II red fish float along our long embracing shadows— bridge over the pond III smiles all in black and white pressed with care in the album— the shine of days past
Isabella Rooney August 7, 2020 oh, the month of may the life it breathes into us spring, it does portray
Isabella Rooney August 7, 2020 oh how the sun shines in through my bedroom window i do crave her warmth
Lucia Fisher August 7, 2020 I. As it rustles leaves I find the West Wind hiding A soft, silver laugh II. Frostbitten moonlight Encloses Faerie stillness A charming snow-globe III. A winter zephyr, Fluttering the falling flakes, Whispers wistfully
janet Sorlie brunton August 7, 2020 Wild man dancing hard Wind blows soft, dancing, dancing Wild man dancing, hard
janet Sorlie brunton August 7, 2020 Dancing free and light Sunshine beats down on the dance Shines light on it’s truth
Michael Dudley August 7, 2020 bitter autumn gales ~ barbed wire on the barracks wall wails through the darkness
janet Sorlie brunton August 7, 2020 Twilight dark as grey Nigh time dark as pure pure black Morning light yellow
Michael Dudley August 7, 2020 meditation hike in blossomed woods, my mind still at the trailhead stump
Ymbar Polanco August 7, 2020 the nelipots walk a tender earth gives yet takes it is time we give droplets of water the leaves weep all through the night we grow in the dark provoke the sea once swim deeper into its depth provoke your beauty
Monica Villanueva August 7, 2020 [waves] underneath the waves runs the uneasy stormwind breathing oceanward [damp spring] raindrops at soft leaves falls from gentle petals of wildflowers [mountains] the majestic crests where magnificent sun rests bury deep forests
George Grace August 7, 2020 Thoughts in August Sweat pores on blank page The heat foments ideas Inspires like ice
George Grace August 7, 2020 More thoughts in August Sweat pores on blank page Heat fosters vacant ideas Inspires like ice
George Grace August 7, 2020 In the wood Pine sap scents the air Dry needles cushion foot falls Fueling a fire’s rage
Randall Scott Condit August 7, 2020 April Every day I swear you breathe down my neck as if one could hurry spring. —– May You again draw close, glaciers between us no match. Spring will have her way. —– June By a single leaf is the chief end of winter declared to be spring.
Becca Calloway August 7, 2020 Haiku written before coffee… 1 Bacon frying; smells Like breakfast – heaven at dawn Sunshine in a pan 2 Feel my heat up close See my demons in my eyes Twilight falls; they dance 3 Mushrooms in the grass Dancing fairies in the fog Vanish – Sun’s first rays…
Trisha J. A. Barr August 7, 2020 Singapore lights up like mystical fireflies from an elven land. Wolves might surround you when you defy boundaries… Hope they’re not hungry… A refreshing breeze trembles fat spiders in webs like lacy curtains.
Kavitha Yarlagadda August 8, 2020 Trees bowing forward form a shaded canopy a tired farmer rests Wet grass, lonely shell snail emerges from its shell moving at snail’s pace Tree left bare after breeze, bird looks for shelter to save young ones elsewhere
Mantz Yorke August 8, 2020 Chrome against blue sky, quivering, a gingko leaf anticipates frost. Mist, fallen beech leaves, fungi bursting from the ground, hands no longer held. Revealed by the thaw, artefacts left by Vikings, writing on a wall.
Sathyanarayana August 8, 2020 The original Japanese haiku doesn’t have the 5-7-5 structure. Haiku is only a kind of statement depicting some stunning image that is special to a season which they call as kegu. In haiku anthropomorphism is strictly prohibited. The lines also shouldnot start with capital letters. Please see examples of haiku by legendary Japanese poet Basho: The old pond A frog leaps in. Splash! Jumping over the brook for water not needed. Another modern school of English haiku discarded the 5-7-5 rule and emphasized on less number of syllables and more pronounced images.
Arunachalasiva Ravisankar August 8, 2020 ● street light on two poles two crows ● midnight storm under mom’s blanket garden chicks ● hairpin bends on road turns trees too
KAVIYARASAN August 8, 2020 (1) the moonless night a door is being shut even the distance farmland (2) strewn in the morning upon the lawn night fallen stars (3) sprouting leaf carrying dew drops quenching the thirst universe consuming small housefly
M.Ramesh August 8, 2020 1. the buds get dried and falling before blossom in the hot summer 2. the midnight rain has shoved the beard to the guard doll 3. moon raising tomorrow worn with disappointment seeing the dried wells
Marie DERLEY August 8, 2020 plein air oil painting the grapevines keep the pose despite the tastings dinner on the grass nude in honor of Manet the hornet doesn’t care evening museum in front of the Sleeping girl whispering softly
A.R.Sankar August 8, 2020 (1) deep dhyana on mist a tree shades the lone monk nothing but vacuum (2) on mountain peak a monkey sings my voice the mouthorgan (3) end of a rain with a drop on moustache a snail travels
Cassy August 8, 2020 hail hurdled at grapes vines weakened and rotting fast no champagne this year when the river floods on each side of the highway fields turn to ocean algae blooms in mid june proliferating, excess kills fish, flourishes
N Ram August 8, 2020 No birds in the sky Nothing moves on land or sea Life frozen by heat Hot day, vacant chairs Empty, waveless, subdued sea Empty resort sighs
Cezar Florescu August 8, 2020 #1 refugee convoy a pregnant lass looking for a four leaf clover #2 shooting rapeseed field I quickly remembering that epiphany #3 other speech of praise a flock of sparrows chatting in a cherry tree
Chandrasekatam August 8, 2020 Covid19 corona cases crores We are fighting over in terrible force Fearand faith are onour nose
Julie G Potter August 8, 2020 #1: Raindrops trickle down Wandering, leaving wet trails They change so quickly #2: Hawk calls in the sky We want to escape on clouds True escape or hide? #3: Leaves crunch underfoot Once brilliant red, now dull brown When life fades…what?
Julie G Potter August 8, 2020 (forgot to add last syllable to #3. Please use this revised haiku.) #3: Leaves crunch underfoot Once brilliant red, now dull brown When life fades…then what?
Sherri Jens August 8, 2020 Three Haiku Bluebird on white oak Whisperer of promises Winging morning fan © 2020 Sherri Jens Dragonfly on glass Glimmering transformation Mirroring my wink © 2020 Sherri Jens Lemon butterfly Flitting ‘round the refuse pile Disparate partners © 2020 Sherri Jens
kalai selvan nadesan August 8, 2020 a man was die yesterday The corpses of tomorrow to be carried funeral for go to silently today
kalai selvan nadesan August 8, 2020 our birth is beauty full our living a life is beauty full our death is beauty full
Rahja Watson August 8, 2020 Beaming rays, long days Salty seas serene and clean But no one can leave Whispers from the leaves Moonshine, feeling so sublime Lit up midnight crime Oh to feel your touch Icicle limbs, numb and sharp 6 feet underground
Kesavan August 8, 2020 1. Landless People Jobless Life Endless Journey 2. Blackberry seller hand extends, Payments were at down, Walking heads are straight 3. Pregnancy pain, Insurance limit, The first cry.
Traci M. Muir August 8, 2020 I. Humans reign the world A perfect storm of screw-ups Natural beauty II. Spring awakening Endless shells of guarded chicks Hatching open hearts III. Like a lion’s roar On battlefields of spirit Love will always win
Andrew King August 8, 2020 Peaceful Pot Hot coals sit below Fine leaves rest in mesh Bitter but calm steam Patient Plate Traveling from oak Crystal thin disk solemn white Waiting for its friends Cheerful Cup Releasing handle Greetings given plate and pour Soft breeze and a kiss
Lucia O’Neill August 8, 2020 The lilac blossoms It brings hope and slight despair It, too, cedes to time.
Daniel Rousseau August 8, 2020 Golden autumn days, Fire-crackling frost-fingered nights, the season unfolds.
Iniubong Bassey August 8, 2020 THE NIGHT’S DIRGE The night mourns the stars In tune dirges with the frogs— Insomnia walks in. TEARFUL TREES Trees weep their losses In tears for the inhume leaves— Autumn rises up. THE REBORN SPINE Cactus grow their spine Newly and wonderfully— Just when the spring woke
Michael Dylan Welch August 8, 2020 1. its rusted anchor surrounded by withered grass— foreclosed restaurant 2. morning newspaper wet with a midsummer rain— empty rocking chair 3. blackberry picking . . . behind her mask mother hums a Celtic folk tune
Mark F. Stone August 8, 2020 Anarchists rampage when sunbeams melt to twilight and our leaders sit. Ignatius the Pig could hardly be rounder. A four hundred pounder! I’d be an aesthete — except my aesthetic is purely cosmetic.
Helen Lim August 8, 2020 the night cityscape stare in awe at the backdrop of someone’s labor the song of scops owl shuddering sigh of blue moon her window darkens i feel less alone when they knock on my window rain pitter patters
Heidi Wong August 8, 2020 1. A flower dances, It even resists the wind, Until I pick it 2. A mighty shark swims, A group of fish are swallowed, The fisherman claps 3. Flies buzz aimlessly, The frog’s tongue comes back empty, It tries one more time
Savannah Leahy August 8, 2020 Thunder-bellied clouds Move slow over heathered hills, Pregnant with June’s rain Cruel storms shake the ash Mother Dove returns, finds her Fallen nest, destroyed February thaws Blooms pierce frost, resurrected— The mountains breathe again
Kiara Bruce August 8, 2020 1. BLACK LIVES MATTER In sweltering heat, No justice No peace for the Black bodies that bleed. 2. At the Corner Where Politics and Xenophobia Meet Outside, flowers bloom. Inside, they waste in dark room Caged then shipped to D O O M. 3. Privilege–We All Have It See how birds have wings? How insects blend with most things? It’s their privilege.
Adela Tran August 8, 2020 Crow’s Feet delicate valleys carved by the waves of laughter monuments of time
Adela Tran August 8, 2020 SUMMER hey, do you hear that? the thrum of life is louder no – just cicadas