A Verse for the Morning After

As thieves and pirates count our votes
And set us at each other’s throats
And fiddle while our cities burn,
I wonder, will we ever learn?



November 4th

November 3rd has come and gone
And so for some, a dismal dawn.
The prayer of those who celebrate,
Who seek to share, who do not hate,
Is one of peace and unity
Here in the land of liberty,
For all your children, Lord, and that’s
Except, of course, for Democrats.



Joe Tessitore is a retired New York City resident and poet.

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12 Responses

  1. Mike Bryant

    Joe, you have spoken the raw truth. I’m praying that November 4th IS a dismal dawn for all the enemies of freedom.

  2. C.B. Anderson

    Heh-heh. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. MY house, at least, is not divided.

  3. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Joe, I’ve just voted in my first American presidential election, and I’m hoping my immigrant voice makes a difference. I hope you and yours voted too! It’s our license to moan.

    • Joe Tessitore

      We did!
      It’s Wednesday morning and we’re now biting our fingernails.
      Thanks again, Susan, for inspiring me.

  4. Cynthia Erlandson

    That’s great, Joe — I really did laugh out loud at the last two lines (and that’s/Democrats is quite a clever rhyme!)

    • Joe Tessitore

      Thanks Cynthia.
      It was one of those times when I made myself laugh as well!

  5. Joseph S. Salemi

    I went to my old grammar school in Woodside to vote, along with my brother Rosario. I am always moved when entering that building, and I can barely hold back tears when I touch the tiled walls, the heavy wooden doors shiny with age, and look into the classrooms where I sat back in 1953. To me the place has the ambience of a cathedral, and going there is holy.

    God bless Donald Trump, and carry him to victory.

    • Mike Bryant

      Joe S, your story brought all my feelings of patriotism and freedom to the fore. You almost made me cry, dammit. Now here’s mine:
      When Susan and I went to vote, at a church just across the street, we found two Republican watchers and two Democrats. We were the only voters there. They explained the process, and we followed the instructions and placed our ballots in the secured box. I asked if they would like to hear a pertinent poem written by a new American citizen. It was only we six, and Susan stood there in her patriotic finery and read, “Let’s Do It!”
      to an appreciative audience and a round of applause. My God… I love my country and Susan, who has embraced me, Texas and America wholeheartedly!
      God bless America!

      • Jeff Eardley

        Mike, what a lovely story and a special moment.. I hope someone filmed this. I await the day that your wonderful poetess embarks on a nationwide book-signing and if the tour bus ever gets over to England, and you need a chauffeur, you only have to ask.

  6. Sally Cook

    what impresses me is how so many are praying for Donald Trump to win, including, of course, myself.
    I’ve done a lot of genealogical research and (may I say it) unearthed over twenty-five ancestors who fought in our Revolution. When I think of their varioius stories, I wonder how they won. God must have been on their side — let’s hope he is on our side and listening to our prayers.

    • C.B. Anderson

      I’m afraid to do my own genealogical research, Sally, because I suspect I might come up with a list of draft dodgers, horse thieves, and common grifters. The problem with God is that though He always hears our prayers, He doesn’t always answer them to our satisfaction. My prayer is that He helps us all (and our country in general) if venal Joe is somehow elected. We will need all the help we can get!


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