
I walked through our lovely suburban downtown,
Which always is ranked as the best.
But everywhere windows and doors had gone down,
The triumph of peaceful protest.

I heard a most credible ex-Navy man,
Describe the corruption he knew.
Which MSM buried per usual plan,
Big Tech rushed to censor it too.

This morning I read what the newspapers said,
It’s critical Trump gets defeated.
Amongst all their reasoning this is what led:
The wording “More openness is needed.”



Russel Winick recently started writing poetry at nearly age 65, after ending a long legal career. He resides in Naperville, Illinois.

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14 Responses

  1. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    From the wry wink of the title to the hypocrisy of the closing line, this poem packs a powerful punch. I love it! I don’t feel as qualified as some to mention a minor adjustment, and perhaps those with a finer eye will put me right, but I feel the last line of the poem would read better without the “is” – “More openness needed” sounds better to my ear. BUT, this doesn’t detract from the message and craft of your fine poem. Thank you and bravo, Russel!

      • Russel Winick

        Not at all – all suggestions are much appreciated, especially being a novice at this! In fact, I have a related question, perhaps best asked by email ([email protected] if that would be OK). Thanks!

      • Joseph S. Salemi

        Susan, you’re right. The very same thing occurred to me when reading the last line. The even-numbered lines in this poem all should have a distinct trimeter beat. But the word “is” in the last line spoils that trimeter pattern. Moreover, as I mentioned in a comment at another thread here, the deliberate omission of the verb of being is an acceptable device in English poetry, just as it is in Latin verse.

        Susan, if you will grant Evan Mantyk permission to give me your mailing address in Texas, I have something to mail to you and Mike.

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Joe S. Mike and I have been having a blast with your gift. Thank you, Sir!!

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        You are most welcome – I look forward to reading more of your poetry, Russel.

  2. Rod Walford

    Russel whilst I agree with my fellows regarding your final line, the overall impact of your poem is well aimed and desperately needed. Good job ! Regards…Rod

  3. BDW

    The topic of Mr. Winick’s piece is timely. The MSM has become the propaganda arm for the high-tech oligarchs.

    The New York Times
    by Brice U. Lawseed

    O, woe is me. I have the vapours. I am suffering.
    The old, gray lady dolefully ain’t what she used to be,
    The New York Times has now become the paper of fake news.
    The only record they are keeping is one of abuse.
    They have become a propaganda broadsheet for the left.
    And knowledge of what is the right, of that they are bereft.
    Their banning of conservatives proves tautologic’lly,
    they’re really not recording anything for history.
    It is so strange to see them fall down to the level of
    South China Morning Post, Tass, Pravda and Izvestia.

  4. Cynthia Erlandson

    You point out a great irony that should be obvious, though apparently many don’t see it.


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