The road of love looks smooth at first
and seems as if it has no end.
The wise know that the way is cursed,
and heartache lies around the bend.

The route has hills, and we can’t see
what lies upon the other side;
yet we drive on, love’s devotee,
as we enjoy love’s thrilling ride.

But soon we hit a hole or two.
The road is rougher than we thought.
Then love’s alignment goes askew
and leaves emotions overwrought.

And though some paramours drive on,
some search to find an exit sign.
They take it, and the love is gone.
They’ve reached the end of passion’s line.

But those who stay upon the road
will learn to drive around the holes.
Their hearts adjust to bear the load.
They travel on as kindred souls.



Dave Irby is a retired law enforcement officer and a U.S. Air Force veteran, currently living in Halifax, VA.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

11 Responses

  1. Theresa Rodriguez

    I can relate very much to the sentiments expressed in this poignant poem, thank you very much David!

  2. Joseph S. Salemi

    I’m glad to see perfect quatrains with a satisfying ABAB rhyme scheme. Too many people here seem obsessed with the more difficult (and less pleasing) ABBA format.

  3. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    David, thank you for the smooth-flow and the beautiful sentiment of this admirable conceit. I love your poetic lesson in enduring love.

  4. Margaret Coats

    Well done, and well unified by the road-and-travel references, leading up to a beautifully expansive final line.

  5. C.B. Anderson

    These bland blandishments above, David, should tell you all you need to know. I only hope you take them with a grain of salt and two grains of sugar. The poem itself was okay but broke no new ground.

    • C.B. Anderson

      I would add, though, David, that the twists & turns of Love’s road were well handled in the poem itself by a man who, I presume, has traveled many a mile down some shady lanes.

  6. Peter Hartley

    David – and some will drive right on into the middle of these holes and manage to climb out on the other side and feel all the better for the experience. A popular theme in poetry but nevertheless ably put.

    other side


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