
They’re impeaching Number 45 today—
Like toddlers born to moan,
Like bulldogs with a bone,
Like warlords with a drone,
Like tyrants on a throne,
Although they know The Don left yesterday—
They’re impeaching Number 45 today.

They’re impeaching Number 45 today—
Like straw-men with no brain,
Like swindlers out to gain,
Like Satan’s gravy train,
Like freedom’s ball and chain,
Although they know he’s on his merry way—
They’re impeaching Number 45 today.

They’re impeaching Number 45 today—
Like US dream deflators,
Like snapping alligators,
Like swamp-residing traitors,
Like slippery dictators
With hate for all that’s great on full display—
They’re impeaching Number 45 today.

They’re impeaching Number 45 today—
A dog and pony show
Put on to let you know
They’ll thwart and overthrow
All speech that doesn’t go
Their airy-fairy, trite, contrary way—
They’re impeaching Number 45 today.



Susan Jarvis Bryant is a church secretary and poet whose homeland is Kent, England.  She is now an American citizen living on the coastal plains of Texas.  Susan has poetry published in the UK webzine, Lighten Up On Line, The Daily Mail, and Openings (anthologies of poems by Open University Poets).

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

25 Responses

  1. Joseph S. Salemi

    What is going on right now in D.C. is a Moscow-style show-trial. It has no connection to law or justice. It is merely the vicious revenge of left-liberal vermin against a man they have illegally and criminally forced out of office. They plan to crucify him and make an example of him. And they are going to come after Trump supporters next.

    We are now witnessing the collapse of the United States of America into a corrupt banana republic run by globalist oligarchs and their ghetto constituents, with complete control of mass media, looming censorship, and gangs of thugs (Antifa and BLM) ready to beat up or kill anyone who publicly protests.

    All you stupid morons out there who voted for Biden and his Communist bitch VP — you have blood on your goddamned hands. ALL OF YOU.

    • C.B. Anderson

      As always, Joseph, you are a master of understatement. Why don’t you tell us how you really feel? Seriously, if I were to disclose my own visions of what should happen to the whores that now control the strings of government, then you would see a field of sharpened wooden stakes, in the manner of Vlad the Impaler, onto which they would all be impaled, which would likely get me canceled. My vote has already been canceled, so what the hell. I, as you, will never refer to The Sock-Puppet-in-Chief as anything other than The Resident. First the Vatican, and now this. Right now I am glad I don’t have to bear the double-whammy of being a Roman Catholic, having at once to bear the impostures of both Biden and Bergoglio.

  2. C.B. Anderson

    And death shall have no dominion. But yours is rhymed much better than Dylan’s was.

  3. Joe Tessitore

    Susan is brilliant and Joseph is right.
    It can happen here and it is happening here.

  4. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Joe S., C.B., and Joe T., I know my poem may come across as flouncy and bouncy, but between my lines are all the fears you mention and they’re fears that keep me awake at night… hence the poetry. I hope for everybody’s sake my mind veers in the direction of Cupid or Aphrodite before Valentine’s Day.

  5. Yael

    Susan, that’s awesome, as usual.
    Since it’s neither healthy nor edifying to look at main stream, aka lame stream, media at all anymore, I’m envisioning a modern day bard service instead. It would consist of your poetry rendered in popular contemporary musical styles, such as bluegrass, country, rock, jazz, etc, to fit the message. Instead of talking heads reading propaganda off a teleprompter, it would be a band performing your poetry in short sets every evening.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Yael! You come up with the greatest ideas and the modern day bard service tops the lot. Move aside, talking heads, I’m on my way! 🙂

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      I’m sure the reality czar will be more than happy to oblige you with an answer.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Thank you very much for your welcome observation – this was my intention and I’m thrilled it came across.

  6. Richard Lackman

    Great poem. Disturbing times. In the larger scope of human endeavor it is good to remind ourselves that this too will pass and every day that we are alive is a blessing. This goes a long way to preserving equanimity

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      “This too will pass”? Are you kidding us? Do you have any idea what these Democrat vermin have in store for the country?

      We don’t need equanimity — we need seething rage.

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Joe S., I know exactly where you’re coming from. I have suffered many a sleepless night of rage and despair which has left me bereft, exhausted, hopeless and feeling insignificant and utterly helpless. I’m trying hard to calm down and channel my rage by continuing to speak out truthfully to alert the oblivious, before I go insane.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Richard, thank you for your engaging and helpful comment. The key words for me are; “In the larger scope of human endeavor”. It makes me think of my grandparents and how, even though they were staring death in the face during WWII, they got married, had two children and had hope in their hearts. I wouldn’t be here if they had adopted a different attitude… I only wish my heart was as hopeful as theirs… I’m working on it daily.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Absolutely, Kathleen… why didn’t I think of that… I feel a love poem coming on already! Thank you, kindly. 🙂

  7. Jeff Eardley

    Susan, this is too good for the printed page. This has the cutting edge lyricism of early Bob Dylan, it needs a tune, or a rapper (I’m sure you’ve got a few of those) and needs to be blasted out to the nation via a YouTube channel. Performance poetry of the highest order. I don’t know how you do it. Thank you again for another sizzler. (I hope the Don gets to read it!!!)

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Jeff, you never fail to cheer me up! If the side effect of this dire situation is my “sizzler” of a poem being “blasted out to the nation”, I’m smiling! Thank you!

  8. Daniel Kemper

    The flouncy-lilt of the poem yet hangs with sadness. I grind my teeth not knowing whether it’s time to be like Hezekiah (bunker and wait on The Lord) or Jeremiah (settle down and build strength within the walls of an enemy kingdom). Interestingly, the Babylonians lasted 70 years, almost the same length of time as the USSR. The cultural revolution was complete in ’76 I guess… but there are complications~

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Daniel, you’ve hit the nail on the head… we can keep our eyes open, we can alert everyone to the skullduggery afoot, we can stand up for those wronged, and shout the truth from the rooftops… and… then what? It’s the “then what”, I’m wrestling with.

  9. Sarban Bhattacharya

    You are absolutely right, Susan, about exposing the hypocrisy of those people who conducted this ridiculous trial. Nigel Farage from Britain rightly put it as an incentive to a further division within the country.

  10. Louise

    I am amazed that artsy people have such non lefty opinions.

    I write haikuesque – how do I join?

    • Mike Bryant

      Louise, at the top of the page is a button labeled “JOIN” just push the button and follow the directions!

  11. Sally Cook

    Dear Susan
    Nothing I can say that I haven’t said before. You are an amazing talent
    poetically pointing out the obvious to everyone who has not already seen it on their own.
    Thanks for this one, as usual, up to standard !


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