
Isaiah 5:20—Uncancellable

They often call good evil,
And call the evil good.
Misclassifying basics?
One wonders how they could.

With light for darkness put,
And darkness put for light,
Seems schooling, friends, and news,
Reversed what’s wrong and right.

Then put sweet for the bitter,
And bitter for the sweet,
Such tales proliferate
As cancelling’s complete.

Totalitarian effects
They readily ignore,
With dubious assertions,
Of ends they’re striving for.

And thus they will continue
To transform society,
Inevitably opposite
Of how it’s claimed to be.

Deception unabated,
Can’t question what they say,
But reckoning will come,
As woe on Judgment Day.


Changed Priorities

Though equal rights for women,
Was once cause celebre,
It’s being cancelled now,
Unchampioned today.

Requiring females race
Against a kid born male,
Due to biology,
Ensures that most will fail.

No sketchy science claims,
Can controvert this fact,
So only changed priorities
Explain the new law backed.



Russel Winick recently started writing poetry at nearly age 65, after ending a long legal career. He resides in Naperville, Illinois.

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10 Responses

  1. Mo

    The negative- All you say is correct.
    The positive – There is comfort in knowing others can see the reality.

  2. mark whitters

    Believer or non-believer, in private we all deeply hope for a comeuppance in the face of such injustices. Unfortunately we can’t say so publicly!

  3. Yael

    That’s a great rendering of Isaiah 5:20 plus commentary, all in one neat and contemporary sounding poem. I agree with Cynthia that Isaiah would approve.

  4. Cheryl Corey

    Welcome to the “Po biz” Mr. Winick. If you’re interested in books on writing poetry, here are a few of my staples: the very readable “Making Your Own Days” (Kenneth Koch, 1998); “Writing Metrical Poetry” (William Baer, 2006); “A Poet’s Guide to Poetry” (Mary Kinzie, 1999) – a little more technical and challenging, it includes exercises. Also, if you can get your hands on them, Perrine’s “Sound and Sense”, and “Rhyme’s Reason” (John Hollander, 1981) – a slim 50 page booklet/primer on versification and meter.


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