
Praise Him for the lightning in the gale,
For balmy winds, for crystals in the snow.
Wonder at the gaudy peacock’s tail,
Observe how huge the elephant can grow!

The turtledove, the maculate giraffe,
The leopard’s feral stealth, the eagle’s wing,
The neighing of the horse, the dolphin’s laugh;
The joy in God which once made Mary sing.

Praise God for all the miracles to be!
The enemy who may become a friend;
The captive who yearns one day to be free;
The woes of life we all hope to transcend.

Praise God for each new morning that we greet!
And praise Him for creation left undone.
God’s work is left for humans to complete
To follow in the footsteps of His Son.

We all are burdened by life’s heavy chain
And wearied by this broken road we trod.
But as I live I will not bow to pain.
My soul sings the magnificence of God!





Brian Yapko is a lawyer who also writes poetry. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

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19 Responses

  1. Margaret Coats

    Really resplendent, Brian! The two stanzas on beauties of creation, then two wondrous outbursts of praise for the future! Your summary stanza acknowledges where we are, but moves strongly in the direction we have to go. Happy Easter!

  2. Julian D. Woodruff

    Yes! I echo Margaret’s sentiments and praises. Maybe because you do without enjambment the poem has something of the feel of a psalm.


      Thank you, Julian! I’m glad that is the feeling you get because my poem is meant to be an homage to Mary’s original song — magnificat anima mea Dominum (my soul magnifies the Lord) — and which is structured on Old Testament psalms. I was hoping to express the joy that comes from a spontaneous expression of faith. Happy Easter!

  3. Joe Tessitore

    May I join with Margaret and Julian – this is wonderful, Brian!
    Your joy is palpable in it!


      Thank you so much, Joe! It’s true… I have great love for my Creator. Happy Easter!

  4. Sally Cook

    Excellent ! You are a poet; I can only assume from reading your work that you are an astute lawyer. But you have turned out so much good poetry, I think it possible yoiu are more poet than lawyer!


      Sally, you’ve made my day! Thank you so much for these kind words. I suspect I’m a better poet than lawyer since I so prefer writing to law. And as the bible says “where your treasure is there will your heart be also.” I hope you have a very happy Easter!

      • Sally Cook

        Brian, please, you too have a happy and renewing Easter!

  5. Cynthia Erlandson

    Beautiful, Brian! The music of the poem displays your joy in life and in creation!

  6. C.B. Anderson

    Thinking of the very last line: Yes, it does, Brian, yes it does.

    In reference to Margaret’s comments about the first two stanzas, I’ve always found that making lists of things is great fun, because the possibilities are nearly infinite, and there’s always a good rhyme to be found. It’s just a matter of selecting the material that suits one’s purpose. The ones you’ve selected are all familiar marvels to the average reader, and giraffe/laugh is especially toothsome.

  7. James A. Tweedie

    Brian, If “The joy of the Lord is my strength,” then, as I bask in the “spontaneous” expression of faith and joy in your poem I must conclude that your strength must be grratetthan that of Samson! Your poem is a compliment to Mary and a blessing and a “treasure” for the rest of us. I rejoice that my heart is with yours on this Day of days.


      Thank you, James! What a wonderful comment to receive on Easter morning! I don’t quite have Samson strength levels these days, but I do take great joy in my faith! Happy Easter!

  8. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Brian, this is wonderful! I feel the exhilaration, the jubilation, the exultation and celebration of the marvels and miracles of life eminating from every beautifully crafted line. I especially like the second stanza with its array of splendid creatures -“The joy in God which once made Mary sing.” ~ Thank you and a very happy Easter Sunday to you!


      Thank you, Susan! It is my joy to share my love of God with others. A very happy Easter to you as well!

  9. James Sale

    Well done Brian – fabulous rejoicing – it has a kind of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ feel to the sheer exultation you are describing. Love it.


      Thank you, James! I happen to love Hopkins so I’m pleased by your comment. Happy Easter to you!


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