For all my life
I felt alone—
Out on the road,
As well as home.

I saw couples
With children near,
Filled to the brim
With sweetness dear.

But then it came,
This life in me.
I am “with child”—
Now all can see.

It’s in my walk,
My softer voice,
My warmer hand,
My surer choice.

I sleep so well,
And rise with ease,
No longer sad—
My soul at peace.

This comes from God,
His best gift, sure.
This life in me
Will now endure.

For all my life
I felt alone.
Then this dear child
Came to my home.



Michael Charles Maibach began writing poems at age nine.  Since then he has continued writing poems, and sharing them with friends.  His career has involved global business diplomacy.  He is a native of Peoria, Illinois.  Today Michael resides in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia.  More of his poems are found at www.MaibachPoems.us or on Facebook.

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One Response

  1. Joe Tessitore

    This is so beautiful and let me state the obvious – and written by a man!
