

Of people who pray,
Routinely or not,
He wonders what the case is.

Are they of belief
Prayer has an effect,
Or touching all the bases?



Opinions in Fact

Some folks voice opinions
So matter-of-factly
They seem to think everyone
Reckons exactly.



Decisions in a Marriage

Our wives make most decisions,
And why should it be thus?
For purposes of fairness,
Since they put up with us.


Russel Winick recently started writing poetry at nearly age 65, after ending a long legal career. He resides in Naperville, Illinois.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

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14 Responses

  1. Tonia Kalouria

    Ain’t it the Truth?! What fun! Esp like the
    “touching all the bases” consideration.
    Can’t hurt, right?

  2. C.B. Anderson

    Nice quips, Russel. Do you sell bumper stickers? I might buy a few. Apparently your many years inhabiting this planet has brought you a good share of knowledge — dare I say, wisdom? I notice that you wrote nothing that could result in litigation against you, though I am no legal expert. The best defense against a libel suit, I am told, is having spoken or written the truth.

    • Russel Winick

      Thank you Sir. No bumper stickers; just some observations – hopefully accurate – about people and life.

  3. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Russel, I love the wit and wisdom in these bite-sized poetic treats.

    • Russel Winick

      That’s nice to hear, Susan, especially since I admire your work so much!

    • Russel Winick

      Thanks Dave. The hope is that a concise theme will have the most clarity and impact.

  4. David Watt

    Russell, I look forward to reading more of your succinct witticisms.

    • Russel Winick

      Thanks David. Hopefully you will – if I have any!

  5. John Watts

    I much like the first poem, I used to try and pray routinely and I’m really not sure it makes a difference (at least that’s how it felt– perhaps scripturally one should think different) , but I’m sure it does something for some!

    • Russel Winick

      Thanks John, for the kind words and sharing your thoughts.


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