"Horace Delivering the Odes to Augustus" by Vincenzo MoraniThe SCP Spring 2021 Poetry Reading, Online The Society May 23, 2021 From the Society, Poetry, Readings 10 Comments . Videos of this event now available here. You are invited to a reading of exquisite poetry and conversations with the poets. This reading is part of a quarterly series of online poetry readings planned for 2021-2022. . Sunday May 23, 2021 2 p.m. (New York time), 7 p.m. (U.K. time) Duration: 1 hour . Location Join Zoom Meeting (for some reason the below link does not seem to work on the Safari browser. Try a different browser, such as Chrome, if that is the case for you.) https://zoom.us/j/98789637125?pwd=RWZwaXhrMlhCMElqR1BzTURlWGZ6UT09 Meeting ID: 987 8963 7125 Passcode: 394084 One tap mobile +19292056099,,98789637125#,,,,*394084# US (New York) +13126266799,,98789637125#,,,,*394084# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 987 8963 7125 Passcode: 394084 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/alcMfk0AH . Host James Sale . Featured Poets Brian Yapko—“A Meditation on The Tempest“ James A. Tweedie—“Tango” Andrew Benson Brown—“How To Be Like Byron” Mark F. Stone—“Speak with Gentle Kindness” James Sale—Sasha A. Palmer’s “Connected” Susan Jarvis Bryant—“A Half-Baked Rondeau Redouble” . Attendance This event is open to everyone. On May 23, simply visit this page and click the link that will appear at the top of this listing under “Location.” On the day of the event, the link will also be published as a reminder. There will be a limit of 100 participants. Schedule subject to change. . . . NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 10 Responses James Sale April 25, 2021 Really looking forward to this event – expect high energy, high quality poetry, and half-a-dozen intriguing poets who will not only be reading one of their prize-winning poems, but will also be answering two or three questions that will help us all understand them at a deeper level. Hope you can join us then. Reply James B. Nicola May 1, 2021 Would be nice if there were a landline option, as I know so many of the participants but alas have no internet at my apartment, so have used phone for zoom meetings when possible. Break a leg, James, Theresa, and Mark! James B. Reply James Sale May 1, 2021 My dear James – how lovely to hear from you – I still miss those halcyon days in NY performing alongside you in Bryant Park! I will have a word with Evan about this since I am using their (SCP) zoom connection, but I suspect it must be as mine is in the UK – usually a link to the internet is given but also a phone in number too. Hopefully you can be there -and also please invite your friends. I know this is going to be a glorious event. And BTW I am close to having fully read your wonderful new collection and shall be reviewing it once I have done so. Stay safe. Reply Bethany Mootsey May 23, 2021 The meeting was well organized and the poetry was excellent. I enjoyed putting some faces to names and gathered a few tips for my own writing (increased usage of internal rhyme, for one.) Thanks to all who made this event happen! Reply James Sale May 24, 2021 Thanks Bethany – glad you enjoyed it. I hope there will be more – who knows – perhaps you may appear one day? Reply The Society May 25, 2021 Good to see you there, Bethany. I was scratching my head at “Beth M.” but now it all makes sense. -Evan Reply Bethany May 25, 2021 Haha yes, I have to have it that way for foster care and I couldn’t figure out how to change it on the fly. Technology and I are not always friends! Sasha A. Palmer May 24, 2021 Thank you for uploading yesterday’s Poetry Reading to YouTube – much enjoyed! James, thank you for reading “Connected” and for your kind words about my sonnet. Congratulations to all! Reply James Sale May 24, 2021 Pleasure Sasha – a very fine sonnet indeed! Reply Sasha A. Palmer May 24, 2021 In case you’re wondering about “David Palmer” – my husband was able to watch part of the zoom yesterday. And my sister joined in from Moscow – the wonders of modern technology 🙂 Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
James Sale April 25, 2021 Really looking forward to this event – expect high energy, high quality poetry, and half-a-dozen intriguing poets who will not only be reading one of their prize-winning poems, but will also be answering two or three questions that will help us all understand them at a deeper level. Hope you can join us then. Reply
James B. Nicola May 1, 2021 Would be nice if there were a landline option, as I know so many of the participants but alas have no internet at my apartment, so have used phone for zoom meetings when possible. Break a leg, James, Theresa, and Mark! James B. Reply
James Sale May 1, 2021 My dear James – how lovely to hear from you – I still miss those halcyon days in NY performing alongside you in Bryant Park! I will have a word with Evan about this since I am using their (SCP) zoom connection, but I suspect it must be as mine is in the UK – usually a link to the internet is given but also a phone in number too. Hopefully you can be there -and also please invite your friends. I know this is going to be a glorious event. And BTW I am close to having fully read your wonderful new collection and shall be reviewing it once I have done so. Stay safe. Reply
Bethany Mootsey May 23, 2021 The meeting was well organized and the poetry was excellent. I enjoyed putting some faces to names and gathered a few tips for my own writing (increased usage of internal rhyme, for one.) Thanks to all who made this event happen! Reply
James Sale May 24, 2021 Thanks Bethany – glad you enjoyed it. I hope there will be more – who knows – perhaps you may appear one day? Reply
The Society May 25, 2021 Good to see you there, Bethany. I was scratching my head at “Beth M.” but now it all makes sense. -Evan Reply
Bethany May 25, 2021 Haha yes, I have to have it that way for foster care and I couldn’t figure out how to change it on the fly. Technology and I are not always friends!
Sasha A. Palmer May 24, 2021 Thank you for uploading yesterday’s Poetry Reading to YouTube – much enjoyed! James, thank you for reading “Connected” and for your kind words about my sonnet. Congratulations to all! Reply
Sasha A. Palmer May 24, 2021 In case you’re wondering about “David Palmer” – my husband was able to watch part of the zoom yesterday. And my sister joined in from Moscow – the wonders of modern technology 🙂 Reply