
an excerpt

When battle rages hot, the charge will sound.
An army must not let itself break ranks,
Although they see the cannon all around.
To my Commander humbly I give thanks,
For I see not the field as He, in view
Of all the strikes and counterstrikes that come.
My eyes catch only sludge and sun and steel
From where my muddy boots wear thin. So who
Am I to question You? Let me be dumb!
Your wisdom, more than all of this, is real.



Guy Warner is a pastor in Birmingham, AL. He received his M.Div. from Liberty University. His other poetry can be found on SometimesPoetry.org.

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10 Responses

  1. Brian Yapko

    This is very beautiful and meaningful. Thank you for sharing this poem of deep faith.

  2. C.B. Anderson

    A very nice poem, Guy. And your nonce form was convincingly instantiated. I could be wrong, but I think you have expressed a new idea here on the field where doubt, faith and knowledge play out their differences.

    • Guy Warner

      I appreciate that, thank you. As life goes on and we learn more, it builds our faith, which enables us to overcome future doubts. Not always a fun process but an important one!

    • Mike Bryant

      Love your poetry. I have a feeling that bivocationalism is a post modern problem. As long as you follow the crowd, instead of God’s word, you can have it all.


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