
The gods of ancient Greece return
to cast their blight upon our nation.
Throughout the eons come and gone,
now social strife is their creation.

Chaos, the god of disarray,
of lawlessness and vast disorder,
now has become a resident,
resettled on our southern border.

Eris, goddess of strife, discord,
of terrible conflict and disputes,
shows her repulsive hand each day
in gender roles that she transmutes.

Deimos, god of terror and dread,
his brother Phobos, fear and panic;
Distribute masks and vaccine shots
With threats there’ll be a next pandemic.

Ares, the dreaded god of war,
with hungry vulture on his shoulder,
stands watching as our cities burn,
and looted stores are left to smolder.

Hades, god of the underworld
where all cursed spirits must abide,
conceals himself as media
that causes the country to divide.

A minority can only rule
by exercising fear and bane,
by wielding false gods to meet their goals,
by using words to deceive and feign.



Phil S. Rogers is a sixth generation Vermonter, age 72, now retired, and living in Texas. He served in the United States Air Force and had a career in real estate and banking.  He previously published Everlasting Glory, a historical work that tells the story of each of the men from Vermont that was awarded the Congressional Medal Of Honor during the Civil War. 

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The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

4 Responses

  1. Sally Cook

    This is a fine poem — solemn, with accurate historic reference. This poem flows along like a great river. and has an interesting meter. Funny how time has a way of repeating itself, doesn’t it?
    I too have a Vermont background — Clarks, Stones and other families migrated to New York State in the early 1800s.
    Thank you for sharing your work.

  2. Joe Tessitore

    I agree with Sally – a fine poem indeed with a unique approach to a truly dire situation.

  3. Daniel Kemper

    An encyclopedia of malefactors, slouching toward DC to be reborn. What a time we live in, right?

  4. Margaret Coats

    This is only a small selection of unsavory beings from Greek mythology. Phil, you’ve chosen well, and done even better with the assignment of each to his or her place in current events. I especially like Hades, king of the entire underworld of cursed spirits, to represent the media. And none worthier than Eris to be queen of transgenderism, whose permanently denatured victims are most likely to be underage girls. It’s sad but satisfying to see this good poem sketch what we are dealing with as myth.


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