
You are invited to a reading of exquisite poetry and conversations with the poets. This reading is part of a quarterly series of online poetry readings planned for 2021-2022.


Date & Time

Sunday September 19, 2021
2 p.m. (New York time), 7 p.m. (U.K. time)
Duration: 1 hour



On Zoom.

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James Sale



Poems will be drawn from different chapters of the Society of Classical Poets Journal IX


Featured Poets

“On Antifa, Coming to the Country” by Reid McGrath

“Stealth Warfare” by Damian Robin

“Mastering Magic” by Mike Bryant

“Woman Is” by Don Shook, read by Michael Pietrack

“Woman Is (Also)” by Anna J. Arredondo

“Full Lives, Empty Souls” by T.M. Moore, read by Evan Mantyk

“In our Town” by Sally Cook, read by James Sale

“Hollywood Interview” by David Whippman, read by Susan Jarvis Bryant

Poems and readers subject to change.



This event is open to everyone. On September 19, simply visit this page and click the link that will appear at the top of this listing under “Location.” On the day of the event, the link will also be published as a reminder. There will be a limit of 100 participants.




8 Responses

  1. James Sale

    Very excited to be hosting this – some fabulous poets and poems to be performed, and I hope – like last time – with lots of poetical insights along the way. There will almost certainly be a Q&A so looking forward to seeing many of you there!

  2. Patricia Redfern

    That last poetry reading was totally magnificent! Poets, do not miss this, please. Invite friends!
    If this enter more than once, please erase.


    • James Sale

      Thanks Patricia – that’s the spirit! – really glad you enjoyed it and look forward to seeing you at the next one!!!

  3. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    James, what a wonderful line up of poets and poetry. I thoroughly look forward to this online treat.


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