
from Eternal Spring

Once upon a time in space
God contrived the human race,
Gave two things to help us cope:
One was love, the other hope.
Man was destined for a fall,
But love sustained him after all.
When all hope was lost in fear,
Love would make new hope appear.
Love thy husband, love thy wife,
Love thy God, and love thy life.
Love thy country; keep it free;
Love for all eternity.
Die for love, for love’s unending.
Always straight and right, unbending.
Love’s an arrow like a dart
Piercing even the darkest heart.
Some reject it, some refuse,
Some take drugs and some drink booze.
But love is patient, love is kind,
Ennobling the human mind.
An opalescent pearl divine—
Expose to light and let it shine—
A beacon in a stormy sea,
A bolt of lightning striking me.
Love will conquer; love will win,
Save us from our mortal sin.



LTC Roy E. Peterson is a writer, retired U.S. Army Military Intelligence Officer, Foreign Area Officer, and Foreign Commercial Officer who currently resides in Texas.

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13 Responses

  1. Joe Tessitore

    Indeed it is!
    And so very well-written.
    It’s more of a gallop than a read that just carries you along.
    What a great ride!

  2. C.B. Anderson

    What you lack in subtlety, Roy, you make up for with enthusiasm. I think you’ve got the right idea.

    • Roy E. Peterson

      You may be on to something about my personality, C.B. Bless you for the comment.

  3. Jeff Eardley

    Roy, “All you need is love” now where did I first hear that? A universal theme that bounces along at a great pace. I enjoyed this immensely. Thank you.

  4. Paul Freeman

    A breathless breath of fresh air – if that makes sense.

    Thanks for a fine read, Roy.

  5. Peter Hartley

    Roy – I really like this poem about a universal theme, and doesn’t its tetrameter rattle and bounce along, as Jeff and Joe write above!

  6. Yael

    That’s a sweet poem on the best thing in this old world. I just now got around to commenting, ’cause its a rainy morning on the farm. I’m going to print this one out for the collection, thank you.


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