
Raise your quill to the sky like a madman’s harpoon—
Super tempered in blood and the blackest of wine
Is the blade of our mania, flashing and white
As a lightning bolt fresh from the night.

Raise your quill to the sky like a madman’s harpoon—
Dare the lightning itself to descend with a flash…
Raise thy sword to the heavens, as fearless and brash
As a thunderbolt’s terrible crash.

Raise your quill to the sky like a madman’s harpoon—
Though as fated for death as old Ahab himself
We return from the womb of that watery hell
With unsinkable riches to sell.



Christian J. Weaver, who is currently incarcerated, has been writing rhymed poetry since the early 1990s. 

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4 Responses

  1. D.G. Rowe

    I like it. Exciting, hard driven muscular diction, deft prosodic arragement. Nothing bland, prosaic, or obviously dull in description about the piece.
    Has an air of Gothic mystery creeping through the cracks.
    Wicked Good, my fellow. Right up my street!

    Nice one!


  2. Paul Freeman

    A bit enigmatic in places for me, but as D.G. says, a robust and exciting piece of writing. I was reminded of sea shanties.

    I’ll read it again at my leisure for a deeper imprint.

  3. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Christian, I love the whole feel of your poem. I love it because it encourages everyone to get their words out there with a boldness and bravery that our current world lacks. I love it because you know that the written word holds power that’s mightier than the sword and wielding words of truth is the only way to go. Words are a powerful medium, which is why those opposed to freedom want to burn our books. It’s poems like these that shout out exactly why freedom of speech means so much. Thank you!

  4. Margaret Coats

    Beautifully written, Christian. It seems that whaling is an associated comparison put forward by “harpoon” and “Ahab,” but the repeated imperative is “Raise your quill.” The poem must be about writing. And as whalers return with “unsinkable riches to sell,” writers return with “unsinkable riches to tell.” Glad to see your return to this site after more than year since your earlier poem. This one is much richer.


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