
At the COP26

We all have piled up at the COP,
For in a day the World may stop!
No really, that’s what voters say
And that’s enough, so I’m here today.
We must turn up or all goes pop—
And yet I find my eyelids drop…

Out in the cold, young Thunberg shouts
While leading half-baked climate scouts:
What do we want!?—Climate Justice!
When do we want it!?—Now! Must this
Keep going, an incessant storm
Of shouts to make sure we conform,
Demanding climate change will stop—
Their chanting makes my eyelids drop…

Another day to show my face.
Another hour to earn some grace.
Another minute till there’s a break
Another second to stay awake
Ensuring I stay at the top—
My failure’s sweet as eyelids drop…



The poet prefers to remain anonymous.

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7 Responses

  1. C.B. Anderson

    As you will see, even the exposition of the dissenting view can be a bit of a snooze:

  2. Cheryl Corey

    Climate change Chicken Little hysteria has been ongoing since the 70s. The New York Post has a good write up in today’s paper. Camilla Parker Bowles reported that Joe emitted his own share of fumes when she met him at the summit.

  3. James A. Tweedie

    Both the pictures and poem are most amusing. Even the phrase “climate change” is amusingly soporific since it means nothing—and certainly nothing particularly menacing—little more, in fact, than that one year will be wetter, sunnier, colder, etc. than the other . . . A conversation starter guaranteed to put anyone to sleep.

    And by the way, I quite expected a closing question mark in the second stanza—either after the word “going” or “stop” or perhaps both—although its absence elicited little more from me than a yawn, along with a slight twinge of ennui . . .

    • C.B. Anderson

      “Climate change” doesn’t quite mean nothing. It’s something that has been happening constantly ever since Creation. But now, persons with little grounding in good Science want to blame human beings for something the Master of the Universe wisely set in motion from the beginning.

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      “Climate Change” was a deliberate propagandistic substitution for the earlier phrase “Global Warming,” which has silently disappeared from left-liberal diction. After the alleged evidence for such warming was shown to be flawed or manipulated, left-wing propagandists decided that a less specific wording was required for public consumption. Hence “Climate Change.”

      The switch from “Global Warming’ to “Climate Change” is a typical example of how verbiage from the mouths of liberals and leftists is purely designed for proselytizing, and nothing else.

  4. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    This poem highlights the dozy idiocy of the snoozy summit. The snoring swindlers are probably suffering from private-jet lag; that and a bulging bellyful of beef has sent them all to the land of nod while the black shadow of their carbon footprint hovers over the planet blocking out any hope of a bright and prosperous future for generations to come. Oh the hypocrisy! Thank you for the poetic reminder of just why our “existential threat” isn’t caused by the climate, but the fat cats banging on about it in far off lands over lunch.


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