
Where Did I Lose My Mind?

I just found my glasses on top of my head.
My iPhone had dropped to the floor from my bed.
The car keys I lost were much harder to find.
Oh, where in the world did this fool lose his mind?

My shades I just found neath the seat of my car.
The wallet I lost, I had left at a bar.
My Kindle passed over, as if I were blind.
Oh, where in the world did this fool lose his mind?

I found the remote in the sofa someplace.
Umbrellas I’ve lost without even a trace.
My pen has just vanished, with papers unsigned.
Oh, where in the world did this fool lose his mind?

My doctor, good doctor, what’s happened to me?
I’ve lost my sane mind and so please hear my plea.
You’ve lived a long time sir, in this senior stage,
The only thing wrong is your elderly age.



Richard Buchanan retired in Dallas after 37 years in corporate America. Most of the poetry that Richard has written was for the sole purpose of entertaining his fiancé as they sat through her many long chemo treatments. Richard ended up writing about 40 poems, and his fiancé ended up beating double breast cancer.

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9 Responses

  1. jd

    Enjoyed the poem, Richard, as I can certainly relate.
    So pleased to read the good news in your Bio also.

  2. Cheryl Corey

    Richard, when I read that first line … I witnessed the exact same thing with my father. Your poetry no doubt played a role in your fiancé’s recovery.

  3. Tonia Kalouria

    … So long as you didn’t find the keys in the freezer it’s ok:-)
    Absent-mindedness is under rated. And — I have discovered
    the brain has a mind of its own. Fun poem.

  4. Jack DesBois

    Having lived with chronic Lyme-related cognitive dysfunction for 30 years and experienced shifting states of brain function with treatment and relapse – and witnessed the same in older family members – I get a knot in my stomach whenever I’m reminded of how our medical culture has normalized age-related cognitive decline. “The only thing wrong is your elderly age” is a very sad philosophy for our medical professionals to have about cognitive health. That isn’t to say there is any quick fix to America’s epidemic of neurodegenerative disease – but the first step toward healing is acknowledging that cognitive decline isn’t inevitable, and that it is an indication of serious lifestyle issues in modern society.

    A thought-provoking poem – my heart goes out to you and anyone dealing with short-term memory loss.

  5. Allegra Silberstein

    Your poem was great and I am sure your poems helped your fiance to recover.

  6. C.B. Anderson

    Growing old is not always pleasant, is it, Richard? One really needs to maintain a sense of humor about it. The only good things about growing old, as far as I can tell, is that women tend to hold doors open for me, and, most importantly, that it means that I am still alive.

  7. Patricia Redfern

    No longer being thirty, I can relate to this, too well. What you don’t understand is the joy we have in finding lost objects!
    Great job on the poem!!


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