
God’s M.O.

One hundred thousand people at the game,
And half might pray to God: “Let my team win!”
While for the other team folks pray the same.

If I was God it might make my head spin,
But that’s one thing I need not fret about.
And I’m sure God can handle such a din.

Yet some things that I’d like to figure out—
If God would focus on a football score?
With so much more important, I’m in doubt.

And is a game what prayer should be for?




The slightly built girl
__Asked the boy who adored her
If buxomness truly
__Was something he’d want.

The boy answered “no,” adding:
__“Isn’t that obvious?”
And promptly he learned about
__Saying too much.



Leftist Academic Agendas

Education for success
Is perhaps the finest tool,
But now kids get so much less
With what’s fed to them in school.



Publication Probability

When journals that publish your meter and rhyme
Feature nothing remotely alike,
It’s probably just a short matter of time
Until they tell you “Go take a hike.”



Russel Winick recently started writing poetry at nearly age 65, after ending a long legal career. He resides in Naperville, Illinois.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

10 Responses

    • Russel Winick

      David – I think I’ll modify the 5th Amendment a bit here, and refrain from answering those questions on the grounds that my ignorance would be revealed. Thanks!

  1. Margaret Coats

    Russel, when the fare is so unpalatable, naturally kids get less in school. Just imagine your job being to make them clean their plates. Wouldn’t you offer a bare minimum and achieve success? Thanks for the thoughts!

    • Russel Winick

      Margaret, thanks for commenting. I remember thinking that much of the curriculum in high school was a waste of my time. It seems worse now.

  2. Jeff Eardley

    Russel, most enjoyable. “Buxomness” is a great new word for me that I will use whenever the opportunity presents itself, and to “take a hike” is a pleasurable activity here in the Peak District National Park. Two nations divided by a common language…you bet. Great stuff.

    • Russel Winick

      Jeff – Thanks for reading and commenting. I’m jealous of your hiking opportunities, and glad to provide a new word.

  3. jd

    Enjoyed them all, Russel, with “Lesson” being my favorite.
    Glad you took up poetry.

  4. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Russel, I always look forward to your smorgasbord of delicious morsels of wisdom that sate my appetite for the truth with a sprinkling of wry humor that has me grinning in grim times. Thank you!

    • Russel Winick

      Thank you Susan. I’ll try to keep coming up with stuff that you guys enjoy.


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