

You never see suspects admitting their guilt,
__Or partisans stating they lied.
You’ll never hear soccer stars fearing defeat,
__Or macho guys saying they cried.

In a world where the truth’s often hidden away,
__And the facts can be hard to construe,
One thing I would never keep secret is that
__I’d be totally lost without you.



Follow Up

The follow up you see with folks today,
Is something we find hard to understand.
Between mistakes and all that goes astray,
We’re now surprised when things proceed as planned.




He raves about relationships he’s had,
With countless women for a life of fun.
But there are moments when his eyes seem sad,
Because at no time has he had just one.



Definitions of a Woman

It defies basic science and logic,
But we’ve learned with the swimmer from Penn,
To the Left there are two types of women,
Biological women—and men.



Plight of the Never Trumpers

Conservatives hostile to Trump
Who switched to the Biden Campaign
Might realize now that their jump
Worked like sidewalks for earthworms in rain.



Russel Winick recently started writing poetry at nearly age 65, after ending a long legal career. He resides in Naperville, Illinois.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

10 Responses

  1. Cheryl Corey

    “Revelation” has a lovely twist at the end. The last two pieces really cracked me up. Russel, you come up with some real zingers.

  2. Jeff Eardley

    Russell, we have a poetess in England by the name of Pam Ayres who has delighted us for decades with her wry observations and has become a national treasure. Your view on life is right up there with her. I love all five of these but “Relationships” is a masterpiece and applies perfectly to a couple of my friends. Thank you for a most amusing read.

    • Russel Winick

      Wow, Jeff – that’s nice to hear. Thanks! Pretty sure I’ll never be considered a national treasure though.

  3. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Russel, I love these bite-sized morsels of poetic magnificence topped with a delightful dollop of wisdom. Delicious! Like Jeff, my favorite is “Relationships” – the closing couplet brought a tear (of heartfelt joy) to my eye. Wonderful stuff! Thank you!

    • Russel Winick

      Thanks Susan – “Relationships” is my take on where a childhood friend is at now. I’m glad you liked it.

  4. C.B. Anderson

    Very clever, Russel. I do enjoy your almost epigrammatic style, you cynic.

  5. Margaret Coats

    They’re all witty, Russel, but I agree with Jeff Eardley that “Relationships” is a masterpiece. Like it, “Definition of a Woman” requires a bit of thought at the end to fully comprehend the point. You’ve put depth into these saucy quatrains.


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