Corybantes (or Korybantes) depicted by Alma Tadema‘Formal Poetry Against Free Verse’ and Other Poetry by Phillip Whidden The Society May 21, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments . Formal Poetry Against Free Verse “Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Plato in “inventing some extraordinarily powerful images of his own” came up with “notably the poet as Corybant.” —Penelope Murray, Plato on Poetry, 9 If poets are like Corybantes inEcstatic dance, then armor is a partOf their identity. A guarded shinAnd thigh and breastplate (that protects the heart)Are crucial to their rituals. They moveAs warrior men and give protection toThe greatest of divinity. They proveThe highest god must be protected. TrueTo him they dance as if in magic madeOf metal. They protect him in a caveWhere they stamp round the mouth with shield and bladeThat clash together as they step in raveAnd neatness of their rhythmic patterns. LooseBacchantes are not good enough for Zeus. . . The Creed “One mustn’t accuse Virgil or Ovid of originality, ofwilfully making fictions of such importance. By thetime of the Roman poets, everything was done uponestablished authority, and what was original was theway the derived pieces were assembled.”—Michael Schmidt, The First Poets, 25 Eternal truths cannot be honed and changed.The thinkers and the poets can at bestMake beauties of a truth rise rearrangedIn thought and taste. The royal bursar’s chestHolds everything perfection has to give,Yet when the coffer opens we must findIts contents, not attempt to add or sieve.They wait to guide us, lead, not to bind,No more than compasses or charts would forceA seaman to sublimest shores. The choiceIs his. Like Eden’s fourfold rivers’ source,Truths flow for drinking, if we would rejoice...Philosophers and poets find that truth….Is ever changeless in immortal youth. . . Phillip Whidden is an American living in England who has been published in America, England, Scotland (and elsewhere) in book form, online, and in journals. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. Trending now: 3 Responses Allegra Silberstein May 21, 2022 Your sonnets are a delight to read. Reply Joshua C. Frank May 21, 2022 I’d love to be able to do sonnets that well; mine always fall flat. Also, I feel as you do about the subject. Reply Phillip Whidden June 28, 2022 I only just now saw your comment. Sorry. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Joshua C. Frank May 21, 2022 I’d love to be able to do sonnets that well; mine always fall flat. Also, I feel as you do about the subject. Reply