

I have smelt the perfect scent of the flower of a rose,
Known intoxicated freedom where frangipani grows.

Watched majestic rivers meet the wild and moody sea,
And flown right over mountains where only gods should be.

I have drunk the purest water in the deepest caves on earth,
And gazed on golden treasures of the most immeasurable worth.

I have stared and wondered at the emptiness of space,
But nothing leaves me speechless as the beauty of your face.




Pigs who fly are my favourite pigs,
And wheels which won’t go round.
Upstream seas, and winter bees,
And clouds that lie on the ground.
Fork-eaten soup and gobbledegook,
And pennies by the pound.
Snow that rises, nonsense prizes,
And all not lost, not found.



Originally from England, Clive Boddy is a Yorkshireman currently living in Perth, Western Australia. He is a semi-retired academic and has held professorships in Leadership and Management. His numerous publications include two books on the effects of corporate psychopaths on employees, organizations and society; and a single book of poems called Poems of Love and Location. 

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The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

7 Responses

  1. Sally Cook

    Mr. Boddy,
    Never shoddy,
    Knows its true —
    For you sir, Clive —
    You are alive
    In what you strive
    To be and do.

    Many thanks for the Pigs.

    • Clive Boddy

      Thanks, and you are most welcome Sally. I do like the occasional nonsense verse.

  2. Norma Pain

    The romance of Speechless and the wonderful nonsense of Pigs, I love both of these poems. Thank you Clive.

  3. Gary

    ‘Speechless’ is an appropriate title for your first poem of the two, Clive. because in a sense it initially left me speechless when I read it. What a romantic you are. I particularly like the vivid imagery of lines three and four. Well done Sir!

    • Clive Boddy

      Thanks Norma and Gary,

      My poems have mostly been in a drawer for nearly 40 years while I plucked up the courage to show them. Glad you like them.

  4. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    I love the irony of ‘Speechless’ – it says everything about love while claiming to say nothing… lovely! As for ‘Pigs’, I love em, and your flying pig poem had me smiling.


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