

Hosted by British poet James Sale and held by the Society of Classical Poets, the theme of this reading is classical figures in the broad sense. The 100 Days of Dante Poetry Competition’s winning poems are part of the event, as well as poems from the SCP’s annual general competition.

Featured Poem & Readers

“Silver Fire” by Gail Kathleen Jardine, read by Michael Pietrack

“Contemplating Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer” by James A. Tweedie

“Aurora” by Andrew Benson Brown

“Easter Monday” by Cynthia Erlandson

“Papa’s Commedia” by Nicholas Walz

“Three Fates” by Cheryl Corey, read by Joseph Sale

“Stars” by Jillian Bober, read by Evan Mantyk

“Dante’s Song” by Professor Angela O’Donnell



NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

5 Responses

  1. ABB

    Thanks for posting! This was a lot of fun. Much thanks to our host James for setting it up.

  2. James Sale

    Big thank you to all those who performed and all those who attended – I really enjoyed it, and ALL the poetry was simply fabulous! Glad you liked it ABB.

  3. Cheryl Corey

    Joseph Sale’s reading of my poetry was absolutely fabulous! He read them with all the drama of a Shakespearean actor. It was way better than anything I could have done. Thank you so much, Joseph!

    • James A. Tweedie

      Agreed, Cheryl. My own poem would have been raised to a higher level if Joseph had read it instead of me!

      A good time was had by all.

      Many thanks to James for hosting.

      • James Sale

        Thanks Cheryl and thanks James: I perhaps could develop a new career as managing my son and hiring him out to perform! The response to his reading has been extremely gratifying to me as his father. Thank you so much.

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