A still of Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire exposing VanderbiltA Poem on the End of Transgender Surgery on Minors at Vanderbilt, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society October 12, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Readings 44 Comments . https://classicalpoets.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Vanderbilts-Nemesis.mp3 . Vanderbilt’s Nemesis Written for Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire who has called out the evils of lucrative transgender surgery on minors at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. They have since “paused gender affirming surgeries for patients under the age of eighteen.” They reveled in the riches rolling in— The lucre drenched in avarice’s stench— The stink of hellhounds peeling healthy skin From tricked and trusting innocents to quench A monster thirst for lacerating truth And mutilating genitals and breasts. They claimed to care for youth with bogus proof Based on phony scientific tests Refuted by a voice of wit and grit— A voice that spills the ills these ghouls commit. Integrity has stilled this gravy train. The callous cons on board leave not one doubt They profit from the anguish and the pain Of muddled minors lured and singled out For butchering—a boom that’s paused (for now) By one who chose to stand up and call down The cash-cow cult who never disavow The deeds that buy their scepter and their crown. Today their aim to maul and maim our kids Has come to light. Their scam has hit the skids. . . Susan Jarvis Bryant has poetry published on Lighten Up Online, Snakeskin, Light, Sparks of Calliope, and Expansive Poetry Online. She also has poetry published in TRINACRIA, Beth Houston’s Extreme Formal Poems anthology, and in Openings (anthologies of poems by Open University Poets in the UK). Susan is the winner of the 2020 International SCP Poetry Competition, and has been nominated for the 2022 Pushcart Prize. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Trending now: 44 Responses Margaret Coats October 12, 2022 Matt Walsh asked the important question, “Who benefits?” Thanks, Susan, for noticing his work with your own important attention to what is happening. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Thank you for this, Margaret. Cui bono? should be the question on everyone’s lips. I am certain Matt Walsh has led many to question the reason behind the huge increase in gender dysphoric children at present… when they discover the truth, perhaps more of these horror houses will be closed down… permanently. Reply Damian Robin October 12, 2022 Thank you Susan — gruesome descriptions of the translation of minors into parts-missing part-humans. Matt Walsh has taken a strong stance against the subterfuge of a lot of present day liberalism. Reply Damian Robin October 12, 2022 And nicely (as in finely) read, including in the slight dip in the ” (for now)”. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Damian, thank you very much for this. Matt Walsh and his team have been discovering, uncovering, and relaying the truth behind the lies for some time now, and it’s beginning to pay off. It really is true that “a lie can travel halfway round the world before the truth gets its boots on”… this has been going on for far too long and needs to stop before humankind is wiped out. Sexualizing, sterilizing, and mutilating minors is NEVER acceptable. I thoroughly appreciate your support – thanks again! Reply Paul Erlandson October 12, 2022 Powerful!! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Thank you very much, Paul… that was my intention. I’m glad I managed it. Reply Brian Yapko October 12, 2022 Spectacular, Susan — the poem and the courage of both the poet and the man she’s writing about. On the poem itself, you don’t hold back one acid-tongued phrase regarding the heinous practice you are criticizing. I especially like that “Monster thirst for lacerating truth” because you get all kinds of monstrous images concentrated into lines, starting with vampiric blood-sucking which leads to a laceration and mutilation frenzy committed by ghouls that would make Dr. Frankenstein proud. That Matt Walsh’s courage and honesty has been placed within the spotlight is a very hopeful indicator that the world at large is finally starting to see not just the tragic absurdity of pushing transgender procedures on minors but just how venal and nefarious the practice is. There is now so much at stake and the average person still doesn’t even give it much thought other than the vague “well people should live their dreams” without ever considering that those dreams are implanted nightmares. Walsh is a rare voice of sanity here and your splendid poem should be forwarded to him to let him know he has considerable support. You both have mine. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Brian, thank you for your spot-on comment. Matt Walsh is a recent hero of mine. Not only is his face at the forefront of exposing the horrors behind the smiley-faced promises of happiness from these serial liars, but he has also been threatened, his reputation has been dragged through the mud and held up for public scrutiny, and he’s still speaking the truth… only this time with greater determination. Let’s hope he’s a huge inspiration to many. He is to me. I think anger is spiked with a huge dose of fear, and the angrier these greedy ghouls get, the more fearful they are of losing their wicked wads of blood money – and so they should be. I especially like your “implanted nightmares” observation – so very true. There are plenty out there paid a pretty penny for implanting these nightmares. Let’s hope the world wakes up from this nightmare before it’s too late. Brian – I appreciate your wise words of sanity, and support. Reply Jeff Eardley October 12, 2022 Susan, a bone-chiller of a piece today on this quite disgusting surgery. You are always on the right side of the fence and hope this gets to Mr Walsh. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Jeff, thank you for this. It certainly is a “bone-chiller” – what a great term for this cruelty in the name of “care”. “Gender-affirming care” is akin to sharpening an axe when your beer-loving, brain-addled friend tells you, life is only worth living when he’s legless. I will definitely send this to Mr. Walsh, although he deserves much more than a poetic pat on the back. Reply Joshua C. Frank October 13, 2022 Actually, cases like that do exist; such people call themselves “transabled.” They experience the same feelings as people with gender dysphoria, except what they want is to be missing a body part. And then there are unscrupulous people who will do this for a fee… Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Josh, I have heard of this condition and could never get my head around the fact that anyone would “affirm” this madness… until I followed the money. It explains everything. There’s no such thing as free health “care” – there’s an enormous price to pay… and not always financially. Thank you for this. Sally Cook October 12, 2022 Dear Susan – Wonderful, in a terrible sort of way. Those poor put-upon children ! To me, Matt Walsh is a modern day saint, and you a Joan of Arc, using your poetic skills to help save innocents, whose only crime is imaginative fancy. Are there other clinics or hospitals doing this? Do you know how many? Get this to Matt Walsh ASAP. Reply Anna J. Arredondo October 12, 2022 Hear, hear! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Dear Sally, thank you very much for your wonderful words of support – I often set out to write a beautiful ode and my Muse drags me back to this subject continually… for very good reason, I feel. When you refer to these preyed on children as “innocents, whose only crime is imaginative fancy” you are so right. How many children in the past would have been sterilized and mutilated all down to a fanciful imagination… I’m sure I would have been one of these unfortunate souls. The bad news is, there are plenty of fiendish facilities doing this. The good news is Matt Walsh is exposing them and trying his darndest to shut them down. I will do my little bit from this platform to help. I know the words are tough to read, but I honestly feel many don’t know the pain behind the pleasure they’re selling… all for a very tidy sum. Once again, thank you, Sally, and thank you, Anna. To have the support of two fine fellow poets means a lot. Reply Norma Pain October 12, 2022 Thank you Susan for this hard-hitting poem about the greedy and nefarious practices going on against our most vulnerable in society. Money and power surely are the root of all evil. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Norma, thank you so very much! Your ‘root of all evil’ words really hit home, and there’s one helluva lot of money to be made from the mutilation of minors… “care” my arse! Reply Joshua C. Frank October 12, 2022 Susan, this is great! Every line is a hard-hitting indictment of the medical-industrial complex. This is indeed good news, not only that the clinic has been shut down, but voices of protest like Matt Walsh (and us by extension) can have an effect. Keep up the good work! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Josh, thank you very much – your words inspire me as I know you too have a similar relationship with poetry – a perfect medium to get across important messages boldly, briefly, and memorably. It’s great to have this platform to do it… a rare gift for which I am grateful. Josh, let’s keep making a difference! Reply Cynthia Erlandson October 12, 2022 You approach this gruesome (and crucially important) subject with boldness, and without sacrificing the elements of beautiful poetry. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Cynthia, your comment has brought me joy this morning. I always try to get a grave, unpalatable point across with impactful yet carefully chosen words that when married and dancing together, bring a little music to the ear. I’m thrilled you heard my song. Thank you very much. Reply Joseph S. Salemi October 13, 2022 It’s becoming clearer and clearer that a great deal of the mindless ideology being pushed by the Left is just a cover for grifting. Has anyone noticed that “Black Lives Matter” has refused to account for sixty million dollars in contributions, and that one of its leaders has purchased a multi-million dollar home? Reply Mike Bryant October 13, 2022 Yes, money is power. Soros is a kind of evil genius in money speculation. He broke the Bank of England. Schwab is more like the Pastor of a worldwide church who places his acolytes into positions of power in ‘democratic’ nations. His life work has been pushing the wonders of corporate/governmental ‘cooperation.” We used to call that fascism… basically, the corporations become part of the government, the government supports corporate monopolies, and all the bigwigs and the politicians get rich while the people are pillaged. Nice and neat… and so fun… for them… the more people they kill and the more money they make the funnier it gets. Are you laughing yet? Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Mike, I’m not laughing – just feeling grateful for you always telling it like it is… a rare breath of honest fresh air in these smoke-and-mirrors days. Thank you! Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Joe, “grifting” is where it’s at these days, and yes, I’ve heard of the missing money from BLM’s contributions and the greed of that leader. That money belongs to all those who had loved ones injured or killed in the ‘peaceful protests’, and all those who had their businesses burned, looted and ruined, just as the money collected for transgender surgery on minors needs to be paid in compensation to all those who have had their lives ruined by such butchery. Reply David Watt October 13, 2022 I sincerely hope that the (for now) becomes a permanent situation. Thank you, Susan, for highlighting the positive results achieved by a gutsy individual. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 David, I’m with you all the way on the “permanent” front. And it’s great to know that Matt Walsh and his team are out there fighting for our children’s right to reach adulthood before making any such life-changing decision. Thank you for your interest and your support. Reply Roy E. Peterson October 13, 2022 Few can depict with such powerful jarring accuracy the mutilation of our youth for money the way you do. Thank the Lord for Matt Walsh for his shining a light in the dark corners of our society and exposing the evils lurking there. Then I thank the Lord for your unforgettable images portraying the sins of the senseless! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 14, 2022 Roy, ‘the sins of the senseless’ indeed! What a perfect poetic phrase that’s tuned in to these crazy times. Times where we need Matt Walshes in their multitudes to stamp out these atrocities. Thank you for your encouraging comment… it means a lot. Reply James Sale October 13, 2022 First rate, Susan; your wit with language is everywhere apparent and I love that last couplet: Today their aim to maul and maim our kids Has come to light. Their scam has hit the skids. Scam is exactly the right word, though I wouldn’t disagree with grift either. Well done. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 14, 2022 Thank you very much, James – I thoroughly appreciate your observations and your encouragement. I will not stay quiet on this subject matter. Those hypervexed trolls of shriveled heart and fuzzy vision can go take a running leap. Reply Mike Bryant October 13, 2022 Susan, your poetry is as recognizable, as passionate and as beautiful as you are. Matt Walsh has joined the ranks of only a few who have been immortalized by your words. He has definitely earned all the recognition he has gotten by rescuing a few of those dear, confused children who were fortunate that they lived in Nashville as Mr. Walsh brought down this slimy house of ill repute. Now, Media Matters has published a hit piece on Matt Walsh in which they lay out his “sordid past.” They hope to make him submit, apologize, give up his investigations and dejectedly fade into obscurity. Instead, Mr. Walsh has answered their ridiculous allegations and replied to Media Matters, the attack arm of our would-be masters. Watch his answer and learn… it is well worth the fifteen minutes of your life: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WGW0o0fj7uk Reply Joseph S. Salemi October 13, 2022 Once you become an effective opponent of Corporate Leftism (the union of big business concerns with ideological fanatics) you immediately become a target for the scumbags in Media Matters. Mike, your words (“the attack arm of our would-be masters”) are frighteningly true. These venomous creeps are the virtual online Gestapo. Reply Mike Bryant October 13, 2022 We are living in twisted times. America once believed in the sovereignty of the individual. Now it’s the sovereignty of the aggrieved. We once believed in trustbusting. Remember Ma Bell? Now it’s the ‘cooperation’ of big business and big government (fascism). Once our regulators actually regulated. Now, unionized government employees hold stock in the industries they regulate. Once our teachers taught children how to think. Now they teach them what to think (propaganda). Once our politicians were elected. Now they are installed by the WEF. Strangely, the over-regulation of corporations makes it almost impossible for a small business to compete with them because they don’t have the money to hire lawyers to comply with the mind-numbing burden of regulations AND pay off the politicians. (Is it any wonder that the price of everything must skyrocket? There are a lot of pockets we serfs must fill.) Once our politicians broke up monopolies… now they own stock in those monopolies. This really works great for the politicians (like Pelosi), the large corporations, the regulators (like Fauci), the Unions (teacher’ unions and government employee unions and all the other unions that get government contracts) and the Non-Governmental Agencies owned by the likes of Soros. If you don’t fit into any of those categories, you are the mark. Note: when I’m talking about politicians… both parties have gorged at the public trough… perhaps one a bit more than the other… very twisted times. Cheryl Corey October 13, 2022 Effective poem – ugly topic. I recently read about a girl who transitioned, lost her hair, was going bald, her voice deepened, gone too far to de-transition, and regrets that she was misdiagnosed, when she was just confused, like a lot of teens are at that age. Sad, and disgusting that it’s become an industry for some in the medical community. What ever happened to “first do no harm”? Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 14, 2022 Thank you, Cheryl. I’m certain the Hippocratic Oath is now the Hypocritic Oath, especially written for all those putting money above morality… and there are plenty of them about. The sad thing is, those who wish to do good in the medical profession are being shut down and demonized, just as the victims of cruel transgender surgery are. If your voice doesn’t match that of our rulers, it is quickly silenced. Reply Joshua C. Frank October 26, 2022 “First do no harm” went out the window the moment abortion was legalized. Once it’s all right to torture babies to death, there are no limits to the evil that can be allowed. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 30, 2022 Josh, I believe “First do no harm” is a minute speck of hope on an ever-fading horizon… It has reached a point where I am scared to consult a doctor. How sad is that? David Whippman October 26, 2022 Susan, thanks for this skilfully worded stance against the transgender insanity. As a fellow Brit, you’re probably aware of Keir Starmer’s lily-livered fence-sitting on this issue. Though in fairness, many Tories are bowing to the “woke” agenda. This poem is a much-needed breath of common sense. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 30, 2022 David, thank you very much for your comment. What a cruel mind-twisting, body-abusing disservice politicians in the US and the UK are doing to our children… if they can’t work out what a woman is, how on earth do they expect minors to choose their gender? Reply Larry Coltin October 30, 2022 Thank you, Susan. Your poetry stirs emotion, as, perhaps, other forms of communication cannot. After watching Matt’s movie I was angry. After reading your poem I was near tears. I have recently become an avid writer of Haiku. I wrote this a few days ago. Innocent children / Borne by woman, seed of man / Who? won’t understand. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant October 30, 2022 Larry, thank you very much for your stirring comment. Every confused minor should watch Matt Walsh’s informative and brutally honest documentary before being pushed into irreversible surgery they may well live to regret. I too was angry after watching it and support Matt’s mission wholeheartedly. Thank you for sharing your haiku. It’s very moving… innocence is key in the horrific transgender business. Reply Laura Lesinski November 10, 2022 Powerful indeed and your choices of words are remarkably spot on. This whole idea….is A very sad indicator of the confusion of todays youth, which only gets muddier under the influences of liberal professors and coddling parents who feed their kids the idea of live and let live. I was just talking to my son, a PhD candidate in psychology, a conservative swimming with (thankfully) moderates, and how feelings are the driving force with the liberal thought processes. Do you “feel” happy being a man/woman? Feelings are fleeting. And that’s the danger. God help us all. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Margaret Coats October 12, 2022 Matt Walsh asked the important question, “Who benefits?” Thanks, Susan, for noticing his work with your own important attention to what is happening. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Thank you for this, Margaret. Cui bono? should be the question on everyone’s lips. I am certain Matt Walsh has led many to question the reason behind the huge increase in gender dysphoric children at present… when they discover the truth, perhaps more of these horror houses will be closed down… permanently. Reply
Damian Robin October 12, 2022 Thank you Susan — gruesome descriptions of the translation of minors into parts-missing part-humans. Matt Walsh has taken a strong stance against the subterfuge of a lot of present day liberalism. Reply
Damian Robin October 12, 2022 And nicely (as in finely) read, including in the slight dip in the ” (for now)”. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Damian, thank you very much for this. Matt Walsh and his team have been discovering, uncovering, and relaying the truth behind the lies for some time now, and it’s beginning to pay off. It really is true that “a lie can travel halfway round the world before the truth gets its boots on”… this has been going on for far too long and needs to stop before humankind is wiped out. Sexualizing, sterilizing, and mutilating minors is NEVER acceptable. I thoroughly appreciate your support – thanks again! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Thank you very much, Paul… that was my intention. I’m glad I managed it. Reply
Brian Yapko October 12, 2022 Spectacular, Susan — the poem and the courage of both the poet and the man she’s writing about. On the poem itself, you don’t hold back one acid-tongued phrase regarding the heinous practice you are criticizing. I especially like that “Monster thirst for lacerating truth” because you get all kinds of monstrous images concentrated into lines, starting with vampiric blood-sucking which leads to a laceration and mutilation frenzy committed by ghouls that would make Dr. Frankenstein proud. That Matt Walsh’s courage and honesty has been placed within the spotlight is a very hopeful indicator that the world at large is finally starting to see not just the tragic absurdity of pushing transgender procedures on minors but just how venal and nefarious the practice is. There is now so much at stake and the average person still doesn’t even give it much thought other than the vague “well people should live their dreams” without ever considering that those dreams are implanted nightmares. Walsh is a rare voice of sanity here and your splendid poem should be forwarded to him to let him know he has considerable support. You both have mine. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Brian, thank you for your spot-on comment. Matt Walsh is a recent hero of mine. Not only is his face at the forefront of exposing the horrors behind the smiley-faced promises of happiness from these serial liars, but he has also been threatened, his reputation has been dragged through the mud and held up for public scrutiny, and he’s still speaking the truth… only this time with greater determination. Let’s hope he’s a huge inspiration to many. He is to me. I think anger is spiked with a huge dose of fear, and the angrier these greedy ghouls get, the more fearful they are of losing their wicked wads of blood money – and so they should be. I especially like your “implanted nightmares” observation – so very true. There are plenty out there paid a pretty penny for implanting these nightmares. Let’s hope the world wakes up from this nightmare before it’s too late. Brian – I appreciate your wise words of sanity, and support. Reply
Jeff Eardley October 12, 2022 Susan, a bone-chiller of a piece today on this quite disgusting surgery. You are always on the right side of the fence and hope this gets to Mr Walsh. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Jeff, thank you for this. It certainly is a “bone-chiller” – what a great term for this cruelty in the name of “care”. “Gender-affirming care” is akin to sharpening an axe when your beer-loving, brain-addled friend tells you, life is only worth living when he’s legless. I will definitely send this to Mr. Walsh, although he deserves much more than a poetic pat on the back. Reply
Joshua C. Frank October 13, 2022 Actually, cases like that do exist; such people call themselves “transabled.” They experience the same feelings as people with gender dysphoria, except what they want is to be missing a body part. And then there are unscrupulous people who will do this for a fee…
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Josh, I have heard of this condition and could never get my head around the fact that anyone would “affirm” this madness… until I followed the money. It explains everything. There’s no such thing as free health “care” – there’s an enormous price to pay… and not always financially. Thank you for this.
Sally Cook October 12, 2022 Dear Susan – Wonderful, in a terrible sort of way. Those poor put-upon children ! To me, Matt Walsh is a modern day saint, and you a Joan of Arc, using your poetic skills to help save innocents, whose only crime is imaginative fancy. Are there other clinics or hospitals doing this? Do you know how many? Get this to Matt Walsh ASAP. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Dear Sally, thank you very much for your wonderful words of support – I often set out to write a beautiful ode and my Muse drags me back to this subject continually… for very good reason, I feel. When you refer to these preyed on children as “innocents, whose only crime is imaginative fancy” you are so right. How many children in the past would have been sterilized and mutilated all down to a fanciful imagination… I’m sure I would have been one of these unfortunate souls. The bad news is, there are plenty of fiendish facilities doing this. The good news is Matt Walsh is exposing them and trying his darndest to shut them down. I will do my little bit from this platform to help. I know the words are tough to read, but I honestly feel many don’t know the pain behind the pleasure they’re selling… all for a very tidy sum. Once again, thank you, Sally, and thank you, Anna. To have the support of two fine fellow poets means a lot. Reply
Norma Pain October 12, 2022 Thank you Susan for this hard-hitting poem about the greedy and nefarious practices going on against our most vulnerable in society. Money and power surely are the root of all evil. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Norma, thank you so very much! Your ‘root of all evil’ words really hit home, and there’s one helluva lot of money to be made from the mutilation of minors… “care” my arse! Reply
Joshua C. Frank October 12, 2022 Susan, this is great! Every line is a hard-hitting indictment of the medical-industrial complex. This is indeed good news, not only that the clinic has been shut down, but voices of protest like Matt Walsh (and us by extension) can have an effect. Keep up the good work! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Josh, thank you very much – your words inspire me as I know you too have a similar relationship with poetry – a perfect medium to get across important messages boldly, briefly, and memorably. It’s great to have this platform to do it… a rare gift for which I am grateful. Josh, let’s keep making a difference! Reply
Cynthia Erlandson October 12, 2022 You approach this gruesome (and crucially important) subject with boldness, and without sacrificing the elements of beautiful poetry. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Cynthia, your comment has brought me joy this morning. I always try to get a grave, unpalatable point across with impactful yet carefully chosen words that when married and dancing together, bring a little music to the ear. I’m thrilled you heard my song. Thank you very much. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi October 13, 2022 It’s becoming clearer and clearer that a great deal of the mindless ideology being pushed by the Left is just a cover for grifting. Has anyone noticed that “Black Lives Matter” has refused to account for sixty million dollars in contributions, and that one of its leaders has purchased a multi-million dollar home? Reply
Mike Bryant October 13, 2022 Yes, money is power. Soros is a kind of evil genius in money speculation. He broke the Bank of England. Schwab is more like the Pastor of a worldwide church who places his acolytes into positions of power in ‘democratic’ nations. His life work has been pushing the wonders of corporate/governmental ‘cooperation.” We used to call that fascism… basically, the corporations become part of the government, the government supports corporate monopolies, and all the bigwigs and the politicians get rich while the people are pillaged. Nice and neat… and so fun… for them… the more people they kill and the more money they make the funnier it gets. Are you laughing yet? Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Mike, I’m not laughing – just feeling grateful for you always telling it like it is… a rare breath of honest fresh air in these smoke-and-mirrors days. Thank you!
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 Joe, “grifting” is where it’s at these days, and yes, I’ve heard of the missing money from BLM’s contributions and the greed of that leader. That money belongs to all those who had loved ones injured or killed in the ‘peaceful protests’, and all those who had their businesses burned, looted and ruined, just as the money collected for transgender surgery on minors needs to be paid in compensation to all those who have had their lives ruined by such butchery. Reply
David Watt October 13, 2022 I sincerely hope that the (for now) becomes a permanent situation. Thank you, Susan, for highlighting the positive results achieved by a gutsy individual. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 13, 2022 David, I’m with you all the way on the “permanent” front. And it’s great to know that Matt Walsh and his team are out there fighting for our children’s right to reach adulthood before making any such life-changing decision. Thank you for your interest and your support. Reply
Roy E. Peterson October 13, 2022 Few can depict with such powerful jarring accuracy the mutilation of our youth for money the way you do. Thank the Lord for Matt Walsh for his shining a light in the dark corners of our society and exposing the evils lurking there. Then I thank the Lord for your unforgettable images portraying the sins of the senseless! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 14, 2022 Roy, ‘the sins of the senseless’ indeed! What a perfect poetic phrase that’s tuned in to these crazy times. Times where we need Matt Walshes in their multitudes to stamp out these atrocities. Thank you for your encouraging comment… it means a lot. Reply
James Sale October 13, 2022 First rate, Susan; your wit with language is everywhere apparent and I love that last couplet: Today their aim to maul and maim our kids Has come to light. Their scam has hit the skids. Scam is exactly the right word, though I wouldn’t disagree with grift either. Well done. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 14, 2022 Thank you very much, James – I thoroughly appreciate your observations and your encouragement. I will not stay quiet on this subject matter. Those hypervexed trolls of shriveled heart and fuzzy vision can go take a running leap. Reply
Mike Bryant October 13, 2022 Susan, your poetry is as recognizable, as passionate and as beautiful as you are. Matt Walsh has joined the ranks of only a few who have been immortalized by your words. He has definitely earned all the recognition he has gotten by rescuing a few of those dear, confused children who were fortunate that they lived in Nashville as Mr. Walsh brought down this slimy house of ill repute. Now, Media Matters has published a hit piece on Matt Walsh in which they lay out his “sordid past.” They hope to make him submit, apologize, give up his investigations and dejectedly fade into obscurity. Instead, Mr. Walsh has answered their ridiculous allegations and replied to Media Matters, the attack arm of our would-be masters. Watch his answer and learn… it is well worth the fifteen minutes of your life: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WGW0o0fj7uk Reply
Joseph S. Salemi October 13, 2022 Once you become an effective opponent of Corporate Leftism (the union of big business concerns with ideological fanatics) you immediately become a target for the scumbags in Media Matters. Mike, your words (“the attack arm of our would-be masters”) are frighteningly true. These venomous creeps are the virtual online Gestapo. Reply
Mike Bryant October 13, 2022 We are living in twisted times. America once believed in the sovereignty of the individual. Now it’s the sovereignty of the aggrieved. We once believed in trustbusting. Remember Ma Bell? Now it’s the ‘cooperation’ of big business and big government (fascism). Once our regulators actually regulated. Now, unionized government employees hold stock in the industries they regulate. Once our teachers taught children how to think. Now they teach them what to think (propaganda). Once our politicians were elected. Now they are installed by the WEF. Strangely, the over-regulation of corporations makes it almost impossible for a small business to compete with them because they don’t have the money to hire lawyers to comply with the mind-numbing burden of regulations AND pay off the politicians. (Is it any wonder that the price of everything must skyrocket? There are a lot of pockets we serfs must fill.) Once our politicians broke up monopolies… now they own stock in those monopolies. This really works great for the politicians (like Pelosi), the large corporations, the regulators (like Fauci), the Unions (teacher’ unions and government employee unions and all the other unions that get government contracts) and the Non-Governmental Agencies owned by the likes of Soros. If you don’t fit into any of those categories, you are the mark. Note: when I’m talking about politicians… both parties have gorged at the public trough… perhaps one a bit more than the other… very twisted times.
Cheryl Corey October 13, 2022 Effective poem – ugly topic. I recently read about a girl who transitioned, lost her hair, was going bald, her voice deepened, gone too far to de-transition, and regrets that she was misdiagnosed, when she was just confused, like a lot of teens are at that age. Sad, and disgusting that it’s become an industry for some in the medical community. What ever happened to “first do no harm”? Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 14, 2022 Thank you, Cheryl. I’m certain the Hippocratic Oath is now the Hypocritic Oath, especially written for all those putting money above morality… and there are plenty of them about. The sad thing is, those who wish to do good in the medical profession are being shut down and demonized, just as the victims of cruel transgender surgery are. If your voice doesn’t match that of our rulers, it is quickly silenced. Reply
Joshua C. Frank October 26, 2022 “First do no harm” went out the window the moment abortion was legalized. Once it’s all right to torture babies to death, there are no limits to the evil that can be allowed. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 30, 2022 Josh, I believe “First do no harm” is a minute speck of hope on an ever-fading horizon… It has reached a point where I am scared to consult a doctor. How sad is that?
David Whippman October 26, 2022 Susan, thanks for this skilfully worded stance against the transgender insanity. As a fellow Brit, you’re probably aware of Keir Starmer’s lily-livered fence-sitting on this issue. Though in fairness, many Tories are bowing to the “woke” agenda. This poem is a much-needed breath of common sense. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 30, 2022 David, thank you very much for your comment. What a cruel mind-twisting, body-abusing disservice politicians in the US and the UK are doing to our children… if they can’t work out what a woman is, how on earth do they expect minors to choose their gender? Reply
Larry Coltin October 30, 2022 Thank you, Susan. Your poetry stirs emotion, as, perhaps, other forms of communication cannot. After watching Matt’s movie I was angry. After reading your poem I was near tears. I have recently become an avid writer of Haiku. I wrote this a few days ago. Innocent children / Borne by woman, seed of man / Who? won’t understand. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant October 30, 2022 Larry, thank you very much for your stirring comment. Every confused minor should watch Matt Walsh’s informative and brutally honest documentary before being pushed into irreversible surgery they may well live to regret. I too was angry after watching it and support Matt’s mission wholeheartedly. Thank you for sharing your haiku. It’s very moving… innocence is key in the horrific transgender business. Reply
Laura Lesinski November 10, 2022 Powerful indeed and your choices of words are remarkably spot on. This whole idea….is A very sad indicator of the confusion of todays youth, which only gets muddier under the influences of liberal professors and coddling parents who feed their kids the idea of live and let live. I was just talking to my son, a PhD candidate in psychology, a conservative swimming with (thankfully) moderates, and how feelings are the driving force with the liberal thought processes. Do you “feel” happy being a man/woman? Feelings are fleeting. And that’s the danger. God help us all. Reply