
Just Not Alone…  

I never asked
For easy tasks,
For burdens light
For just delights.

Expected not
The breaks I’ve got,
And when they came
I sought no fame.

As demands abound,
I’ve stood my ground.
As storms have come—
I have not run!

I asked to fight
To do what’s right.
A flag to raise
For cause worth praise.

I don’t complain—
In snow or rain.
As age does come
No tears, not one.

But one request,
My sole behest,
Give me a mate
To share life’s fate.

One thing I’d love
From God above:
To not be alone
On the journey home.

I’ve seen her wings
The hope they bring,
Her legs so long,
A soothing song.

Her gown like hair,
White, long, and fair,
Her youthful pose
Head in repose.

She waits for me
Beside the sea…
We must be one—
Or I’m undone!



Michael Charles Maibach began writing poems at age nine.  Since then he has continued writing poems, and sharing them with friends.  His career has involved global business diplomacy.  He is a native of Peoria, Illinois.  Today Michael resides in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia.  More of his poems are found at www.MaibachPoems.us or on Facebook.

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9 Responses

  1. Janice Canerdy

    This is a lovely, creative, descriptive poem about longing–in one specific area of life. I can relate . . . !

  2. Roy E. Peterson

    Michael, I am so heartened to see you not giving up of finding that one. FYI: I married a “girl” that lived behind my house in my hometown and both of us were over 70. Our time together was short, since she passed away, but love reigned supreme in our year and a half together. It was worth it all.

  3. james sale

    The wonderful thing about poetry, Michael, as you know and as I often like to say, it is a healing modality since its foundation is from Apollo, the Greek god of poetry AND of healing; and one implies the other. I am touched therefore by the personal pain you have revealed and helped console yourself by in the writing; I sincerely hope you find that ‘one’ special person. For those who do, it is always transformative.


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