
The Three Democrats
of the 2020 Election

after Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1

Scene: Thunder illuminates a 2020 calendar page in an
undisclosed conference room where a pot bubbles on
an electric stovetop. Enter the Three Democrats.

Thrice each democrat will vote.

Thrice at least, and we will gloat.

Yes, we’ll have them by the throat.

Covid is a good excuse;
No one will suspect abuse;
Mail-in ballots are the way;
Voter fraud will win the day;
Make sure all the dead enroll,
Also migrants on the dole.

Watch how bursts the Trumpster’s bubble,
Behind three masks our laughs will double.

Round about the cauldron go;
In the stolen ballots throw.
To knock this once great country flat,
Virus from a Chinese bat,
Lies of Fauci, scarves of Birx,
Socialist heart where envy lurks.

Watch how bursts the Trumpster’s bubble,
Behind three masks our laughs will double.

Poison newsprint full of lies,
Tears an aborted baby cries,
Marxist workbooks from our schools,
All the words we brand those fools:
“Nazi, white supremacist,
Racist, fascist, toxi-cist.”

Watch how bursts the Trumpster’s bubble,
Behind three masks our laughs will double.



Phil S. Rogers is a sixth generation Vermonter, age 72, now retired, and living in Texas. He served in the United States Air Force and had a career in real estate and banking.  He previously published Everlasting Glory, a historical work that tells the story of each of the men from Vermont that was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor during the Civil War.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

18 Responses

  1. Adela

    One of the best poems that explains the truth about the last election and the 2020 year of the liberals, excellent indeed!

  2. Jeff Eardley

    Great to read Phil and very clever. And we thought our English politics were complicated. Has the Trumpster’s bubble finally burst, along with our Boris?

    • Phil S. Rogers

      Thank You Jeff, with my apologies to Shakespeare, it was fun to write.

    • Phil S. Rogers

      It was fun to take such a famous scene and use it to make a political point. Thank you for your nice comment.

  3. Paul Freeman

    Interesting satirical look at the conspiracy theories revolving around the 2020 election. How many, if any, are true, only time will tell.

    • Phil S. Rogers

      Hi Paul; We may find out the real truth on some of what has happened, but I am afraid much will remain controversial forever.

  4. Mike Bryant

    The poem is amazing! I bet you started laughing when you had the idea. Shakespeare would definitely approve.
    By the way… have you heard the latest conspiracy theories?
    Joe Biden is actually brilliant and his policies are saving the world!
    Kamala Harris only appears.to be an idiot. She is actually saving the world!
    The Covid Vaccines actually work! Pfizer is saving the world!
    British expats who work for foreign oil company/countries know everything because the foreign press is saving the world!
    I forgot one. Trans counseling, drugging, gaslighting and mutilating of minors is saving the world!

    • Phil S. Rogers

      Thank you Mike. Actually I had the idea quite a while ago, then let it go and finally came back to it. I admit, I did chuckle at the idea.

  5. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Wonderfully conceived and executed with a fine eye on today’s dilemmas… a huge slice of fun with a big steaming dollop of truth on top. Thank you!

  6. C.B. Anderson

    Sadly, Phil, the Democrats are even worse than your depiction of them. I’d like to see the entire play.

  7. Cynthia Erlandson

    A wonderful idea, very well carried out, and fun (in spite of the scary subject!)

  8. Adam Wasem

    Great fun, Phil. Let’s hope we don’t end up referring to this one as “The Scottish Election, Part Two.”

  9. Margaret Coats

    Macbeth is my favorite play, and this is the best of our Halloween poems!


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