
CBS Has Now Verified

CBS says it’s now verified,
The laptop Hunter took in for repair.
And other breaking news that it’s supplied
Is Washington has crossed the Delaware.



Plan Needed

Republicans won’t win elections
Till they learn to neutralize
The harvesting of mail-in ballots
Dems corruptly weaponize.



Special Kind of Liar

Stacey Abrams claims her first race
Ended in concession,
Although for years she always said
She won save “voter suppression.”

That recent switch makes her at best
A special kind of liar,
The type who clearly is just an
Election denier denier.



Russel Winick recently started writing poetry at nearly age 65, after ending a long legal career. He resides in Naperville, Illinois.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

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27 Responses

  1. C.B. Anderson

    If a Lib’ral tried to eat one of these it would be like biting into a pincushion.

  2. Joseph S. Salemi

    That dumb broad Abrams is a biopsy slide of what is diseased in the Democrat Party.

  3. Cheryl Corey

    All gave me a good laugh, Russel; which, of course, is badly needed these days.

  4. Conor Kelly

    Special Kind of Liar Two

    Let’s face it Russel, you lost
    The battle for truth you fought.
    Election denial has cost
    The right the powers it sought.

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      Old Kelly is having a fit —
      The Marxist-Hibernian git.
      Musk came along
      And has righted a wrong —
      So Conor comes here to dump shit.

      • Conor Kelly

        Apocalyptic apoplectic Joe
        Has a strop when election results show
        That the waning right
        Is losing the fight
        To show in their woe that they know – oh ho ho – where to go.

      • Joseph S. Salemi

        To Conor Kelly, alcoholic Marxist:

        Lay off the John Jameson tipple,
        Or suck on a cute colleen’s nipple.
        Is the best you can write
        Just a metrical blight?
        Your lim’rick’s as lame as a cripple.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Dear Conor (a special case)

      Before you label honest poets losers
      And hurl the churlish label of ‘denier’
      Think, “Do I echo merciless abusers –
      Soulless toads who prize the finest liar?”
      And if you deem election stealing funny –
      Hilarious enough to leave you grinning,
      Just follow all the fat cats and their money.
      You’ll find you’re on the side that isn’t winning.
      The answer isn’t found in Left and Right.
      It’s found in Right and Wrong… so why the fight?

      • Conor Kelly

        Dear Susan, who denies a ballot poll,
        Because her side did not achieve its goal,
        Consider that you’re right
        To be a bit uptight
        That Right and Wrong is not in your control.

      • Mike Bryant

        Dear Conor, please don’t play the role of troll,
        Because you’ve chosen to deny the soul.
        Consider you’re not right,
        Your knowledge comes up light,
        And history will toll the final poll.

      • Patricia Redfern

        Hi Susan…
        Much profundity in those last two lines.
        Thank you


      • Conor Kelly

        Dear Mike, consider you may not be right,
        That history will soon come to indict
        Those who would try
        Spread the big lie
        Due to hatred and malice and spite.

      • Mike Bryant

        Historians of late HAVE indicted –
        Since Huxley’s ONE World has been cited
        As already here
        All over this sphere.
        It’s known that our globe’s been benighted.

      • Joseph S. Salemi

        Now that Musk’s well established at Twitter
        He’s flushing the left down the shitter.
        This means Kelly can’t tweet
        His old Trotskyite bleat,
        And that makes him peevish and bitter.

        (By the way, Conor, you still haven’t mastered the limerick form. That’s a disgrace for an Irishman.)

      • Conor Kelly

        Putting politics to one side, Joe, which I know is difficult for you and Mike and Susan and I, I have to agree with you on one thing. For someone who lives less than an hour from Limerick, my efforts at the form are lame. But your efforts are limp and Mike’s are lobotomised. (Huxley? Wtf.) As for Susan’s plodding pentameters, they remind me of the work horse my neighbour uses to take his milk to the creamery.
        There is only one true poet on this page and that is Russel. His “Election denier denier” is a brilliant conclusion to a smart poem, a genuine zinger. I admire his epigrammatic wit; although I wish he, and others on the right, would stop salivating over Hunter Biden’s dick picks. It is almost as bad as the left grinning about Trump’s mushroom shaped appendage.

      • Mike Bryant

        Conor… I believe the only person on THIS page that is obsessing about male organs is you. You’ve had your say now quit it.

      • Russel Winick

        With respect to poetry, I am, by a considerable margin, the LEAST accomplished poet on this page.

  5. Patricia Redfern

    Simple comment.
    Dee- liscously Dee-lighfiul!
    Fabulous humor.

    Patricia, Redfern

  6. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Russel, as ever, your creative eye is on the ball! Thank you for shining the light of sanity on a dark and crazy world.

    • Russel Winick

      Thank you Susan. I’m happy if you enjoy my poems half as much as I do yours.

  7. Patricia Refern

    Russell~ Democrats are like lost sheep to the American dream,,, they hunger and thirst to create a land of big brother.
    Where all are equal, and free speech is squelched, and birth is ended, allowing no such thing as a mother.

    • Russel Winick

      Thanks, Patricia, for your thoughts, and for revisiting this page.


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